{ There was a discussion about how to trap floating point errors in TP. Here is the solution that traps any kind of run-time errors. The idea is not mine. I saw it in a russian book about TP and OOP. The idea is quite simple. Instead of trying to trap all kind of errors, we can let TP to do the job for us. Whenever TP stops execution of the program ( because of a run time error or just because the program stops in a natural way ) it executes the default procedure of exit : ExitProc. Then TP checks the status of two variables from the SYSTEM unit : ErrorAddr and ExitCode. If there was a run time error then ErrorAddr is not NIL and ExitCode containes the run time error code. Otherwise ExitCode containes the errorlevel that will be set for DOS and ErrorAddr is NIL. Fortunatly we can easily redefine the ExitProc, and thus to overtake the control from TP. The problem is that we got to be able to get back or to jump to any point of the program ( even to jump inside a procedure / function). The author of the book claimed that he took his routines from Turbo Professional. Well, there are two files you are gonna need. Save the first one as JUMP.PAS Compile it as a unit. The second one is a short program that shows how to use it. It asks for two numbers, divides the first by the second and takes a natural logarithm of the result. Try to divide by zero, logarithm of a negative number. Try entering letters instead of numbers and see how the program recovers. The trapping works fine under Windows/Dos. To run it with WINDOWS recompile the JUMP unit for Windows target. Then add WinCrt to the Uses statement and remove Mark/Release lines ( because there is no Mark/Release for Windows ). } Unit Jump; Interface Type JumpRecord = Record SpReg, BpReg : Word; JmpPt : Pointer; end; Procedure SetJump ( Var JumpDest : JumpRecord ); {Storing SP,BP and the address} inline( $5F/ {pop di } $07/ {pop es } $26/$89/$25/ {mov es:[di],sp } $26/$89/$6D/$02/ {mov es:[di+2],bp } $E8/$00/$00/ {call null } {null: } $58/ {pop ax } $05/$0C/$00/ {add ax,12 } $26/$89/$45/$04/ {mov es:[di+4],ax } $26/$8C/$4D/$06); {mov es:[di+6],cs } {next: } Procedure LongJump ( Var JumpDest : JumpRecord ); {Restore everything and jump} inline( $5F/ {pop di } $07/ {pop es } $26/$8B/$25/ {mov sp,es:[di] } $26/$8B/$6D/$02/ {mov bp,es:[di+2] } $26/$FF/$6D/$04); {jmp far es:[di+4]} Implementation End. ------------------------------try.pas------------------------------ Program Try; Uses Jump; {Uses Jump,WinCrt;} Var OldExit : Pointer; MyAddr : JumpRecord; MyHeap : Pointer; a1,a2, a3,a4 : real; {$F+} Procedure MyExit; {You can add your error handler here} Begin If ErrorAddr<>Nil Then Begin case ExitCode of 106 : Writeln('Invalid numeric format'); 200 : Writeln('Division by zero'); 205 : Writeln('Floating point overflow'); 206 : Writeln('Floating point underflow'); 207 : Writeln('Invalid floating point operation'); else Writeln('Hmmm... How did you do that ?'); end; ErrorAddr:=Nil; LongJump(MyAddr); end; ExitProc:=OldExit; End; {$F-} Begin OldExit:=ExitProc; Mark(MyHeap); {Just an example of how to restore the heap } {Actually we don't have to do that in } {this program, because we dont use heap } {at all. But anyway here it goes } {Don't forget to remove when compiling this } {for Windows } SetJump(MyAddr); {We'll get back here whenever a run time } {error occurs } {This line should always be before } { ExitProc:=MyExit; } {Don't ask me why... It's much easier for me} {to follow the rule then to understand it :)} ExitProc:=@MyExit; Release(MyHeap); {restoring the heap after a run time error } {Remove this if you are compiling it for } {Windows } {Try entering whatever you want at the } {prompt. It should trap every runtime error} {you could possibly get. } Repeat Writeln; Write('Enter a number a1='); Readln(a1); Write('Enter a number a2='); Readln(a2); a3:=a1/a2; Writeln('a1/a2=',a3:10:5); a4:=ln(a3); Writeln('ln(a1/a2)=',a4:10:5); until a3=1; end.