{I found a few errors and made a few improvements with my INI file handler I posted this earlier.} {$A+,B-,D-,F-,G-,I-,L-,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V-,X+} {INI Version 1.2 Copr. 1996 Brad Zavitsky FREEWARE: Swag/Commercial use fine Thanks to Andrew Eigus for his great EnhDos unit from which I got Pas2Pchar Version Info 1.1 ==== o Fixed error, needed StrNew instead of StrCopy o Added support for TP6- users. 1.2 ==== o Better memory detection: now find paragraph size o Optimized memory testing o Entries will not be added if the entry or value is blank o Fixed bug in split o Added a comment delimeter set o Added comments to source code o Optimized space/tab stripping for memory o Made FName a constant o Made list global } unit INI; {031496} interface {$IFDEF VER70} uses Strings; {$ENDIF} type CSet = set of Char; TEntry = string[32]; {Linked list to store INI entries and values} PEntryList = ^TEntryList; TEntryList = record Entry, Value: PChar; Next: PEntrylist; end; const {If these characters precede a line, it will be counted as a comment} CommentDelim: CSet = [';','[','#']; var List: PEntryList; {Holds entries and values} {Load the ini file into a linked list; this must be done before attempting to get any entries Returns: 0 = Everything is fine 1 = Error opening (ie.. File not found) 2 = Not enough memory (remember to call freeini to get rid of already stored variables} function LoadINI(const FName: string): Integer; {Frees the memory allocated from LoadINI} procedure FreeINI; {Gets the value from a specified entry} function GetEntry(Entry: TEntry; const Default: string): string; implementation var S,E,V: string; {Temporary strings, E=Entry, V=Value} Temp: PChar; {Used to store a string as a PChar for StrComp} T: Text; {INI text file} LNew: PEntryList; {New link} {Pascal string to ASCIIZ; Thanks to Andrew Eigus} function Pas2PChar(const S : string) : PChar; assembler; asm les di,S mov al,byte ptr [es:di] cmp al,0 je @@1 push di sub ah,ah cld inc al stosb add di,ax dec di sub al,al stosb pop di @@1: inc di mov dx,es mov ax,di end; { Pas2PChar } {ASCIIZ to Pascal} function PChar2Pas(P: PChar): string; var IDX: Integer; begin Idx := 0; while P[IDX] <> #0 do begin PChar2Pas[succ(Idx)] := P[IDX]; inc(Idx); end; PChar2Pas[0] := Chr(Idx); end; {Fast uppercase function} function UpperCase(const S: string): string; assembler; asm push ds lds si, s les di, @result lodsb stosb xor ch, ch mov cl, al jcxz @empty @upperloop: lodsb cmp al, 'a' jb @cont cmp al, 'z' ja @cont sub al, ' ' @cont: stosb loop @upperloop @empty: pop ds end; {Removes all instances of DELCHAR from the right side of S} function CutRight(const S: string; DelChar: Char): string; var Len: Byte; begin CutRight := S; Len := Ord(S[0]); while S[Len] = DelChar do Dec(Len); CutRight[0] := Chr(Len); end; {Removes all instances of DELCHAR from the left side of S} function CutLeft(const S: string; DelChar: Char): string; var Cnt: Byte; begin Cnt := 1; while S[Cnt] = DelChar do Inc(Cnt); CutLeft := Copy(S, Cnt, Length(S)-pred(Cnt)); end; {Splits a INI string into 2 parts: the entry and value} procedure Split(const S: string; var E,V: string); var len: Byte; begin Len := Pos('=',S); if Len <> 0 then begin V := Copy(S, succ(Len), succ(Length(S)-Len)); E := S; E[0] := chr(pred(Len)); V := CutLeft(V, #32); V := CutLeft(V, #9); V := CutRight(V, #32); V := CutRight(V, #9); E := CutRight(E, #32); E := CutRight(E, #9); end else begin {Invalid entry} E := ''; V := ''; end; end; {String unit emulation} {$IFNDEF VER70} function StrNew(S: PChar): PChar; var I, L: Word; P: PChar; begin StrNew := nil; if (S<>nil) and (S^ <> #0) then begin L := 0; while S[L] <> #0 do inc(L); inc(L); GetMem(P,L); if P <> nil then for I := 0 to L do P[I] := S[I]; StrNew := P; end; end; procedure StrDispose(S: PChar); var L: Word; begin L := 0; while S[L] <> #0 do inc(L); if S <> nil then FreeMem(S,succ(L)); end; function StrComp(Str1, Str2: PChar): Integer; var L1, L2: Word; begin StrComp := 1; L1 := 0; while Str1[L1] <> #0 do inc(L1); l2 := 0; while Str2[L2] <> #0 do inc(L2); if L1 <> L2 then exit; for L1 := 0 to L2 do if Str1[L1] <> Str2[L1] then exit; StrComp := 0; end; {$ENDIF} {Calculates the amount of memory that would be actually allocated; Counts it in 16byte paragraphs} function MemUsed(M: Word): Word; var R: Byte; begin MemUsed := succ(M shr 4) shl 4; end; function LoadINI(const FName: string): Integer; begin assign(T, FName); reset(T); if IOResult <> 0 then {Exit if there is a file error} begin LoadINI := 1; Exit; end; while not Eof(T) do begin Readln(T, S); S := uppercase(S); S := CutLeft(S, #32); {Remove spaces and tabs} S := CutLeft(S, #9); {Make sure string is not a comment} if not (S[1] in CommentDelim) and (Length(S) > 0) then begin Split(S, E, V); {Split string into entry and value} {When low on memory, start checking to make sure we have enough} if MaxAvail < 300 then if MaxAvail < MemUsed(SizeOf(TEntryList)) + MemUsed(succ(Length(V)))+ MemUsed(Succ(Length(E))) then begin LoadINI := 2; {FreeINI;} CLose(T); Exit; end; if (V <> '') and (E <> '') then begin {Add new link to list} New(LNew); {Allocate new copies on the stack; we don't want the PChar's pointing to E and V} Lnew^.Entry := StrNew(Pas2Pchar(E)); Lnew^.Value := StrNew(Pas2Pchar(V)); Lnew^.Next := List; List := LNew; end; end; end; LoadINI := 0; close(T); end; procedure FreeINI; begin while List <> nil do begin StrDispose(List^.Entry); StrDispose(List^.Value); LNew := List; List := List^.Next; Dispose(Lnew); end; end; function GetEntry(Entry: TEntry; const Default: string): string; var NotFound: Boolean; begin NotFound := True; LNew := List; Entry := uppercase(Entry); {Make this a PCHAR so we can use StrComp on it} Temp := Pas2Pchar(Entry); while (LNew <> nil) and NotFound do begin if StrComp(Lnew^.Entry, Temp) = 0 then begin NotFound := False; GetEntry := PChar2Pas(LNew^.Value); end; Lnew := LNew^.Next; end; {Return Default uppercase, to provide consistancy} if NotFound then GetEntry := uppercase(Default); end; end.