{ >Hey Programmers, > I'm trying to change the way my mouse cursor looks in one of my >Programs from the standard block to an arrow. I looked up the inFormation >in my interrupt list and found that I need to use Interrupt 33h (Big >surprise) With AX = 0009h. I'm ok up to this point, but the inFormation >lost me when is says that ES:DX->bitmap With 16 Words screen mask and 16 >Words cursor mask. Now I know what it means and have already defined the >code For my curse, but how do I assign ES:DX to its value? (Source example >below). Any help would be great and please E-MAIL it to me. Thanks } Const ArrowCursor: Array [0..31] of Word = ( $3fff,$1fff,$fff,$7ff,$3ff,$1ff,$ff,$7f, $3f,$1f,$f,$7,$1847,$387f,$fc3f,$fe7f, $0,$4000,$6000,$7000,$7800,$7c00,$7e00,$7f00, $7f80,$7fc0,$7fe0,$6730,$4300,$300,$180,$0); HotSpotX : Word = 1; HotSpotY : Word = 0; Procedure ArrowMouse; Var regs : Registers; begin Regs.AX := $000A; Regs.BX := HotSpotX; Regs.CX := HotSpotY; { ES:DX -> bitmap 16 Words screen mask 16 Words cusor mask } Regs.ES := Seg(ArrowCursor); { Answer :) } Regs.DX := ofs(ArrorCursor); { Answer :) } intr($33,Regs); end;