{ Here is how to trap errors on the 80X87. I am not sure yet how it works with the FP emulation library, but if you have a math coprocessor, you can trap any FP exceptions: } {$N+,E+} program FloatTest; { compliments of Steve Schafer, Compuserve address 76711, 522 } const feInvalidOp = $01; feDenormalOp = $02; feZeroDivide = $04; feOverFlow = $08; feUnderFlow = $10; fePrecision = $20; procedure SetFpuExceptionMask (MaskBits: Byte); assembler; { Masks floating point exceptions so that they won't cause a crash } var Temp: word; asm fstcw Temp fwait mov ax, Temp and al, $F0 or al, MaskBits mov Temp, ax fldcw Temp fwait end; function GetFpuStatus: Byte; assembler; { determines the status of a previous FP operation } var Temp: word; asm fstsw Temp fwait mov ax, Temp end; procedure WriteStatus(Status: Byte); { This procedure is not necessary, it simply illustrates how to determine what happenend } begin if (Status and fePrecision) <> 0 then Write('P') else Write('-'); if (Status and feUnderflow) <> 0 then Write('U') else Write('-'); if (Status and feOverflow) <> 0 then Write('O') else Write('-'); if (Status and feZeroDivide) <> 0 then Write('Z') else Write('-'); if (Status and feDenormalOp) <> 0 then Write('D') else Write('-'); if (Status and feInvalidOp) <> 0 then Write('I') else Write('-'); end; var X,Y: Single; begin SetFPUExceptionMask (feInvalidOp + feDenormalOp + feZeroDivide + feOverflow + feUnderflow + fePrecision); X:= -1.0; Y:= Sqrt(X); { Invalid Operation } WriteStatus(GetFPUStatus); Writeln(' ', Y:12, ' ', X:12); X:= 0.0; Y:= 1.0; Y:= Y/X; { divide by Zero } WriteStatus(GetFPUStatus); Writeln(' ', Y:12, ' ', X:12); X:= 1.0E-34; Y:= 1.0E-34; Y:= Y*X; { Underflow } WriteStatus(GetFPUStatus); Writeln(' ', Y:12, ' ', X:12); end.