{ ======================================================== EARTH INVADERS (Original LCD game by CGL 1982..) (I feel a copyright wangle coming on - NOT!) -------------------------------------------------------- PC CONVERSION EXCLUSIVELY FOR SWAG, BY SCOTT TUNSTALL 1996 (But why? ;) ) Reqs: Turbo Pascal 5.5 + CGA Good technique in chatting up women ========== DISCLAIMER ---------- I (Scott Tunstall) am not responsible if this program causes any damage to ANY hardware or software part of the computer system it runs on or detriment to mental health caused (finding any bugs I may have missed) OK?. You can alter/delete or even ADD (if you're sad enough) new bits to the program just as long as I am credited with the ORIGINAL version. You are not permitted to distribute the original or changed code for monetary gain however. ======== FORENOTE -------- I was playing a hand held LCD game one saturday and it was actually simple to play, yet quite addictive. Unusual for a hand held. Anyway, being the sad idiot that I am, I decided to convert it to Pascal, and give y' all a taste of the game. Hope you enjoy playing it, I certainly almost did ! (in between debugging) ======== THE GAME -------- Aliens appear on the screen, you must dig holes for them to fall in. If an alien falls in you must bury it in the hole, but beware! If an alien touches an alien in a hole it is helped out and will jump at the human!!! Maybe, I will write a two player version of this game. After the Bsc, perhaps?. Keys are (until I write a define key routine) CTRL = Dig hole ALT = Fill hole in (to kill an alien you do this) CURSOR UP = Move up CURSOR DOWN = Move down CURSOR LEFT = Move left CURSOR RIGHT = Move right Err... your guy is represented by a 'x' and the aliens are all 's (until I actually draw up some GFX! (Knowing me - NEVER!). Hell, what do you want from me, SVGA? ;^) ============= FOR YOU TO DO ------------- Add a title screen Better sound (even samples) Check if all aliens are dead 2/3/4 player mode A lager drinking section.... (please! I've always wanted to see a game with this in it!) ===== NOTES ----- NewKbdInt (The Multiple key reader) is appended to the bottom of this source so it can be compiled. I didn't write it - Lou Duchez did. Credits to him.... } uses crt, nwkbdint; { Present in the SWAG } { All objects are mapped directly to the map, no external data types are used to contain Aliens X,Y coordinates 0 = Empty 1 = Wall 2 = Human 3 = Quarter Dug Hole 1 4 = Half Dug Hole 2 5 = Three Quarter Dug Hole 3 6 = Fully Dug Hole 20..40 = Alien (In various stages of falling.. 40 = Not inhole) } const Empty = 0; Wall = 1; Human = 2; QuarterDugHole = 3; HalfDugHole = 4; ThreeQuarterDugHole = 5; FullyDugHole = 6; AlienFilledIn = 19; AlienCompletelyBuried = 30; AlienBeginsClimbOut = 36; AlienAlmostBuried = 40; AlienHalfBuried = 50; NormalAlien = 70; AlienTripped = NormalAlien-5; Amateur = 1; Pro = 2; Kamikaze = 3; { Not implemented, Pro is hard enough! } UpKey = 72; DownKey = 80; LeftKey = 75; RightKey = 77; DigKey = 29; FillKey = 56; var map : array[1..7,1..5] of byte; { Playfield } killedplayer : boolean; SkillLevel : byte; GameLevel : byte; GameSpeed : byte; AlienPause : byte; HumanX, HumanY : byte; Currx,Curry : byte; type AlienInfo = record AlienState : byte; AlienX, AlienY : byte; end; { The following values are written to the map, the values contained may be: 0 = Empty 1 = Wall 2 = Human 3 = Quarter Dug Hole 1 4 = Half Dug Hole 2 5 = Three Quarter Dug Hole 3 6 = Fully Dug Hole 20 + = Reserved for aliens, see constants above Therefore, if map[1,1] was 3 then that means a Quarter Dug hole is at the top left of the map. } procedure initmap; var x:byte; y:byte; begin { Erase all of map. If you're sad enough, like me, then you could design small maps, or even extend 'em to fill the entire screen. } for y:=1 to 5 do for x:=1 to 7 do map[x,y]:=empty; { Set Walls } for x:=1 to 3 do begin map[x *2,2]:=Wall; map[x *2,4]:=Wall; end; { Determine