{ Program Name : 10Time.Pas Written By : Anonymous E-Mail : nothing Web Page : nothing Program Compilation : Turbo Pascal 5.0 or later Program Description : Usefulness for BBS'S and general communications. For a detailed description of this code source, please, read the file TENTOOLS.DOC. Thank you } Program TenTime; Uses CRT,TenTools; VAR I : Integer; W : Word; L,K : Longint; SB : StatusBlock; DT : DateTimeRec; Mins,Secs : String[2]; Begin If ParamCount<1 then Writeln('Syntax: 10Time ') else begin W:=TenConfig(0,0,0); W:=Get10Time(ParamStr(1),DT); If W=0 then With DT do begin Str(Minute:2,Mins); If Mins[1]=' ' then Mins[1]:='0'; Str(Second:2,Secs); If Secs[1]=' ' then Secs[1]:='0'; Writeln('Date: ',Month,'/',Day,'/',Year,' Time: ',Hour,':',Mins,':',Secs); end; end; End.