{ DAVID SOLLY From Israel Moshe Harel was heard to say to David Solly Thank you For taking the time to answer my many questions. I have to tell you, though, that I was lucky to have received your letter because it was addressed to David SALLY and not David SOLLY. > Are you familiar With a Hebrew Text processor Program called QText? > I have been able to obtain version 2.10 as public domain software but I > am wondering if there has been an update. Have you ever heard of a MH>Current version of QText is 5.0 and it is commercial :-( >It comes now With a full set of utilities, including FAX support. Did you know that Q-Text version 2.10 was written in Turbo Pascal 3? I wonder if Itschak Maynts (Isaac Mainz?) has continued to use it in his later versions. Anyway, I would be interested in obtaining the latest version of Q-Text. Can you give me the distributor's address and the approximate price? Thank you. >Most Israeli Printers have a special ROM. You may use downloadable Character >sets or even Graphic printing if needed. I once used LETTRIX For this purpos >on a Hebrew-less Printer, and it worked fine (but S L O W . . .). I have Letrix 3.6. This was what I was trying to use to print the Q-Text Files I was writing. I wrote a Program in Turbo Pascal to convert the Q-Text Files into Letrix Files. The printing is slow but the results are favourable. Another advantage to Letrix Hebrew Files is that they are written completely in low-ASCII and almost readable without transliteration if one is at all familiar With Hebrew. It is a good format For posting Hebrew Text on the Multi-Lingual echo not only because it is low-ASCII but also because the method of transliteration is consistent. Below is my Q-Text File to Letrix File conversion Program. I hope you will find it useful. } Program QTextLetrix; {$D-} Uses Crt, Dos; Var InFile, TransFile : Text; InFilenm, TransFilenm : PathStr; Letter, Ans : Char; Printable, Hebrew, Niqud, Roman : Set of Char; Nkdm, Rom : Boolean; { "UpItsCase" is a Function that takes a sting of any length and sets all of the Characters in the String to upper case. It is handy For comparing Strings. } Function UpItsCase (SourceStr : PathStr) : PathStr; Var i : Integer; begin For i := 1 to length(SourceStr) do SourceStr[i] := UpCase(SourceStr[i]); UpItsCase := SourceStr end; {Function UpItsCase} Function Exist(fname : PathStr) : Boolean; Var f : File; begin {$F-,I-} Assign(f, fname); Reset(f); Close(f); {$I+} Exist := (IOResult = 0) and (fname <> '') end; {Function exist} Procedure Help; begin Writeln; Writeln ('QTLT (Version 1.0)'); Writeln ('Hebrew Text File Conversion'); Writeln ('Q-Text 2.10 File to Letrix(R) 3.6 Hebrew File'); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln ('QTLT converts Q-Text Files to Letrix Hebrew format Files.'); Writeln; Writeln ('QTLT expects two parameters on the command line.'); Writeln ('The first parameter is the name of the File to convert,'); Writeln ('the second is the name of the new File.'); Writeln; Writeln ('Example: QTLT HKVTL.HEB HKVTL.TXT'); Writeln; Writeln ('If no parameters are found, QTLT will display this message.'); Writeln; Halt; end; {Procedure Help} { "ParseCommandLine" is a Procedure that checks if any data was input at the Dos command line. If no data is there, then the "Help" Procedure is executed and the Program is halted. Otherwise, the Mode strig Variable is set equal to the Text on the command line. } Procedure ParseCommandLine; begin if (ParamCount = 0) or (ParamCount <> 2) then Help else begin InFilenm := ParamStr(1); InFilenm := UpItsCase(InFilenm); TransFilenm := ParamStr(2); TransFilenm := UpItsCase(TransFilenm); end; end; {Procedure ParseCommandLine} Procedure OpenFiles; begin {Open input/output Files} If not exist(InFilenm) then begin Writeln; Writeln (InFilenm, ' not found'); Halt; end Else begin Assign (InFile, InFilenm); Reset (InFile); end; If exist (TransFilenm) then begin Writeln; Writeln (TransFilenm, ' already exists!'); Write ('OverWrite it? (Y/N) > '); Repeat Ans := ReadKey; Ans := Upcase(Ans); If Ans = 'N' then Halt; Until Ans = 'Y'; end; Assign (TransFile, TransFilenm); ReWrite (TransFile); Writeln; end; {Procedure OpenFiles} Procedure UseOfRoman; begin Writeln ('QTLT has detected Roman letters in the source Text.'); Writeln; Writeln ('Letrix expects access to a Roman font to print these Characters'); Writeln ('otherwise Letrix will report an error condition of fail to perform.'); Writeln; Writeln ('Sample Letrix load instruction: LX Hebrew Roman'); Writeln; Writeln ('Be sure that these instances are enclosed within the proper'); Writeln ('Letrix font switch codes so they are not printed as Hebrew Character'); Writeln; end; {Procedure UseOfRoman} Procedure Niqudim (Var Letter : Char); { Letrix Uses some standard Characters to represent niqudim While Q-Text does not. This table ensures that certain Characters do not become niqudim when translated to Letrix by inserting the tokens which instruct the Letrix Program to use the alternate alphabet -- which by default is number 2. } begin If Not Nkdm then begin Writeln; Writeln ('QTLT has detected Q-Text Characters which Letrix normaly Uses for'); Writeln ('has transcribed them to print as normal Characters.'); Writeln; Writeln ('Letrix expects access a Roman font to print these Characters'); Writeln ('otherwise Letrix will report an error condition of fail to perfect'); Writeln; Writeln ('Sample Letrix load instruction: LX Hebrew Roman'); Writeln; Nkdm := True; end; {if not Nkdm} Case Letter of '!' : Write (TransFile, '\2!\1'); '@' : Write (TransFile, '\2@\1'); '#' : Write (TransFile, '\2#\1'); '$' : Write (TransFile, '\2$\1'); '%' : Write (TransFile, '\2%\1'); '^' : Write (TransFile, '\2^\1'); '&' : Write (TransFile, '\2&\1'); '*' : Write (TransFile, '\2*\1'); '(' : Write (TransFile, '\2(\1'); ')' : Write (TransFile, '\2)\1'); '+' : Write (TransFile, '\2+\1'); '=' : Write (TransFile, '\2=\1'); end; {Case} end; {Procedure Nikudim} Procedure QT_Table (Var Letter : Char); { This section reviews each QText letter and matches it With a Letrix equivalent where possible } begin Case Letter of #128 : Write (TransFile, 'a'); {Alef} #129 : Write (TransFile, 'b'); {Bet } #130 : Write (TransFile, 'g'); {Gimmel etc. } #131 : Write (TransFile, 'd'); #132 : Write (TransFile, 'h'); #133 : Write (TransFile, 'w'); #134 : Write (TransFile, 'z'); #135 : Write (TransFile, 'H'); #136 : Write (TransFile, 'T'); #137 : Write (TransFile, 'y'); #138 : Write (TransFile, 'C'); #139 : Write (TransFile, 'c'); #140 : Write (TransFile, 'l'); #141 : Write (TransFile, 'M'); #142 : Write (TransFile, 'm'); #143 : Write (TransFile, 'N'); #144 : Write (TransFile, 'n'); #145 : Write (TransFile, 'S'); #146 : Write (TransFile, 'i'); #147 : Write (TransFile, 'F'); #148 : Write (TransFile, 'p'); #149 : Write (TransFile, 'X'); #150 : Write (TransFile, 'x'); #151 : Write (TransFile, 'k'); #152 : Write (TransFile, 'r'); #153 : Write (TransFile, 's'); #154 : Write (TransFile, 't'); end; {Case of} end; {Procedure QT_Table} Procedure DoIt; { Special commands requred by Letrix. Proportional spacing off, line justification off, double-strike on, pitch set to 12 Characters per inch. } begin Writeln(transFile,'\p\j\D\#12'); {Transcription loop} While not eof(InFile) do begin Read(InFile, Letter); If (Letter in Printable) then Write(TransFile, Letter); If (Letter in Niqud) then Niqudim(Letter); If (Letter in Hebrew) then QT_Table(Letter); If (Letter in Roman) and (Rom = False) then begin UseOfRoman; Rom := True; end; {Roman Detection} end; {while} {Close Files} Close (TransFile); Close (InFile); {Final message} Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('QTLT (Version 1.0)'); Writeln('Hebrew Text File Conversion'); Writeln('Q-Text 2.10 Files to Letrix(R) 3.6 Hebrew File'); Writeln; Writeln ('Task Complete'); Writeln; Writeln ('QTLT was written and released to the public domain by David Solly'); Writeln ('Bibliotheca Sagittarii, Ottawa, Canada (2 December 1992).'); Writeln; end; {Procedure DoIt} begin {Initialize Variables} Printable := [#10,#12,#13,#32..#127]; Roman := ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']; Niqud := ['!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','+','=']; Printable := Printable - Niqud; Hebrew := [#128..#154]; Rom := False; Nkdm := False; ParseCommandLine; OpenFiles; DoIt; end. { Please find below the Turbo Pascal source code For the conversion Program For making Letrix Hebrew Files into Q-Text 2.10 Files. I could not find a way to make this conversion Program convert embedded Roman Text without making it into a monster. If you have any suggestions, I would be thankful to the input. ========================= Cut Here ======================== } Program LetrixQText; {$D-} Uses Crt, Dos; Var InFile, TransFile : Text; InFilenm, TransFilenm : PathStr; Letter, Ans : Char; Printable, HiASCII : Set of Char; { "UpItsCase" is a Function that takes a sting of any length and sets all of the Characters in the String to upper case. It is handy For comparing Strings. } Function UpItsCase (SourceStr : PathStr): PathStr; Var i : Integer; begin For i := 1 to length(SourceStr) do SourceStr[i] := UpCase(SourceStr[i]); UpItsCase := SourceStr