{ JACK MOFFITT >Okay, how about this: If I wanted to attach it to the back of an EXE, I >COPY /B it. Now, in the source code, how do I find the picture and set >everything up? I mean do you LoadGif (Ofs,Seg) or something? That's what >I mean, and I'm sorry to put you through this. Ok.. here we go.. everyone seems to be asking this, so i'll just post some source. Granted this is not a COMPLETE program, just an example on how to read the header, and get a pointer to the GIF. } (* This code originally by Scott Johnson, I revised it later *) function GetSize(N : byte) : word; function GetData(N : byte) : pointer; function GetDataCount : byte; implementation uses Dos; type DataRec = record Size : word; Loc : longint; end; DataArray = array [1..255] of DataRec; DataArrayPtr = ^DataArray; ExeDataRec = record ActSize : word; end; var ExeFile : file; DataCount : byte; { count of data records } Data : DataArrayPtr; procedure OpenExe; begin assign(ExeFile, ParamStr(0)); reset(ExeFile, 1); end; procedure CloseExe; begin Close(ExeFile); end; procedure InitExe; var ExeHdr : record M, Z : char; Len : word; Pages : word; end; ExeLoc : longint; I : byte; ExeData : ExeDataRec; begin OpenExe; BlockRead(ExeFile, ExeHdr, SizeOf(ExeHdr)); if ExeHdr.Len = 0 then ExeHdr.Len := $200; ExeLoc := (longint(ExeHdr.Pages) - 1) shl 9 + longint(ExeHdr.Len); Seek(ExeFile, ExeLoc); BlockRead(ExeFile, DataCount, 1); { read data count byte } Inc(ExeLoc); GetMem(Data, SizeOf(DataRec) * DataCount); for I := 1 to DataCount do begin Seek(ExeFile, ExeLoc); BlockRead(ExeFile, ExeData, SizeOf(ExeData)); Data^[I].Loc := ExeLoc; Data^[I].Size := ExeData.ActSize; Inc(ExeLoc, ExeData.ActSize + 2); end; CloseExe; end; function GetSize(N : byte) : word; begin if N > DataCount then RunError(201); GetSize := Data^[N].Size; end; function GetData(N : byte) : pointer; var P, D : pointer; DataLoc : longint; E : ExeDataRec; begin if N > DataCount then RunError(201); GetMem(P, Data^[N].Size); OpenExe; Seek(ExeFile, Data^[N].Loc + 2); { +2 is to get past info record } BlockRead(ExeFile, P^, Data^[N].Size); CloseExe; GetData := P; end; function GetDataCount : byte; begin GetDataCount := DataCount; end; begin InitExe; end. { Ok.. that's it. Call GetData(x) to get the location of the first element. Datacount is the number of GIFs or whatever you have in there and the first two bytes are the actual size.. So to add a file, just make a temp file called ADDED.DAT, write a byte value for the datacount, and a word value for the filesize of the data you're adding, and then the data. Hope this help all of you who wanted to be able to add ANSis, GIFs, and whatnot onto exes. Also, with little modification, you can make it read from .DAT files with multiple gifs and stuff in them. }