unit CaseUtil; interface type DelimType = record thousands, decimal, date, time : array[0..1] of Char; end; CurrType = (leads, { symbol precedes value } trails, { value precedes symbol } leads_, { symbol, space, value } _trails, { value, space, symbol } replace); { replaced } CountryType = record DateFormat : Word; { 0: USA, 1: Europe, 2: Japan } CurrSymbol : array[0..4] of Char; Delimiter : DelimType; { Separators } CurrFormat : CurrType; { Way currency is formatted } CurrDigits : Byte; { Digits in currency } Clock24hrs : Boolean; { True if 24-hour clock } CaseMapCall : procedure; { Lookup table for ASCII > $80 } DataListSep : array[0..1] of Char; CID : word; Reserved : array[0..7] of Char; end; CountryInfo = record case InfoID: byte of 1: (IDSize : word; CountryID : word; CodePage : word; TheInfo : CountryType); 2: (UpCaseTable: pointer); end; var CountryOk : Boolean; { Could determine country code flag } CountryRec : CountryInfo; function Upcase(c : Char) : Char; function LoCase(c : Char) : Char; function UpperStr(s : string) : string; function LowerStr(s : string) : string; procedure UpCaseStr(var s : String); procedure LoCaseStr(var s : String); implementation {$R-,S-,V- } var LoTable : array[0..127] of byte; CRP, LTP : pointer; { Convert a character to upper case } function Upcase; Assembler; asm mov al, c cmp al, 'a' jb @2 cmp al, 'z' ja @1 sub al, ' ' jmp @2 @1: cmp al, 80h jb @2 sub al, 7eh push ds lds bx,CountryRec.UpCaseTable xlat pop ds @2: end; { UpCase } { Convert a character to lower case } function LoCase; Assembler; asm mov al, c cmp al, 'A' jb @2 cmp al, 'Z' ja @1 or al, ' ' jmp @2 @1: cmp al, 80h jb @2 sub al, 80h mov bx,offset LoTable xlat @2: end; { LoCase } { Convert a string to uppercase } procedure UpCaseStr; Assembler; asm cld les di, s xor ax, ax mov al, es:[di] stosb xchg ax, cx jcxz @4 push ds lds bx,CountryRec.UpCaseTable @1: mov al, es:[di] cmp al, 'a' jb @3 cmp al, 'z' ja @2 sub al, ' ' jmp @3 @2: cmp al, 80h jb @3 sub al, 7eh xlat @3: stosb loop @1 pop ds @4: end; { UpCaseStr } { Convert a string to lower case } procedure LoCaseStr; Assembler; asm cld les di, s xor ax, ax mov al, es:[di] stosb xchg ax, cx jcxz @4 @1: mov al, es:[di] cmp al, 'A' jb @3 cmp al, 'Z' ja @2 or al, ' ' jmp @3 @2: cmp al, 80h jb @3 sub al, 80h mov bx, offset LoTable xlat @3: stosb loop @1 @4: end; { LoCaseStr } function UpperStr(s : string) : string; begin UpCaseStr(s); UpperStr:=s end; function LowerStr(s : string) : string; begin LoCaseStr(s); LowerStr:=s end; begin { init DoCase unit } CRP := @CountryRec; LTP := @LoTable; asm { Exit if Dos version < 3.0 } mov ah, 30h int 21h cmp al, 3 jb @1 { Call Dos 'Get country dependent information' function } mov ax, 6501h les di, CRP mov bx,-1 mov dx,bx mov cx,41 int 21h jc @1 { Call Dos 'Get country dependent information' function } mov ax, 6502h mov bx, CountryRec.CodePage mov dx, CountryRec.CountryID mov CountryRec.TheInfo.CID, dx mov cx, 5 int 21h jc @1 { Build LoCase table } les di, LTP mov cx, 80h mov ax, cx cld @3: stosb inc ax loop @3 mov di, offset LoTable - 80h mov cx, 80h mov dx, cx push ds lds bx, CountryRec.UpCaseTable sub bx, 7eh @4: mov ax, dx xlat cmp ax, 80h jl @5 cmp dx, ax je @5 xchg bx, ax mov es:[bx+di], dl xchg bx, ax @5: inc dx loop @4 pop ds mov [CountryOk], True jmp @2 @1: mov [CountryOk], False @2: end; end.