{ Subject: How to reboot With TP7.0 ??? } Var hook : Word Absolute $0040:$0072; Procedure Reboot(Cold : Boolean); Far; begin if (Cold = True) then hook := $0000 else hook := $1234; ExitProc := ptr($FFFF,$0000); end; { P.S. Note that it does not require any Units to compile. Though depending on your Implementation, you may need to call HALT to trip the Exit code (which caUses a reboot). } Program reset; Uses Dos; Var regs : Registers; begin intr(25,regs); end. { Yeah but it is easier to do it in Inline Asm eg: } Program reset; begin Asm INT 19h; {19h = 25 decimal} end; end. { One Word about this interupt is that it is the fastest reboot I know of but some memory managers, eg QEMM 6.03 don't like it, It will seriously hang Windows if called from a Dos Shell, Microsoft Mouse Driver 8.20 doesn't seem to like being run after you call int 19h and it was resident. Other than that it works like a gem! }