(* {*********************************************************************** * WRITE_TIME: * * * * Very fast, can it be done any faster, routine to plonk the current * * system time into a variable and to write it out as header for any * * data that might follow... * * * * Note: Requires {$G+} directive * * * * (C) Copyright Robert AH Prins, 1995. All rights reserved. * * * * May be copied, used and distributed freely for non-profit purposes, * * including the inclusion in shareware, provided credit is given. * ***********************************************************************} *) procedure write_time; const wt_time: string[14] = '00:00:00.00 - '; begin asm mov ax, $2c00 int $21 mov bx, "00" mov al, ch {hours} aam rol ax, 8 or ax, bx cmp al, bl {<- delete these four} jne @1 {<- lines if you want} mov al, " " {<- leading zeroes in} @1: {<- the hours } mov word ptr wt_time(1), ax mov al, cl {minutes} aam rol ax, 8 or ax, bx mov word ptr wt_time[4], ax mov al, dh {seconds} aam rol ax, 8 or ax, bx mov word ptr wt_time[7], ax mov al, dl {hundreds of seconds} aam rol ax, 8 or ax, bx mov word ptr wt_time[10], ax end; write(wt_time); end; {write_time} Regards, Robert AH Prins