uses crt, dos; {$R-} (****************************************************************************) (* TPONG-1.PAS Glenn A. Reiff 74035,400 4/5/85 *) (* *) (* Note: While this program is usable and will provide some fun, the *) (* Paddle control is not as responsive as it is in the original *) (* Basic program. Also, the side bounces could be better. If *) (* you are able to make any improvements I'd appreciate knowing *) (* about them. *) (****************************************************************************) type Str80 = string[80]; procedure CENTER(Y:integer; Bt:Str80); BEGIN gotoXY((80-Length(Bt)) div 2, Y); write(Bt) END; procedure INTRODUCTION; BEGIN clrscr; CENTER(5,'TURBO PONG'); CENTER(8,'This is an adaption to Turbo Pascal of the Basic program '); CENTER(9,'called PChallenge written by Karl Koessel and published in'); CENTER(10,'a 1982 issue of PC Magazine. '); CENTER(12,'His was a simplification of Pong, the orignial video game.'); CENTER(13,'Pong was developed in the early 1970''s by Nolan Bushnell. '); CENTER(20,'Tap a Key to Continue'); writeln; gotoXY(80,25); repeat until keypressed; END; { INTRODUCTION } type CharSet = set of Char; Str9 = string[9]; var Paddle : Str9; StartTime, EndTime, CurTime, BestTime, Drag : integer; Ch: char; Procedure TEXTBORDER (color: integer); var regs: registers; BEGIN With regs do begin AH := 11; BH := 0; BL := color end; Intr($10,regs) END; { TEXTBORDER } Procedure BEEP(N : Integer); BEGIN Sound(n); Delay(100); NoSound; END; function GET_TIME: integer; var regs: registers; BEGIN with regs do begin ax := $2C * 256; MsDos(regs); GET_TIME := 3600 * ch + 60 * cl + dh end END; { GET_TIME } procedure CHOOSE( X,Y : integer; Prompt : Str80; Term : CharSet; var TC : Char ); var I : integer; Ch : char; BEGIN lowvideo; gotoXY(X,Y); for I:=1 to length(Prompt) do begin Ch:=Prompt[I]; if I>4 then begin lowvideo; if (Prompt[I-2]=' ') and (Prompt[I-1]=' ') then highvideo; if (Prompt[I-1]='<') or (Prompt[I-1]='/') then highvideo; end; { if I>3 } write(Ch) end; { for I } repeat TC := Upcase(ReadKey); if not (TC in Term) then BEEP(1000) until TC in Term END; { CHOOSE } procedure RESET(var Drag: integer; var Paddle: Str9); BEGIN TEXTBORDER(Black); textbackground(Black); clrscr; CENTER(10,'Left and right cursor keys move paddle.'); textcolor(LightCyan); CENTER(12,'Input drag factor: (100 is Medium...0 is FAST!) '); read(Drag); CHOOSE(17,14,'Pick a paddle size: Small, Medium or Large',['S','M','L'],Ch); if Ch = 'S' then Paddle := ' '+chr(27)+' '+chr(26)+' ' else if Ch = 'M' then Paddle := ' '+chr(27)+' '+chr(26)+' ' else if Ch = 'L' then Paddle := ' '+chr(27)+' '+chr(26)+' 'END; { RESET } procedure RUN; label NewBall; var Used : array[1..10] of integer; var X,dX,Xpad,Y,dY,B,C,I,J,BallNr,Xstart : integer; Flag : boolean; procedure RANDOMIZE; BEGIN dx := random(7)- integer (random(7)); if dX < 0 then repeat dX := random(7) - integer (random(7)); if dX=0 then dX:=-1; until (X-6)/dX=trunc((X-6)/dX); if dX > 0 then repeat dX := random(7) - integer (random(7)); if dX=0 then dX:=1; until (59-X)/dX=trunc((59-X)/dX) END; { RANDOMIZE } procedure POSITION_PADDLE; BEGIN gotoXY(Xpad,22); textbackground(LightGray); textcolor(DarkGray); write(Paddle); textbackground(C); END; { POSITION_PADDLE } procedure ONKEY; BEGIN Ch := ReadKey; if Ch = #27 then { it must be a function key } Ch := ReadKey; case Ch of 'K': if Xpad > 7 then begin Xpad:=Xpad-3; POSITION_PADDLE; gotoXY(Xpad+length(Paddle),22); write(' '); end; 'M': if Xpad + length(Paddle) < 60 then begin Xpad:=Xpad+2; POSITION_PADDLE; gotoXY(Xpad-3,22); write(' '); end; end; { case } END; { ONKEY } BEGIN J := 11; Xpad := 29; C := random(16); if c in [0, 1, 6..9, 12, 15] then C := 2; textbackground(C); clrscr; TEXTBORDER(C); for X:=8 to 17 do begin { Setup 10 Balls } J := J + 4; textbackground(red); textcolor(white); gotoXY(J,2); write(#2); textbackground(C); end; { for X } textcolor(Blue); GotoXY (5, 3); for X:=5 to 59 do write(#219); { Draw Backboard } for Y:=3 to 21 do begin { Draw Walls } gotoXY (5,Y); write (#219#219); gotoXY (59,Y); write (#219#219); end; POSITION_PADDLE; textcolor(Black); gotoXY(5,24); write('Best Time so far is ',BestTime,' seconds.'); gotoXY(66,3); write('TURBOPONG'); gotoXY(63,6); write('Initial Drag ',Drag); FillChar (Used, 20, 0); BallNr := 10; StartTime := GET_TIME; while BallNr > 0 do begin repeat Xstart := 1 + random(10); Flag:=false; for I:=1 to 10 do if Used[I] = Xstart then Flag:=true; until not Flag; Used[BallNr]:=Xstart; Xstart := 11 + 4 * Xstart; gotoXY(Xstart,2); write(' '); X := Xstart; Y := 4; dY := 1; Flag := false; RANDOMIZE; while Y < 23 do begin if keypressed then ONKEY; textbackground(C); if (Y > 4) and (X in [7..58]) then { Erase Previous Ball Below } begin gotoXY(X,Y-1); write(' '); end; if (Y < 21) and (X in [7..58]) then begin gotoXY(X,Y+1); write(' '); end; { Erase Previous Ball Above } if (Y=21) and (X-Xpad in [0..length (Paddle)]) then begin gotoXY(X,Y); write(' '); end; { Erase Ball On Paddle } X:=X + dX; textbackground(red); textcolor(white); if X in [7..58] then begin gotoXY(X,Y); write(#1) { Print New Ball Position } end; gotoXY(80,25); if not (x in [8..57]) then begin BEEP(300+random(80*BallNr)); dX:=-dX; end; { Side Wall Bounce } if keypressed then ONKEY; if (Y=21) and (X-Xpad in [0..length(Paddle)]) then begin dY := -dY; BEEP(700); { Bounce Off Of Paddle } if dX = 0 then RANDOMIZE; end; { if Y=21 } if Y = 22 then begin textbackground(C); gotoXY(X,Y); write(' '); textbackground(red); textcolor(white); { Park Used Ball } gotoXY(25+Xstart,Y+2); write(#1); gotoXY(80,25); end; if keypressed then ONKEY; if (Y = 4) and Flag then begin { Bounce Off of Top Backboard } BEEP(300+random(80*BallNr)); Drag := Drag - 5; { Reduce Amout of Drag } if dX = 0 then RANDOMIZE; inc (dX); dY := -dY; Y := Y + dY end else begin Y := Y + dY; Flag := true end; if Drag <0 then Drag := 0; delay(50+Drag); end; { while Y } BallNr := BallNr - 1; textbackground(C); end; { while BallNr } gotoXY(1,22); clreol; textcolor(Black); gotoXY(63,8); if Drag < 0 then Drag := 0; write('Final Drag ',Drag); EndTime := GET_TIME; CurTime := EndTime - StartTime; if CurTime > BestTime then BestTime := CurTime; gotoXY (5,24); write('Best Time so far is ',BestTime,' seconds.'); gotoXY (63,11); write('This Run ', CurTime, ' sec.'); END; { RUN } {MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM} BEGIN BestTime := 0; Drag := 0; Paddle := ''; INTRODUCTION; RESET(Drag,Paddle); repeat RUN; CHOOSE(19,22,' Quit Reset Continue ',['Q','R','C'],Ch); if Ch = 'R' then RESET(Drag,Paddle); until Ch = 'Q'; TEXTBORDER(Black); textbackground(Black); clrscr; END.