end; {Function UpItsCase} Function Exist(fname : PathStr) : Boolean; Var f : File; begin {$F-,I-} Assign(f, fname); Reset(f); Close(f); {$I+} Exist := (IOResult = 0) and (fname <> '') end; {Function exist} Procedure Help; begin Writeln; Writeln ('LTQT (Version 1.0)'); Writeln ('Hebrew Text File Conversion'); Writeln ('Letrix(R) 3.6 File to Q-Text 2.10 File'); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln ('LTQT converts Letrix Hebrew format Files to Q-Text format Files.') Writeln; Writeln ('LTQT expects two parameters on the command line.'); Writeln ('The first parameter is the name of the File to convert,'); Writeln ('the second is the name of the new File.'); Writeln; Writeln ('Example: LTQT HKVTL.TXT HKVTL.HEB'); Writeln; Writeln ('If no parameters are found, LTQT will display this message.'); Writeln; Halt; end; {Procedure Help} { "ParseCommandLine" is a Procedure that checks if any data was input at the Dos command line. If no data is there, then the "Help" Procedure is executed and the Program is halted. Otherwise, the Mode strig Variable is set equal to the Text on the command line. } Procedure ParseCommandLine; begin if (ParamCount = 0) or (ParamCount <> 2) then Help else begin InFilenm := ParamStr(1); InFilenm := UpItsCase(InFilenm); TransFilenm := ParamStr(2); TransFilenm := UpItsCase(TransFilenm); end; end; {Procedure ParseCommandLine} Procedure OpenFiles; begin {Open input/output Files} If not exist(InFilenm) then begin Writeln; Writeln (InFilenm, ' not found'); Halt; end Else begin Assign (InFile, InFilenm); Reset (InFile); end; If exist (TransFilenm) then begin Writeln; Writeln (TransFilenm, ' already exists!'); Write ('OverWrite it? (Y/N) > '); Repeat Ans := ReadKey; Ans := Upcase(Ans); If Ans = 'N' then Halt; Until Ans = 'Y'; end; Assign (TransFile, TransFilenm); ReWrite (TransFile); Writeln; end; {Procedure OpenFiles} Procedure LT_Table (Var Letter : Char); { This section reviews each Letrix letter and matches it With a Q-Text equivalent where possible } begin Case Letter of 'a' : Write (TransFile, #128); 'b', 'B','v' : Write (TransFile, #129); {Vet, Bet} 'g' : Write (TransFile, #130); 'd' : Write (TransFile, #131); 'h' : Write (TransFile, #132); 'V', 'o', 'u', 'w' : Write (TransFile, #133); {Vav, Holem male, Shuruq} 'z' : Write (TransFile, #134); 'H' : Write (TransFile, #135); 'T' : Write (TransFile, #136); 'y', 'e' : Write (TransFile, #137); {Yod} 'C', 'Q', 'W' : Write (TransFile, #138); {Khaf-Sofit} 'c', 'K' : Write (TransFile, #139); {Khaf, Kaf} 'l' : Write (TransFile, #140); 'M' : Write (TransFile, #141); 'm' : Write (TransFile, #142); 'N' : Write (TransFile, #143); 'n' : Write (TransFile, #144); 'S' : Write (TransFile, #145); 'i' : Write (TransFile, #146); 'F' : Write (TransFile, #147); 'p', 'P', 'f' : Write (TransFile, #148); {Fe, Pe} 'X' : Write (TransFile, #149); 'x' : Write (TransFile, #150); 'k' : Write (TransFile, #151); 'r' : Write (TransFile, #152); 's' : Write (TransFile, #153); 't' : Write (TransFile, #154); 'A' : Write (TransFile, '-'); {Niqudim and unused letters} 'D','E', 'G', 'I', 'J', 'j', 'O', 'q', 'R', 'U', 'Y', 'Z' : Write(TransFile, ''); else Write(TransFile, Letter); end; {Case of} end; {Procedure LT_Table} Procedure DoIt; begin {Transcription loop} While not eof(InFile) do begin Read(InFile, Letter); If (Letter in Printable) then LT_Table(Letter); If (Letter in HiASCII) then Write(TransFile, Letter); end; {while} {Close Files} Close (TransFile); Close (InFile); {Final message} Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('LTQT Version 1.0'); Writeln('Hebrew Text File Conversion'); Writeln('Letrix(R) 3.6 File to Q-Text 2.10 File'); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln ('Letrix Hebrew File to Q-Text File conversion complete.'); Writeln; Writeln('Special Note:'); Writeln; Writeln ('Q-Text does not support either dagesh or niqudim (vowels).'); Writeln ('Letters containing a dagesh-qol are reduced to their simple form.'); Writeln ('Holam male and shuruq are transcribed as vav. Roman letters used'); Writeln ('to represent niqudim are ignored. All other symbols are transcribed' Writeln ('without change.'); Writeln; Writeln ('There is no foreign language check -- Anything that can be transcribe Writeln ('into Hebrew Characters will be.'); Writeln; Writeln ('LTQT was written and released to the public domain by David Solly'); Writeln ('Bibliotheca Sagittarii, Ottawa, Canada (8 December 1992).'); Writeln; end; {Procedure DoIt} begin {Initialize Variables} Printable := [#10,#12,#13,#32..#127]; HiASCII := [#128..#154]; ParseCommandLine; OpenFiles; DoIt; end.