{ The example that changes color and echos '*'s is nice, but does it compensate for delete/backspace/enter keypresses? The one I posted was intended when I wrote it to be a UNIX like password input, where the cursor just sits there and doesn't react. Does anyone want a simple password entry/encryption unit? (I'll give it to you anyways.. ) :) --CUT HERE-- } unit crypt; {AmoebOS v1.0 - Password/Cryyptography unit} {Simple password entry and encryption routines} {(C)1994 Matt Sottile/RAMSoft! Freeware} {Please notify the author if you use or modify this unit in any way} {Internet mail : matts@caeser.geog.pdx.edu or matts@psg.com} { ramsoft@industrial.com} interface function noecho(pmt : string) : string; function pwcrypt(op : string) : string; implementation uses Crt, Dos; function noecho(pmt : string) : string; var ch : char; d : boolean; temp, st : string; begin write(pmt); d := false; temp := ''; st := ''; repeat temp := st; repeat until keypressed; ch := readkey; if (ch = chr(8)) then st := temp; if (ch = chr(13)) then d := true; if not ((ch = chr(8)) and (ch = chr(13))) then st := st+ch; until d = true; noecho := temp; writeln; end; function pwcrypt(op : string) : string; var ptr : integer; ip : string; begin ip := ''; ptr := 1; repeat ip := ip+chr(((ord(op[ptr])+ord(op[length(op)-ptr]) xor length(op)))); ip[ptr] := chr(ord(ip[ptr])+2); inc(ptr); until ptr = length(op)+1; pwcrypt := ip; end; begin end.