(* unit INIF Unit that handles .INI files in almost the same way as the functions with the same name used under windows. --------------------------------------------------------------------- GetProfileString(AppName, Section, EntryName, EntryValue, Default); The GetProfileString function retrieves a character string from a specified [section] and a specified EntryName in the. INI file specified in AppName. parameter | description -----------+--------------------------------------------------------- AppName | The name of the .INI file. | You do not need to type .INI after the path:\filename. | Section | The [Section] where you want to search for the EntryName | don't put [ ] around the section name. | EntryName | String containing the entry whose associated string is | to be retrieved. For more see the following Comment | section. | EntryValue | The returned string for the actual EntryName. | Default | String that specifies the default value(string) for the | given entry if the entry cannot be found in the INI file --------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns: GetProfileString returns the length of retrieved string (EntryValue). Comment: The function searches the file for an entry that matches the name specified by the 'EntryName' parameter under the section heading specified by the 'Section' parameter. If the entry is found, EntryValue is altered to the string in EntryName. If the entry does not exist, the default value specified by the Default parameter is used instead. A string entry must have the following form: [Section] EntryName=EntryValue . . The Section, EntryName and EntryValue is not case-dependent. With every compare all the strings is in uppercase. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteProfileString(AppName, Section, EntryName, EntryValue); The WriteProfileString function copies a character string into the specified [section] and a specified EntryName in the .INI file specified in AppName. parameter | description -----------+--------------------------------------------------------- AppName | The name of the .INI file. | You do not need to type .INI after the path:\filename. Section | The [Section] to witch the string will by copied. If the | section does not exist, it is created. The name of the | section is not case-dependent; the string may be any | combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. | (don't put [ ] around the section name.) EntryName | String containing the entry whose to be associated with | the string. If the entry does not exist in the specified | section, it is created. EntryValue | The string whose to be associated with EntryName. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns: WriteProfileString returns zero if write was successful otherwise -1. Comment: Sections in the .ini file have the following form: [Section] EntryName=EntryValue . . The Section, EntryName and EntryValue is not case-dependent. With every compare all the strings is converted into uppercase. --------------------------------------------------------------------- GetProfileInt and WriteProfileInt works in the same way, the only difference is that EntryValue must be an integer type instead of a string type. --------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure DisposeINICollection; The procedure disposes the collection from memory. you can call this procedure if you want to dispose the collection, the procedure is called before an .ini file is loaded and in the unit's exitprocedure, to make sure that the memory used by the collection is released before the program terminates. --------------------------------------------------------------------- to flush the collection in memory call WriteProfileString, with the [Section] AND [EntryName] AND EntryValue set to 'NILL' (NILL is NOT a type error) see Flush collection. Flush Collection: ----------------- WriteProfileString(AppName, 'NILL', 'NILL', 'NILL'); if you for don't want the collection to be flushed to disk when the program terminates, you must call the DisposeINICollection procedure that releases the memory used by the collection and sets INIColl to NIL or set INIF_FlushOnExit to FALSE. Delete ENTRY: ------------- WriteProfileString(AppName, Section, EntryName, 'NILL'); Delete SECTION: --------------- WriteProfileString(AppName, Section, 'NILL', 'NILL'); --------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance: To improve performance a copy of the ini file is kept in a collection and to flush the collection to a file, you have to call the procedure WriteProfileString with 3 NILL parameters. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 1994 by Kim Greve. This is given to the public domain, so if you want to make changes feel free to do it, my only demand/request is that you don't remove my name. If you have any questions, suggestions or have found any bugs, please contact me. DISCLAIMER: This source is given as is, you can not hold me responsibly for any errors in the source (if any ). +-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ + Last changed: December, 27-1994 + +-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ + Kim Greve + Internet: + + Krebsens kvt 9F + 1. kim.greve@dkb.dk + + 2620 Albertslund. + + + Denmark. + 2. kimgreve@inet.uni-c.dk + +-------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ *) (* Eks. program INIFTest; uses INIF; var S: String; begin { Get Teststring1 form the file "TEST.INI", in section [Test Section], the file "TEST.INI" don't exist, so then default string 'ThisIsATest' is returned in S. GetProfileString returns the length of the returned string. } GetProfileString('Test', 'Test Section', 'Number', S, 'ThisIsATest'); { Write TestString1 to the file "TEST.INI", Section "Test Section" and store the contens of TestString1 in AString (EntryName). } WriteProfileString('Test', 'Test Section', 'AString', TestString1); { Until now is all the writing have been to a collection in memory, and to make the .ini file the collection have to be Flushed. } WriteProfileString('Test', 'NILL', 'NILL', 'NILL'); { You actualy don't have to do this, the collection is flushed when } { you terminate the program - UNLESS you have set INIF_FlushOnExit } { = FALSE, the default is INIF_FlushOnExit = TRUE. } end. *) unit INIF; interface uses Dos; const INIF_FlushOnExit: Boolean = True;{ flush collection when terminating } INIF_ReadError: Boolean = False; { true if an readerror acurred } INIF_WriteError: Boolean = False; { true if an writeerror acurred } function GetProfileString(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName: String; var EntryValue: String; Default: String): Integer; function WriteProfileString(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName, EntryValue: String): Integer; function GetProfileInt(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName: String; var EntryValue: Integer; Default: Integer): Integer; function WriteProfileInt(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName: String; EntryValue: Integer): Integer; procedure DisposeINICollection; implementation uses Objects; const CommentChar: Char = ';'; { character leading a comment line } { used i SplitEntry } var INIFile: PathStr; { default filename } BakINIFile: PathStr; { default backup filename } TempINIFile: PathStr; { default temp filename } OrgINIExitProc: Pointer; INIColl: PStringCollection; { copy of the INI file in memory } SectionIndexStart: Integer; { start of section in collection } SectionIndexend: Integer; { end of section in collection } { Convert a string to uppercase, handles danish chars to } function UpcaseStr(var AString): String; var I: Integer; S: String; begin S := String(AString); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin S[I] := Upcase(S[I]); if S[I] = '' then S[I] := '' else if S[I] = '' then S[I] := '' else if S[I] = '' then S[I] := ''; end; UpcaseStr := S; end; { returns true if file is exist } function FileExist(FName: PathStr): Boolean; var SR: SearchRec; begin FindFirst(FName, Archive, SR); FileExist := True = (DosError = 0); end; { read a line from the file } function ReadLine(var F: Text): String; var Ch: Char; Line: String; begin Line := ''; Ch := #13; While (Ch <> #10) and not Eof(F) do begin if Ch <> #13 then Line := Line + Ch; Read(F, Ch); end; { add Ch to Line if last entry not folowed by #13/#10 } if (Eof(F)) and ((Ch <> #10) and (Ch <> #13)) then Line := Line + Ch; ReadLine := Line; end; function ReadINIFile: Boolean; var F: Text; Line: String; begin ReadINIFile := True; DisposeINICollection; { make sure to release memory before new read } INIColl := New(PStringCollection, Init(1, 1)); if INIColl = nil then begin ReadINIFile := False; Exit; end; INIColl^.Duplicates := True; { duplicates allowed in collection } if not