game speed } case SkillLevel of Amateur : GameSpeed:=6; Pro : GameSpeed:=2; { Life expectancy - 3 seconds } Kamikaze : GameSpeed:=1; { Life expectancy - NIL! } end; AlienPause:=GameSpeed; { Now place aliens } for x:=1 to 3 do map[x*2,1]:=NormalAlien; if gamelevel > 1 then begin map[2,3]:=NormalAlien; map[6,3]:=NormalAlien; end; if gamelevel > 2 then map[4,3]:=NormalAlien; { Place human } HumanX:=4; HumanY:=5; map[HumanX,HumanY]:=Human; end; { The following 2 procedures are NOT mine; they were written by Robert E. Swart and cut and pasted to this routine I modified these routines for my own use! } procedure Lines200; { Set 200 scanlines on VGA display } InLine( $B8/$01/$00/ { mov AX,$0001 } $CD/$10/ { int $10 } $B8/$00/$12/ { mov AX,$1200 } $B3/$30/ { mov BL,$30 } $CD/$10); { int $10 } procedure Font8x16; { Set 8x16 VGA-font on VGA display } InLine( $B8/$01/$00/ { mov AX,$0001 } $CD/$10/ { int $10 } $B8/$14/$11/ { mov AX,$1114 } $B3/$00/ { mov BL,0 } $CD/$10); { int $10 } procedure SetCurPos(newx, newy: byte); begin currx:=newx-1; { Conv phys to log } curry:=newy-1; end; { Faster than using the write command for only one char } procedure text(TheChar: char; TheColour: byte); begin memw[$b800: (curry * 80) + (currx SHL 1)]:=word (ord(TheChar)+(TheColour SHL 8)); end; { ==================================================================== Draw the game screen. Note: All of the aliens actually exist on map, they are not simply sprites overlaid on the map during draw time, so in theory you could fill the entire map with aliens.... Have fun! -------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure DrawMap; var x, y : byte; begin for y:=1 to 5 do for x:=1 to 7 do begin SetCurPos(x,y); case map[x,y] of Empty : text(' ', BLACK); Wall : text('#', BLUE); Human : text('x', RED); AlienCompletelyBuried.. (AlienBeginsClimbOut-1) : text(#1, random(7) OR 1); AlienBeginsClimbout.. (NormalAlien-1) : text(#1, GREEN); NormalAlien : text(#2, GREEN); QuarterDugHole : text('.',LIGHTGRAY); HalfDugHole, ThreeQuarterDugHole : text('o', LIGHTGRAY); FullyDugHole : text('O',LIGHTGRAY); end; end; end; { ============================================================== Free an alien that may be trapped at maybex, maybey on the map -------------------------------------------------------------- } Procedure ReleaseAlien(maybex, maybey: byte); var TheObject: byte; begin if (maybex > 0) and (maybex < 8) and (maybey > 0) and (maybey < 6) then begin theObject:=map[maybex, maybey]; if (theObject> AlienFilledIn) And (theobject < NormalAlien) Then map[maybex, maybey]:=NormalAlien; end; end; procedure MoveAliens; var AlienArray : Array[1..10] of AlienInfo; x, y, TheObject : byte; index : byte; noblank : boolean; NewDir, NewXp, NewYp, ObjectHit : byte; begin dec(AlienPause); if AlienPause = 0 Then { Find all aliens on the map, and remember where they are so they can be moved later. } Begin AlienPause:=GameSpeed; index:=1; For y:=1 to 5 do For x:=1 to 7 do begin TheObject:=map[x,y]; If (TheObject >=AlienCompletelyBuried) And (TheObject <=NormalAlien) Then With AlienArray[index] do Begin AlienState :=TheObject; AlienX :=x; AlienY :=y; Inc(index); End; end; { Now that an array of aliens has been built up, move em out! Also note x is being re-used. } for x:=(index-1) downto 1 do With AlienArray[x] do begin if AlienState = NormalAlien Then Begin { An alien can free it's trapped brother } releasealien(AlienX-1,AlienY); releasealien(AlienX+1,AlienY); releasealien(AlienX,AlienY-1); releasealien(AlienX,AlienY+1); { ============================= Move alien in a direction ----------------------------- } NewDir :=random(5)+1; NewXp :=AlienX; NewYp :=AlienY; case NewDir of 1: if newxp <> 1 then dec(newxp); 2: if newxp <> 7 then inc(newxp); 3: if newyp <> 1 then dec(newyp); 4: if newyp <> 5 then inc(newyp); 5..6: if newyp < humany then { A wee bit of AI :) } inc(newyp) else if newyp > humany then dec(newyp); end; { } noblank:=false; objecthit:=map[newxp,newyp]; case