program amortization_schedule; { smaller than what exists in swag now and doesn't need to know the payment...just the APR and terms (what you hear at the loan office anyway)...then determines an amortization schedule } var loan_left, loan_amount, interest, loan_payment, apr, t: real; number_periods, i: integer; outfile: text; function power(x, y: real):real; begin power := exp(y*ln(x)); end; begin assign(outfile, 'AMORT.TXT'); rewrite(outfile); writeln('Loan Amortization Schedule (assumes entry of yearly interest', ' rate and # of months of payment (made at end of month)'); writeln('Omit all $ signs.'); write('What is the APR of the loan? '); readln(t); apr := t/100/12; write('What is the # of payments in the loan (made monthly)?'); readln(number_periods); write('How much is the loan for?'); readln(loan_amount); loan_payment := loan_amount/((1-(1/power(1+apr,number_periods)))/apr); writeln(outfile, 'Amortization Report':25); writeln(outfile, t:0:2, '% interest, ', number_periods, ' monthly payments, Loan of $', loan_amount:0:2); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile, 'Your loan payment is $', loan_payment:0:2); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile, 'Months, payment a month, interest paid,', ' principal paid, loan amount pending'); for i := 1 to number_periods do begin interest := loan_amount * apr; loan_left := loan_payment - interest; loan_amount := loan_amount - loan_left; writeln(outfile, i:4, loan_payment:16:2, interest:16:2, loan_left:16:2, loan_amount:16:2); end; close(outfile); writeln('AMORT.TXT report generated.'); end.