FileExist(INIFile) then Exit; {$I-} Assign(F, INIFile); Reset(F); INIF_ReadError := True = (IOResult <> 0); { check for error } if not INIF_ReadError then begin While (not Eof(F)) and not INIF_ReadError do begin Line := ReadLine(F); if (Line <> '') then INIColl^.AtInsert(INIColl^.Count, NewStr(Line)); end; end; {$I+} ReadINIFile := INIF_ReadError; end; function SaveINIFile: Boolean; var I: Integer; OrgF, BakF, TempF: Text; IOError: Boolean; Line: String; begin {$I-} Assign(OrgF, INIFile); Assign(BakF, BakINIFile); Assign(TempF, TempINIFile); ReWrite(TempF); { create .TMP file } for I := 0 to INIColl^.Count-1 do begin Line := PString(INIColl^.At(I))^; { if next line is a new section then make a linefeed } if (Line[1] = '[') and (I > 0) then WriteLn(TempF); WriteLn(TempF, Line); INIF_WriteError := True = (IOResult <> 0); end; Close(TempF); { close file } IOError := True = (IOResult <> 0); { check for error } { if a .bak file exist, erase it } if FileExist(BakINIFile) and not IOError then Erase(BakF); IOError := True = (IOResult <> 0); { check for error } { if a .ini file exist, rename it to .bak } if FileExist(INIFile) and not IOError then begin Rename(OrgF, BakINIFile); IOError := True = (IOResult <> 0); { check for error } end; { rename .tmp file to .ini } if FileExist(TempINIFile) and not IOError then begin Rename(TempF, INIFile); IOError := True = (IOResult <> 0); { check for error } end; {$I+} if INIF_WriteError or IOError then SaveINIFile := False else SaveINIFile := True; end; { returns True if section exist. The 2 global var's: SectionIndexStart } { & SectionIndexEnd is effected by this function } function FindSection(Section: String): Boolean; var Ch: Char; S, Line: String; StartFound, EndFound: Boolean; begin FindSection := False; StartFound := False; EndFound := False; S := '['+Section; Section := S+']'; Section := UpcaseStr(Section); { find start of Section } SectionIndexStart := 0; While (not StartFound) and (INIColl^.Count > 0) and (SectionIndexStart < INIColl^.Count) do begin Line := PString(INIColl^.At(SectionIndexStart))^; if Line[1] = '[' then begin Line := UpcaseStr(Line); Line[0] := Chr(Pos(']', Line)); if Line = Section then StartFound := True; end; if (not StartFound) and (SectionIndexStart < INIColl^.Count) then Inc(SectionIndexStart); end; { find end of Section if start of section is found } SectionIndexEnd := SectionIndexStart; if StartFound then begin While (not EndFound) and (SectionIndexEnd < INIColl^.Count-1) do begin if SectionIndexEnd < INIColl^.Count-1 then Inc(SectionIndexEnd); Line := PString(INIColl^.At(SectionIndexEnd))^; if Line[1] = '[' then EndFound := True; end; end; if StartFound then FindSection := True; end; { returns EntryName. Value is returned in EntryValue } function SplitEntry(EntryName: String; var EntryValue: String): String; var Entry: String; begin if EntryName[1] <> CommentChar then begin Entry := Copy(EntryName, 1, Pos('=', EntryName)-1); EntryValue := Copy(EntryName, Pos('=', EntryName)+1, Length(EntryName)); end else Entry := CommentChar; SplitEntry := Entry; end; { returns Index of Entry if it exist, -1 if not, -2 if section don't } { exist. } function FindEntry(Section, Entry: String; var EntryValue: String): Integer; var Ch: Char; S, Line, TempLine, TempEntryValue: String; SectionIndex: Integer; EntryFound: Boolean; begin FindEntry := -1; { exspect that entry don't exist } if FindSection(Section) then begin EntryFound := False; SectionIndex := SectionIndexStart; Entry := UpcaseStr(Entry); While (not EntryFound) and (SectionIndex <= SectionIndexEnd) do begin Line := PString(INIColl^.At(SectionIndex))^; TempLine := Line; { work on a copy of original line } TempLine := UpcaseStr(TempLine); if SplitEntry(TempLine, TempEntryValue) = Entry then begin { return EntryValue not converted to UpCase } SplitEntry(Line, EntryValue); EntryFound := True; end; if not EntryFound then Inc(SectionIndex); end; if EntryFound then FindEntry := SectionIndex; end else FindEntry := -2; { return -2 to tell that section don't exist } end; procedure SetINIFileName(FName: PathStr); var D: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; begin FName := UpcaseStr(FName); FSplit(FName, D, N, E); INIFile := N+'.INI'; BakINIFile := N+'.BAK'; TempINIFile := N+'.TMP'; end; {- functions / procedures in interface section ------------------------} function GetProfileString(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName: