{ (BTW: it requires a 386 or up to run). It should be (almost) bug free, since my boss has been running it for about a month by now and all problems he has found have been fixed. ------------- BBSCAN.PAS ------------------- } Program bbscan; {$g+,a+,q-,r-,i-,q-,s-,n-,e-,x+,f-} Uses crt, dos; Const l = 20; {maxlength of areanames, limit of Squish statistics tools} maxareas = (65504-2) div (l+1); {around 3000} Type areaarray = Record nofareas: Word; area: Array[0..maxareas] of String[l] End; Const ProgName = 'BackboneScan v1.14, Copyright (c) Gamefreak 1996'; fs = $64; pop_fs = $a10f; Fidoexists: Boolean = true; VAR fido, bb, newfido: TEXT; areas: ^areaarray; c1, c2: Word; tempstr: String; Asort: Array[0..maxareas] of Word; PROCEDURE Init; VAR iocheck: Integer; f: file; BEGIN ClrScr; WRITELN(ProgName); WRITELN; Assign(f, 'backbone.in'); {$i-} Reset(f); {$i+} iocheck := ioresult; IF iocheck <> 0 THEN CASE iocheck OF 2,3: BEGIN WRITELN('File "backbone.in" not found. Please move this program into the right dir'); WRITELN('and run it again.'); WRITELN; HALT(iocheck) END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('An error (',iocheck,') occurred while opening the file "fidonet.na".'); WRITELN; HALT(iocheck) END END; IF FileSize(f) = 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Size of file "backbone.in" = 0 bytes. Nothing to do.'); WRITELN; HALT(1) END; close(f); assign(f, 'fidonet.na'); {$i-} reset(f); {$i+} If ioresult <> 0 Then Begin rewrite(f); fidoexists := false End Else if filesize(f) = 0 Then fidoexists := false; close(f); Assign(fido, 'fidonet.na'); reset(fido); Assign(bb, 'backbone.in'); Reset(bb) END; PROCEDURE ReadAreaNames; Var tempstr2: String[12+30]; Function Duplicate: Boolean; Assembler; Asm cld les di, areas mov dx, [es:di] {dx = nofareas} xor al, al test dx, dx jz @end add di, 2 {es:di = 1st string} xor cx, cx mov si, offset tempstr {ds:si points to tempstr} mov bl, [si] {bx = length(tempstr)} mov bh, bl and bh, 11b {bh = length(tempstr) mod 4} shr bl, 2 {bl = length(tempstr) div 4} mov ax, di {save di in ax} @loop: mov cl, bl {cl = length(tempstr) div 4} xor ch, ch db $66; repe cmpsw {compare} jne @ok {not equal? -> ok} mov cl, bh {otherwise check remaining bytes} repe cmpsb je @equal @ok: mov si, offset tempstr {ds:si points to tempstr} add ax, l + 1 {let ax point to next string} mov di, ax {and move it into si} dec dx {decrease the number of areas} jnz @loop {if not zero -> loop} xor al, al {no equal string -> false} jmp @end @equal: mov al, 1 {equal -> true} @end: END; BEGIN WRITELN('Reading areanames from "Backbone.in" and removing duplicates...'); WRITELN; IF maxavail < 65535 THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Not enough memory available.'); WRITELN; close(bb); close(fido); HALT(8) END ELSE new(areas); fillchar(areas^, sizeof(areas^), 0); While (areas^.nofareas < maxareas) and not(eof(bb)) Do BEGIN Readln(bb, tempstr); ASM cld {this part copies the areaname} push ds {to the front of the string} mov di, offset tempstr {and removes the "xxx messages} mov dx, di {scanned/tossed" part.} mov si, di add si, 12 pop es {es:di = sortstr[0]} xor cx, cx mov al, ' ' {used to check length of areaname} mov cl, byte[di] {cl = length total string} add di, 12 {es:di = sortstr[12]} sub cl, 12 mov bx, cx {save original length - 12} dec bx repne scasb {scan until a space is encouterd-> eof areaname} sub bx, cx {calc length of areaname} mov cx, bx {move length(areaname in cx)} mov di, dx mov [di], cl {move length of areaname in lengthbyte} inc di {points to first char of string} shr cx, 1 jnc @even movsb @even: rep movsw {move the areaname to the front} END; If not(duplicate) Then With areas^ Do BEGIN area[nofareas] := tempstr; inc(nofareas) END END; Dec(areas^.nofareas); close(bb) END; Procedure Sort; Var areasofs: Word; Begin Writeln('Sorting areanames...'); Writeln; Asm push ds push ds dw pop_fs cld les di, areas mov dx, word[es:di] mov bx, dx add bx, bx add bx, offset asort @asortinit: mov [bx], dx sub bx, 2 dec dx jnz @asortinit mov dx, [es:di] dec dx jl @end mov ax, dx {ax = pred(areas^.nofareas)} xor dx, dx lds si, areas add si, 3 mov areasofs, si xor bx, bx {bx = c2} @outloop: mov di, areasofs db fs; mov cx, [bx+offset asort+2] add di, cx shl cx, 2 add di, cx shl cx, 2 add di, cx @loop: mov si, areasofs db fs; mov cx, [bx+offset asort] add si, cx shl cx, 2 add si, cx shl cx, 2 add si, cx xor cx, cx mov cl, [si-1] cmp cl, [di-1] jbe @length_ok mov cl, [di-1] @length_ok: {cl = length of shortest string} push si push di rep cmpsb {compare the strings} pop si {si = pushed di and di = pushed si, used so I} pop di {have to recalculate di in the next loop} jb @noswitch {if first < second, don't switch} ja @switch {if first > second, switch} {if the prog gets here, the compared part was equal} {so the longest string is the greatest} mov cl, [di-1] {get length of first string (di has been switched} {with si)} cmp cl, [si-1] {compare with length of second string} jbe @noswitch {length(string 1) < length(string 2) -> no switch} @switch: mov di, si db fs; db $66; ror word[bx+offset asort], 16 @noswitch: sub bx,2 {decrease c2} jns @loop {if above or equal 0 then loop} inc dx {increase c1} mov bx, dx {c2 = c1} add bx, bx cmp dx, ax {compare c1 with pred(areas^.nofareas)} jbe @outloop {if below or equal, loop} @end: pop ds End End; Procedure Update; Const days : array [0..6] of String[9] = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday','Friday', 'Saturday'); areasstillactive: Word = 0; areasactivated: Word = 0; areasstillnoflow: Word = 0; areasnoflow: Word = 0; newareascount: Word = 0; Var tempstr2: String; logfile: Text; dofw, d, m, y: Word; h,min,s: String[2]; Newareas: Array[0..maxareas] of Word; Begin Writeln('Writing new "Fidonet.na"...'); Writeln; Assign(newfido, 'Newfido.na'); Rewrite(NewFido); Assign(logfile, 'bbscan.log'); {$i-} Append(logfile); {$i+} IF ioresult <> 0 Then Rewrite(logfile); If fidoexists Then Begin Readln(fido,tempstr); For c1 := 0 to areas^.nofareas Do Begin While ((tempstr < areas^.area[asort[c1]]) and not(eof(fido))) Do Begin If length(tempstr) <= l Then Begin Fillchar(tempstr[succ(length(tempstr))], l-length(tempstr), #$20); tempstr[0] :=char(l); tempstr := concat(tempstr, '[FiDo] No description available yet.') End; If tempstr[l+7] = ' ' Then Begin inc(areasstillnoflow) end Else Begin inc(areasnoflow); tempstr[l+7] := ' ' End; Writeln(NewFido, tempstr); ReadLn(fido, tempstr) End; ASM cld {This part copies the areaname out of} push ds {tempstr to tempstr2.} lea di, tempstr pop es mov al, ' ' xor bx, bx mov bl, [es:di] cmp bl, l+1 ja @length_ok inc bl mov [es:di+bx], al @length_ok: inc di mov cx, l+1 mov bx, l repne scasb sub bx, cx push ss mov cx, bx lea si, tempstr+1 pop es lea di, tempstr2 mov [es:di], cl inc di shr cx, 1 jnc @even movsb @even: rep movsw END; If tempstr2 = areas^.area[asort[c1]] Then Begin If length(tempstr) <= l Then Begin Fillchar(tempstr[succ(length(tempstr))],l-length(tempstr), #$20); tempstr[0] := char(l); tempstr := concat(tempstr, '[FiDo]*No description available yet.') End; If tempstr[l+7] = '*' Then inc(areasstillactive) Else Begin tempstr[l+7] := '*'; inc(areasactivated) End; Writeln(NewFido, tempstr); Readln(fido,tempstr) End Else Begin newareas[newareascount] := c1; inc(newareascount); tempstr2 := areas^.area[asort[c1]]; For c2 := 1 to (l-length(areas^.area[asort[c1]])) Do tempstr2 := concat(tempstr2,' '); tempstr2 := concat(tempstr2, '[FiDo]*New added area. No description available yet.'); WriteLn(newfido,tempstr2) End End End Else With areas^ Do Begin For c1 := 0 to nofareas Do Begin tempstr2 := area[asort[c1]]; For c2 := 1 to (l-length(area[asort[c1]])) Do tempstr2 := concat(tempstr2,' '); tempstr2 := concat(tempstr2, '[FiDo]*New added area. No description available yet.'); WriteLn(newfido,tempstr2) End End; If fidoexists Then Writeln('"Fidonet.na" has been successfully updated!') Else Writeln('"Fidonet.na" has been successfully created!'); Writeln; Writeln('Updating logfile (bbscan.log)...'); Writeln; Getdate(y, m, d, dofw); Write(logfile,'---------- ',days[dofw],', ', d:0,'/',m:0,'/',y:0,', '); Gettime(y, m, d, dofw); str(y,h); str(m,min); str(d,s); If length(h) = 1 Then h := concat('0',h); If length(min) = 1 Then min := concat('0',min); If length(s) = 1 Then s := concat('0',s); Writeln(logfile, h,':',min,':',s,'.'); If (newareascount > 0) Then Begin Writeln(logfile, 'New Areas:'); For c1 := 0 to pred(newareascount) Do Begin Write(logfile, areas^.area[asort[newareas[c1]]]:38); If (succ(c1) mod 2 = 0) Then Writeln(logfile) End End; If (succ(c1) mod 2 <> 0) Then Writeln(logfile); Writeln(logfile); If not(fidoexists) Then newareascount := areas^.nofareas; Writeln(logfile, 'Amount of new areas: ',newareascount); Writeln(logfile, 'Areas still active: ',areasstillactive,'.'); Writeln(logfile, 'Areas activated: ',areasactivated,'.'); Writeln(logfile, 'Areas still down: ',areasstillnoflow,'.'); Writeln(logfile, 'Areas deactivated: ',areasnoflow,'.'); Writeln(logfile, 'Total number of areas:',newareascount+areasstillactive+areasactivated+areasstillnoflow+areasnoflow,'.'); Writeln(logfile); close(logfile); close(newfido); close(fido); {$i-} assign(logfile, 'fidonet.bak'); Erase(logfile); rename(fido, 'fidonet.bak'); rename(newfido, 'fidonet.na') {$i+} End; Begin Init; ReadareaNames; sort; update END.