{ I have a game I would like to make a PD project. It's a war game, based on older style equipment, i.e., no nukes and such. I haven't worked on it in several years, though. I would like to make it multi node, or multi player somehow. I think it would make a perfect object of discussion. It's written in Pascal and was originally started in 4.0. It needs to be re-written into objects and the code updated througout. (My programming habits have changed significally, I may make less errors now, but, when I do, they are really stupid.) Coordinating movements will be a challenge in a multi node system. the logic would need to be changed, i.e., the movement directions, to accomodate ASCII characters that would represent the playing peices.. Here is code for a grid system I wrote... } Program FillGrid; { example of filling a hex sided grid with data about itself and it's neighbors. Written By: Herbert Brown and released to the public domain (1993) please give credit were credit is due.. } uses dos, crt; { only for debugging } const MaxRows = 7; MaxColumns = 5; MaxHex = 32; { only used for array and testing } type grid = record id, nw, ne, w, e, se, sw, TerrainRec : Longint; { can be used as a reference to a database} end; var GridVar : Array [1..MaxHex] of grid; gridCounter : Longint; RowCounter, ColCounter, EndColumn : Longint; OddRow, finished : Boolean; CurrentGrid : grid; x : integer; procedure getit(ColCounter, RowCounter, GridCounter, MaxColumns, MaxRows : Longint; Var CurrentGrid : grid); begin CurrentGrid.id := gridcounter; { The 9 possible cases tested Middle tested first for speed because there are more of these in large maps } {middle} if ((colcounter > 1) and (colcounter < EndColumn)) then if (rowcounter <> 1) and (rowcounter <> maxrows) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := (gridcounter-MaxColumns); CurrentGrid.w := (gridcounter-1); CurrentGrid.sw := (gridcounter+MaxColumns)-1; CurrentGrid.se := gridcounter+maxColumns; CurrentGrid.e := gridcounter+1; CurrentGrid.ne := (gridcounter-MaxColumns)+1; exit; end; {leftedge} if (colcounter = 1) and (rowcounter <> 1) then if (rowcounter <> maxrows) then begin if oddrow then CurrentGrid.nw := (gridcounter-MaxColumns) else CurrentGrid.nw := 0; { } CurrentGrid.w := 0; if oddrow then CurrentGrid.sw := (gridcounter+MaxColumns)-1 else CurrentGrid.sw := 0; CurrentGrid.se := gridcounter+maxColumns; CurrentGrid.e := gridcounter+1; CurrentGrid.ne := (gridcounter-MaxColumns)+1; exit; end; {rightedge} if (colcounter = EndColumn) and (rowcounter <> 1) then if (rowcounter <> maxrows) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := (gridcounter-MaxColumns); CurrentGrid.w := (gridcounter-1); CurrentGrid.sw := (gridcounter+MaxColumns)-1; if oddrow then CurrentGrid.se := gridcounter+maxColumns else CurrentGrid.se := 0; CurrentGrid.e := 0; if oddrow then CurrentGrid.ne := (gridcounter-MaxColumns)+1 else CurrentGrid.ne := 0; exit; end; {toprow} if (rowcounter = 1) and (colcounter <> 1) then if (colcounter <> maxcolumns) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := 0; CurrentGrid.w := (gridcounter-1); CurrentGrid.sw := (gridcounter+MaxColumns)-1; CurrentGrid.se := gridcounter+maxColumns; CurrentGrid.e := gridcounter+1; CurrentGrid.ne := 0; exit; end; {BottomRow} if (rowcounter = maxrows) and (colcounter <> 1) then if (colcounter <> maxcolumns) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := (gridcounter-MaxColumns); CurrentGrid.w := (gridcounter-1); CurrentGrid.sw := 0; CurrentGrid.se := 0; CurrentGrid.e := gridcounter+1; CurrentGrid.ne := (gridcounter-MaxColumns)+1; exit; end; {TopLeftCorner} if (colcounter = 1) and (rowcounter = 1) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := 0; { Can't leave edge! } CurrentGrid.w := 0; CurrentGrid.sw := 0; CurrentGrid.se := gridcounter+maxColumns; CurrentGrid.e := gridcounter+1; CurrentGrid.ne := 0; exit; end; {toprightcorner} if (rowcounter = 1) and (colcounter = maxcolumns) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := 0; CurrentGrid.w := (gridcounter-1); CurrentGrid.sw := (gridcounter+MaxColumns)-1; CurrentGrid.se := 0; CurrentGrid.e := 0; CurrentGrid.ne := 0; exit; end; {bottomleftCorner} if (colcounter = 1) and (rowcounter = maxrows) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := 0; CurrentGrid.w := 0; CurrentGrid.sw := 0; CurrentGrid.se := 0; CurrentGrid.e := gridcounter+1; CurrentGrid.ne := (gridcounter-MaxColumns)+1; exit; end; {BottomRightCorner} if (colcounter = maxcolumns) and (rowcounter = maxrows) then begin CurrentGrid.nw := (gridcounter-MaxColumns); CurrentGrid.w := (gridcounter-1); CurrentGrid.sw := 0; CurrentGrid.se := 0; CurrentGrid.e := 0; CurrentGrid.ne := 0; exit; end; end; begin clrscr; { fill the record array out for debugging or "watch" purposes this loop was only used for debugging } for x := 1 to MaxHex do begin GridVar[x].id := 0; gridvar[x].nw := 0; gridvar[x].ne := 0; gridvar[x].w := 0; gridvar[x].e := 0; gridvar[x].se := 0; gridvar[x].sw := 0; gridVar[x].TerrainRec:=0; end; fillchar(CurrentGrid,sizeof(currentgrid),0); GridCounter := 1; RowCounter:=1; ColCounter:=1; Oddrow:=False; Finished := False; EndColumn := MaxColumns; while not finished do begin { while } getit(ColCounter,RowCounter,GridCounter,MaxColumns,MaxRows,CurrentGrid); gridvar[gridcounter]:=CurrentGrid; { <- can be stored to a vitual array or data base file here } Inc(ColCounter); { next grid id } Inc(gridCounter); if colcounter = EndColumn+1 then begin Oddrow := not oddrow; ColCounter:=1; if rowcounter = MaxRows then finished := True; inc(rowcounter); { next row } if not oddrow then EndColumn := MaxColumns else EndColumn := MaxColumns - 1; end; end; end.