String; var EntryValue: String; Default: String): Integer; var D: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; ON, NN: NameStr; begin FSplit(INIFile, D, N, E); ON := N; FSplit(AppName, D, N, E); NN := N; ON := UpcaseStr(ON); NN := UpcaseStr(NN); { make sure that INIColl = nil, if OldName <> NewName } { (= another .ini file) } if ON <> NN then DisposeINICollection; SetINIFileName(AppName); EntryValue := Default; if (INIColl = nil) then ReadINIFile; if INIColl <> nil then FindEntry(Section, EntryName, EntryValue); GetProfileString := Length(EntryValue); end; function WriteProfileString(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName, EntryValue: String): Integer; var i, EntryIndex: Integer; OrgF: Text; Line, Dummy: String; D: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; ON, NN: NameStr; begin WriteProfileString := -1; SetINIFileName(AppName); FSplit(INIFile, D, N, E); ON := N; FSplit(AppName, D, N, E); NN := N; ON := UpcaseStr(ON); NN := UpcaseStr(NN); { make sure that INIColl = nil if OldName <> NewName } { (= another .ini file) } if ON <> NN then DisposeINICollection; if (INIColl = nil) then ReadINIFile; if INIColl <> nil then begin { flush collection to .INI file ? } if (INIColl <> nil) and ((UpcaseStr(Section) = 'NILL') and (UpcaseStr(EntryName) = 'NILL') and (UpcaseStr(EntryValue) = 'NILL')) then begin if SaveINIFile then WriteProfileString := 0; Exit; end { delete Section ? } else if (EntryName = 'NILL') and (EntryValue = 'NILL') and FindSection(Section) then begin { adjust SectionIndexEnd if the section is the last section } { in the .ini file } if SectionIndexEnd = INIColl^.Count-1 then Inc(SectionIndexEnd); While (SectionIndexStart < SectionIndexEnd) and (SectionIndexEnd <= INIColl^.Count) do begin INIColl^.AtFree(SectionIndexStart); Dec(SectionIndexEnd); end; end else { delete Entry ? } if (EntryValue = 'NILL') then begin EntryIndex := FindEntry(Section, EntryName, Dummy); if EntryIndex > 0 then INIColl^.AtFree(EntryIndex); { dispose string } end else begin EntryIndex := FindEntry(Section, EntryName, Dummy); { if EntryName is found, then replace the old string with the } { new string. } if EntryIndex > 0 then begin DisposeStr(INIColl^.At(EntryIndex)); { dispose the old string } INIColl^.AtPut(EntryIndex, NewStr(EntryName+'='+EntryValue)); end else { if FindEntry returns -1 then the entry does not exist. So } { insert the new entry at index returned by FindEntry. } { if EntryValue = NILL, don't do anyting. } if (EntryValue <> 'NILL') and (EntryIndex = -1) then begin for I := 0 to INIColl^.Count-1 do Line := PString(INIColl^.At(I))^; if SectionIndexEnd < INIColl^.Count-1 then INIColl^.AtInsert(SectionIndexEnd, NewStr(EntryName+'='+EntryValue)) else INIColl^.AtInsert(INIColl^.Count, NewStr(EntryName+'='+EntryValue)); for I := 0 to INIColl^.Count-1 do Line := PString(INIColl^.At(I))^; end else { if FindEntry returns -2 then the section does not exist. So } { insert the new section and entry at the end. } if EntryIndex = -2 then begin INIColl^.AtInsert(INIColl^.Count, NewStr('['+Section+']')); INIColl^.AtInsert(INIColl^.Count, NewStr(EntryName+'='+EntryValue)); end; end; end; end; function GetProfileInt(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName: String; var EntryValue: Integer; Default: Integer): Integer; var Def, S: String; E, R, L: Integer; begin Str(Default, Def); L := GetProfileString(AppName, Section, EntryName, S, Def); Val(S, R, E); if (E = 0) then EntryValue := R else EntryValue := Default; GetProfileInt := L; end; function WriteProfileInt(AppName: PathStr; Section, EntryName: String; EntryValue: Integer): Integer; var S: String; L: Integer; begin Str(EntryValue, S); L := WriteProfileString(AppName, Section, EntryName, S); WriteProfileInt := L; end; { if a copy of the .ini file is in memory then release the memory used } procedure DisposeINICollection; begin if INIColl <> nil then Dispose(INIColl, Done); INIColl := nil; INIF_ReadError := False; INIF_WriteError := False; end; {--- unit init & exit preb. -------------------------------------------} procedure INIFExitProc; far; begin ExitProc := OrgINIExitProc; { flush the collection } if INIF_FlushOnExit and (INIColl <> nil) then WriteProfileString(INIFile, 'NILL', 'NILL', 'NILL'); DisposeINICollection; end; begin INIColl := nil; OrgINIExitProc := ExitProc; ExitProc := @INIFExitProc; end.