{ JON JASIUNAS I never use them. if a Program bombs because a disk is full, I just > catch the run-time error in an Exit proc and report so (I/O-checking > must be set on, of course). >I am curious, How do you go about Catching the Run-Time Error. Doesn't it >just say Runtime Error 103 ?????:????? You can catch the run-time errors by linking into the Exit chain. Here's a small example: } Unit ErrTrap; Interface Implementation Var OldExit : Pointer; Procedure NewExit; Far; { MUST be far! } begin if ErrorAddr <> nil then begin {-Display custom run-time error message } WriteLn('Fatal error #', ExitCode); WriteLn('Address = ', Seg(ErrorAddr^), ':', Ofs(ErrorAddr^)); {-Cancel run-time error so you don't get the default message, too } ErrorAddr := nil; {-Zero the errorlevel } ExitCode := 0; end; ExitProc := OldExit; end; begin OldExit := ExitProc; ExitProc := @NewExit; end.