{ > Does anyone know how to create a popup window and have a program > running in the background? I've seen this done in such bbs programs Multitasking. /[:) I suppose you guessed that part, though. Here's the assembly portion of a _working_ multi-tasker I did in 2nd year: NAME ProcSwitch ; Written by Dave Jarvis DOSSEG .MODEL SMALL .CODE PUBLIC _new_clock EXTRN _new_process : NEAR NUM_TICKS EQU 45 ; 45 clock ticks = 2.5 seconds _new_clock PROC NEAR CMP _tick_count, NUM_TICKS JE GetNewProc ; Get a new process INC _tick_count ; Resume counting interrupts JMP DoneInt ; End of interrupt. GetNewProc: MOV _tick_count, 0 ; Reset the interrupt counter PUSH DS ; Save all registers on "stack" PUSH ES PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH SI PUSH DI PUSH BP MOV AX, SS ; Point _S_ss and _S_sp to current MOV _S_ss, AX ; SS and SP values. MOV AX, SP MOV _S_sp, AX CALL _new_process ; Get new process' stack registers MOV AX, _S_ss ; Point SS:SP to process stack segment MOV SS, AX ; registers found in call to _new_process MOV AX, _S_sp MOV SP, AX POP BP ; Restore interrupted process' registers POP DI ; from "stack" POP SI POP DX POP CX POP BX POP AX POP ES POP DS DoneInt: PUSH AX MOV AL, 20h ; Load EOI into AL OUT 20h, AL ; Send PIC chip EOI signal POP AX IRET ; Return to interrupted process _new_clock ENDP .DATA? EXTRN _tick_count:WORD EXTRN _S_ss:WORD, _S_sp:WORD END { You take over the $1C interrupt, count the ticks, and restore the state of all the registers when the ticks hits a certain value. What you have to do is set up a procedure (called New_Process) which changes the stack pointer to an array in memory which contains the values of the registers (all listed + IP, CS, & FLAGS) prior to the process being interrupted. }