{-------------------------------------------------------------} { Small SWAG LISTER } { (c) 1996 by Valery Votintsev } { E-Mail: vot@infolink.tver.su } { FIDO: 2:5021/2.30 } { modified slightly by Gayle Davis } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Program SWAGL; Uses DOS; TYPE SwagHeader = RECORD HeadSize : BYTE; {size of header} HeadChk : BYTE; {checksum for header} HeadID : ARRAY [1..5] OF CHAR; {compression type tag} NewSize : LONGINT; {compressed size} OrigSize : LONGINT; {original size} Time : WORD; {packed time} Date : WORD; {packed date} Attr : WORD; {file attributes and flags} BufCRC : LONGINT; {32-CRC of the Buffer } Swag : STRING[12]; {stored SWAG filename} Subject : STRING[40]; {snipet subject} Contrib : STRING[35]; {contributor} Keys : STRING[70]; {search keys, comma deliminated} FName : PathStr; {filename (variable length)} CRC : WORD; {16-bit CRC (immediately follows FName)} END; SWAGFooter = RECORD CopyRight : String[60]; { GDSOFT copyright } Title : String[65]; { SWG File Title } Count : INTEGER; END; ShortHeader = RECORD OrigSize : LONGINT; {original size} Date : WORD; {packed date} Subject : STRING[40]; {snipet subject} Contrib : STRING[35]; {contributor} END; Var PMask, FMask: String; { SWAG files mask } Buf: SwagHeader; { Temporary buffer } Footer:SWAGFooter; { SWAG file footer } NextPos:LongInt; { Next snipet position } fSize:LongInt; { File size } aList:Array[1..2000] of Pointer; { Array of snipet info } pShortHeader: ^ShortHeader; { snipet info pointer } ListLen:Integer; { Snipet array length } Snipets:Integer; { Number of snipets } AllSize:LongInt; { All snipets size } TotalSize:LongInt; { Total size } F:File; DirInfo:SearchRec; i:integer; Dir: DirStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; {----------------------------------------------} { Convert the string to upper case } {(Russian conversion is excluded for simlicity)} Function StUpcase(S:String):String; Var i:integer; l:byte absolute S; begin StUpcase[0]:=Chr(l); For i:=1 to l do StUpcase[i]:=UpCase(S[i]); end; {----------------------------------------------} { Repeat the char n times } Function Replicate(C:Char;n:byte):String; Var i:integer; begin Replicate[0]:=Chr(n); For i:=1 to n do Replicate[i]:=C; end; {----------------------------------------------} { String Pad Right } Function PadR(S:String;n:byte):String; Var i:integer; l:byte absolute S; begin PadR:=S; PadR[0]:=Chr(n); For i:=l+1 to n do begin PadR[i]:=' '; end; end; {----------------------------------------------} { Convert Integer to string & add leading zero } Function LeadZero(L:Longint;n:byte):String; Var i:integer; S:String; begin STR(L:n,S); For i:=1 to n do If S[i]=' ' then S[i]:='0'; LeadZero:=S; end; {-------------------------------------------} { Convert packed date to string } Function Date2str(D:Word):String; Var Day :Word; Month:Word; Year :Word; begin Day := ( D and $1F); Month:= ( D and $1E0) shr 5; Year := ( D and $FE00) shr 9; Date2str:=LeadZero(Day,2)+'-' +LeadZero(Month,2)+'-' +LeadZero((Year+80),2); end; {--------- Main Routine ---------------------------------------} begin FMask := ParamStr(1); { Get the file mask from command line } If FMask <> '' then begin FSplit(FMask, PMask, Name, Ext); FindFirst(FMask,ARCHIVE,DirInfo); { Search first file } Writeln(''); Writeln('================= SWAG Snipets List =================='); Writeln(' (c) 1996 by Valery Votintsev (vot@infolink.tver.su)'); Writeln(''); Writeln('From Size Date Subject'); Writeln('------------------- ----- -------- ---------------'); TotalSize:=0; Snipets :=0; While DOSError = 0 do { while files exists } begin FSplit(DirInfo.Name, Dir, Name, Ext); If StUpcase(Ext)='.SWG' then begin { Skip not .SWG files } Assign(F,Pmask + DirInfo.Name); Reset(F,1); NextPos:=0; FSize:=FileSize(F); AllSize:=0; ListLen:=0; While (nextPos+SizeOf(Buf)) < FSize do begin Seek(F,NextPos); BlockRead(F,Buf,SizeOf(Buf)); New ( pShortHeader ); {Allocate memory} Inc(ListLen); aList[ListLen]:=pShortHeader; With pShortHeader^ do begin OrigSize := Buf.OrigSize; Date := Buf.Date; Subject := Buf.Subject; Contrib := Buf.Contrib; Inc(AllSize,OrigSize); end; NextPos:=NextPos+Buf.HeadSize+buf.NewSize+2; end; SEEK (F, FileSize(F) - SIZEOF(Footer)); BlockRead(F,Footer,SizeOf(Footer)); Close(F); { Say snipet header } Writeln(''); Writeln(PadR(StUpcase(DirInfo.Name),12),' - ',Footer.Title); i:=Length(Footer.Title)+15; Writeln(Replicate('~',i)); { List snipets in the file } For i:=1 to ListLen do begin pShortHeader:=aList[i]; { Say the snipet info} With pShortHeader^ do begin Write (PadR(Contrib,19),' '); Write (OrigSize:5,' '); Write (Date2str(Date),' '); Writeln(PadR(Subject,40)); end; Dispose (pShortHeader); {Release memory} end; Inc(Snipets,ListLen); Inc(TotalSize,AllSize); { Say this file totals} Writeln('------------------- -----'); Writeln(ListLen:13,AllSize:12); end; {If Ext = .SWG } FindNext(DirInfo); { Search next file } end; {While DosError} { Say totals} Writeln('------------------- -----'); Writeln('Total:',Snipets:7,TotalSize:12,' bytes'); Writeln(''); end; {If Mask <> ''} end.