objecthit of empty : map[newxp, newyp]:=NormalAlien; human : killedplayer:=true; QuarterDugHole : map[newxp, newyp]:=AlienTripped; HalfDugHole : map[newxp, newyp]:=AlienHalfBuried; ThreeQuarterDugHole : map[newxp, newyp]:=AlienAlmostBuried; FullyDugHole : map[newxp, newyp]:=AlienCompletelyBuried; else noblank:=true; end; { Noblank, when set FALSE means the alien has moved and the area where the alien was on the map shall be set empty. } if not noblank then map[AlienX, AlienY]:=Empty; { I used this for debugging. I thought it was cos the SWAG keyboard handler was dodgy, but it wasn't - my code was !!! } { gotoxy(1,24); write (chr (random(128)+32)); } end else If AlienState < NormalAlien Then Begin TheObject:=Map[AlienX, AlienY]; Inc(TheObject,1); If TheObject > NormalAlien Then TheObject:=NormalAlien; Map[AlienX,AlienY]:=TheObject; End; end; end; end; { ====================== Guess what this does ? ---------------------- } Procedure DigHole(holex, holey: byte); var TheObject: byte; Begin TheObject:=Map[holex, holey]; If TheObject = Empty Then Map[HoleX,Holey]:=QuarterDugHole Else If (TheObject >= QuarterDugHole) And (TheObject < FullyDugHole) Then Begin Sound(50); Delay(100); NoSound; Inc(Map[HoleX,HoleY]); End; End; { ============================== FILL IN A HOLE / BURY AN ALIEN ------------------------------ } Procedure FillHole(holex, holey:byte); Var TheObject: byte; Begin TheObject:=Map[Holex, Holey]; If (TheObject >= QuarterDugHole) And (TheObject <= FullyDugHole) Then Begin Sound(20); Delay(100); NoSound; Dec(Map[HoleX, HoleY]); If Map[HoleX, HoleY] < QuarterDugHole Then Map[HoleX, HoleY]:=Empty; End Else If (TheObject >=AlienFilledIn) And (TheObject <= AlienBeginsClimbOut) Then Begin Sound(90); Delay(40); NoSound; Dec(Map[HoleX,HoleY],1); If Map[HoleX,HoleY] <= AlienFilledIn Then Map[HoleX,HoleY]:=Empty; End; End; { ======================================= Try and move the human to a new square. If he walks into an alien though.... --------------------------------------- } Procedure TryMove(newx, newy: byte); Var TheObject: byte; Begin TheObject:=Map[NewX, NewY]; If TheObject = Empty Then Begin Map[HumanX, HumanY]:=Empty; Map[NewX, NewY]:=Human; HumanX:=newx; HumanY:=newy; End Else If TheObject = NormalAlien Then killedplayer:=true; End; { ===================== MOVE THE HUMAN AROUND --------------------- } Procedure MovePlayers; var currpx, currpy : byte; digging, burying : boolean; Begin currpx:=humanx; currpy:=humany; digging:=false; burying:=false; if (keydown[DigKey]) then digging:=true else if (keydown[FillKey]) then burying:=true; if keydown[UpKey] and (currpy <>1) then begin if digging or burying then begin if digging then dighole(currpx, currpy-1) else fillhole(currpx, currpy-1); end else trymove(currpx,currpy-1); end else if keydown[DownKey] and (currpy <>5) then begin if digging or burying then begin if digging then dighole(currpx, currpy+1) else fillhole(currpx, currpy+1); end else trymove(currpx,currpy+1); end else if keydown[LeftKey] and (currpx <>1) then begin if digging or burying then begin if digging then dighole(currpx-1, currpy) else fillhole(currpx-1, currpy); end else trymove(currpx-1,currpy); end else if keydown[RightKey] and (currpx <>7) then begin if digging or burying then begin if digging then dighole(currpx+1, currpy) else fillhole(currpx+1, currpy); end else trymove(currpx+1,currpy); end; end; begin randomize; skilllevel:=amateur; gamelevel:=1; initmap; { Set map up } Lines200; Font8x16; hookkeyboardint; repeat drawmap; movealiens; moveplayers; delay(125); until keydown[1] or killedplayer ; textmode(CO80); unhookkeyboardint; end. { If you actually play this game in it's unaltered state.. my commiserations! Contact address: CG93SAT@IBMRISC.DCT.AC.UK What I'd like to see more of in the SWAG are humour games... the Amiga has loads (cos it's a joke machine - just kidding, I own one too) Remember to write that lager drinking sim now ;) !!! }