============================================================== PASCAL ARTICLE FOR PAPER by Charlie Calvert ============================================================== When Pascal programmers are using BASM, they are often baffled when it comes time to address a field of an object. The issue is that the field is usually located at an offset from the segment of the pointer to that object, not from the data segment of the program. As a result, a viable way to address a field of the object is to first load its object's segment and offset into ES:DI. You can use the following line of code to do this: [--] les di, Self [--] Once you are properly addressing the object itself, then all you need do is calculate the offset of the field from the beginning of the object. This can be done by adding the proper number of bytes to ES:DI. For instance, if an object has three fields, all two bytes in size, then the offset of the third field would be four: [--] mov ax, word [es:di + 4] [--] If these kinds of calculations bother you, you can avoid them by loading the segment and offset of the object directly into the data segement, but you should be sure to save its original value on the stack, with a push and a pop. A simple illustration of the above principlese would be an object with 3 fields, the last being an integer called M. This example simply moves the value of that field into the AX register: ============================================================== PASCAL EXAMPLE ============================================================== program AsmObj; type PMyObject = ^TMyObject; TMyObject = Object i,j: Word; M: Integer; procedure Foo; procedure Foo1; end; procedure TMyObject.Foo; begin asm les di, Self mov ax, word [es:di + 4] end; end; procedure TMyObject.Foo1; begin asm push ds lds di, Self mov ax, word ptr [di + M] pop ds end; end; var O: PMyObject; begin New(O); O^.M := 10; O^.Foo; O^.Foo1; Dispose(O); end.