{ DR> Hello I was wondering how I might be able to load a batch DR> file under Turbo Pascal. I was also wondering how to DR> change how the mouse symbol looks like when you install DR> the mouse in your programs. Thank you. } Type CursorData = Array [1..32] of Word; ArrowMask : CursorData = ($7fff,$3fff,$1fff,$0fff, $07ff,$03ff,$01ff,$00ff, $007f,$03ff,$03ff,$29ff, $71ff,$f0ff,$faff,$f8ff, $8000,$C000,$A000,$9000, $8800,$8400,$8200,$8100, $8f80,$9400,$b400,$d200, $8a00,$0900,$0500,$0700); HourGlassMask : CursorData = ($0000,$0000,$0000,$c003, $e007,$f00f,$F81F,$fc3f, $fc3F,$F81F,$F00F,$e007, $c003,$0000,$0000,$0000, $0000,$7ffe,$0000,$1ff8, $0ff0,$0000,$0000,$0000, $0180,$0340,$07e0,$0e78, $1818,$0000,$7ffe,$0000); Var Regs : Registers; Procedure SetMouseCursor(CursorMask : CursorData); Begin Regs.AX := $0009; Regs.BX := $0004; Regs.CX := $0004; Regs.ES := Seg(CursorMask); Regs.DX := Ofs(CursorMask); Intr($33,Regs); End; Here's a little routine I used to change my cursor from an arrow to an hour-glass and back.... You can design your own cursors by following my examples. The First 16 Words of the array are the cursor the next 16 are the mask.