{ Program Name : Tentools.Pas Written By : Anonymous E-Mail : nothing Web Page : nothing Program Compilation : Turbo Pascal 5.0 or later Program Description : Usefulness for BBS'S and general communications. For a detailed description of this code source, please, read the file TENTOOLS.DOC. Thank you } {$F+} Unit TenTools; { SEE TENTOOLS.DOC for more information !! } Interface Uses DOS,CRT; CONST TNTI : Boolean = False; {Initialized False, this Boolean tells whether the the initialization procedure has been run successfully.} HPointer : Integer =1; TPointer : Integer =1; CPointer : Integer =1; { The next three parameters can be set dynamically using the TenConfig Function} MaxSendBufferSize : Word = 0; {Size of largest record to TBsend} MaxRecBufferSize : Word = 0; {Size of largest record to TBreceive} MaxReceives : Integer = 0; {Number of TBReceives to buffer} {This parameter will change if TenConfig is called with new MAXRECBUFFERSIZE} { MaxRecvSets = MaxRecBufferSize div 457 + 1; } MAXRCVWAIT : Integer = 30; {Can be changed through SetWait function} SCLim : Array[0..6] of Integer = (1,99,12,28,24,60,60); SCMon : Array[1..12] of Integer= (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); SCMin : Array[0..6] of Integer = (0,0,1,1,0,0,0); TYPE PW8 = Array[1..8] of Char; {Used for 8 character password } SID = Array[1..12] of Char; {Used for 12 character serverID } S8 = String[8]; String80 = String[80]; S12 = String[12]; S15 = String[15]; TID = Real; TStamp = Real; RcvBlock = Array[1..457] of Char; MAXBytes = Array[1..65521] of Byte; ChatBytes = Array[1..100] of Byte; PathString = String[128]; NotifyTypes = (Start,Reply,Completion,ExplQueue,NoFF,IDPage,QueueTop); NotifySet = Set of NotifyTypes; {The Pre-Configuration Table and the Configuration Table are the Internal Structures within 10Net's Data Segment. These Tables provide information that is necessary for some of the functions in this toolbox. They are already allocated by 10Net when it is loaded and add no extra memory usage to the toolbox. } PreConfigurationTable = Record {First variable located at CTAB-51 bytes or PreCTAB } PCT_PhyAddr : Array[1..6] of Byte; {Physical Adapter Address } PCT_NPID : Word; {NPID Table Address } PCT_NCBFST : Word; {First NCB in Pool } PCT_LDEVTAB : Word; {Local Dev Table Addr(FOXCOM) } PCT_EXT_MAP : Word; {Extended Network Err Table Addr} PCT_SDEVTAB : Word; {SDEV Address } PCT_RESV1 : Integer; PCT_RBUFCNT : Byte; {Receive Buffer Counter } PCT_CBUF_CNT: Byte; {Collect Buffer Counter } PCT_TUF : Word; {TUF Address } PCT_ENABLE : Byte; {Enable Flag } PCT_KEEP : Byte; {FCB Keep Flag } PCT_RESV2 : Integer; PCT_DS6F : Integer; {Dropped Send 6F Count } PCT_BFRST : Integer; {Buffer Chain } PCT_RESV3 : Integer; PCT_RTY : Integer; {Broadcast Retry Count } PCT_TOVAL : Byte; {#FFFF Loops before retry } PCT_UFH : Word; {UFH Address } PCT_NETH : Word; {NetH Address } PCT_LTAB : Word; {LTab Address } PCT_SFH : Word; {SFH Address } PCT_FTAB : Word; {FTAB Address } PCT_RLTAB : Word; {RLTAB Address } PCT_SMI : Word; {Semaphore Address } PCT_NTAB : Word; {NTAB Address } End; ConfigurationTable = Record CT_REDIR : Word; {Redirection Table Address } {sometimes called CT_ADDR } CT_NUM : Byte; {RDR_TAB Entries- 5(LPT1-3 & AUX-2)} CT_LNAME : PW8; {Login Name } CT_NID : Array[1..15] of Char; {Node ID } CT_UNODE : Array[1..3] of Char; {Unique portion of Node Address } CT_FLG : Byte; {Flag (DPC - Bit 6) } CT_CFLG : Byte; {Chat permit flag } CT_PSFLG : Byte; {Print and Submit Flag } CT_NETFLGS : Array[1..2] of Byte; {10Net System Status Flag } CT_L_INT : Byte; {Last Interrupt } CT_L21 : Byte; {Last Interrupt 21 } CT_L6F : Byte; {Last Interrupt 6F } CT_L60 : Byte; {Last Interrupt 60 } CT_BFLG : Byte; {Break Flag } CT_BTYP : Integer; {Break Type } CT_TALY : Array[1..6] of Integer;{Send Tallies } CT_PENDF : Byte; {DO_COND Pending COMMAND MAP } CT_CERRF : Byte; {Reserved } CT_RESV2 : Array[1..5] of Byte; {Reserved } CT_CB : Byte; {CB Channel } CT_CBCNT : Byte; {Send6F on Que } CT_CBCHL : Array[1..9] of Byte; {Chnls 1-9 Activity } CT_GATE : Byte; {Bits: 1-RS232Gate, 2-Send6FGate} CT_RGATE : Array[1..2] of Integer;{Dbl word ptr into Gate } CT_SGATE : Array[1..2] of Integer;{Dbl word ptr into 10Net Send } CT_TIMR : Integer; {Address of Timer Blocks } {Those variables below are only implemented in 10Net 4.1 and above} CT_CTSTO : Integer; {Datagram send time out value } CT_DGRETRY : Byte; {Datagram retry count } CT_NCBMSES : Byte; {Max Netbios sessions } CT_NCBMCOMM : Byte; {Max Netbios command blocks } CT_BUFFNUM : Byte; {Number of total buffers } CT_CLCTNUM : Byte; {Number of Collect buffers } CT_CLCTFST : Integer; {Offs of 1st coll. buffer chain } CT_DEVMASK : Word; {Shared disk drives bit mask } CT_DEVPRN : Byte; {Shared LPT bit mask } CT_DEVCOM : Byte; {Shared COM bit mask } CT_RESV3 : LongInt; {Reserved} CT_DOSVER : Integer; {Dos Version(Int21/30) } CT_PHYSDRVS : Byte; {Number of physical drives } CT_RESV4 : Array[1..13] of Byte; {Reserved} CT_SRVNUM : Byte; {Server NCB Name Number } CT_RDRNUM : Byte; {Redirector NCB Name Number } CT_MSGNUM : Byte; {Messenger NCB Name Number } CT_RESV5 : LongInt; {Reserved} CT_CHATCALL : Integer; {Chat Call Key } CT_CHATIME : Integer; {Chat Time Out } CT_AUTOSP1 : Byte; {AutoSP Flag (0=No AutoSp) } CT_AUTOSP2 : Byte; {TMR_TIC=CT_AutoSP1*Ct_AutoSP2 } End; { What follows are structures used in function calls} TenNetTableRec = Record Alloc : Integer; Free : Integer; Reserved : Integer; end; GetTableDataRec = Record NodeID : SID; RES1 : Byte; ServerFlag : Byte; { 0=Worker, 1=Server } BufferSize : Integer; { Size of Receive Buffers } TotalMemory : Integer; { Total RAM memory in K } TenNetMemory : LongInt; { Memory alloc. to 10Net (bytes} AvailMemory : LongInt; { Available Memory in Bytes } TenNetTables : Array[1..22] of TenNetTableRec; DeviceList : Array[1..64] of Char; SecurityFN : Array[1..64] of Char; AuditFN : Array[1..64] of Char; PrimaryDrive : Array[1..2] of Char; OtherJunk : Array[1..48] of Char; end; LogRec = Record UserName : PW8; PassWord : PW8; NodeName : SID; end; SendFormat = Record RNode : SID; DataBytes : Integer; End; PRec = Record TransID : TID; {6 bytes} Packet : Byte; {1} TPackets : Byte; {1} TType : Integer; {2} TLength : Integer; {2} RespType : Byte; {1} end; RecSet = set of 1..144; DateTimeRec = Record Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second : Integer; End; RecvRec = Record Sender : S12; TransID : TID; TrackRecv : RecSet; TType : Integer; TLength : Integer; RespType : Byte; RTime : Real; CB : Boolean; end; RecvData = Array[1..143] of RcvBlock; HeapRecBlock = Array[1..1310] of RecvRec; HeapDataBlock = Array[1..2040] of ^RecvData; ChRec = Record MsgLength : Integer; ChatText : Array[1..101] of Char; end; NodeRec = Record NID : SID; NT : Byte; UID : Array[1..8] of Char; Ver : Array[1..3] of Char; end; NARec = S12; NWRec = Record NID : SID; Ver : Array[1..4] of Byte; end; NBuffer = Array[1..140] of NodeRec; NABuffer = Array[1..140] of NARec; NWBuffer = Array[1..140] of NWRec; SDRec = Record {MountList/NetUse List Record Structure} ServerID : S12; RPath : PathString; end; DriveArray = Array['A'..'Z'] of SDRec; PrintArray = Array['1'..'3'] of SDRec; LogArray = Array[0..19] of S12; DeviceArray = Array[0..24] of S8; SDev = Record {used in Get/Set/Delete/Get User Shared Device} Alias : PW8; Path : Array[1..64] of Char; PassWord : PW8; Access : Byte; Mask : Array[1..4] of Char; end; StatusBlock = Record S_Name : Array[1..8] of Char; {User Name} S_Flag : Byte; {0-user node,1-superstation,2-gate, 3-gateactive,4-on more than 2 superstns, 5-Reserved} S_Srvr : Array[1..24] of Byte; {Superstation Nodes logged into (reserved)} S_NID : SID; {NodeID} Reserved0 : Array[1..2] of Byte; {From Superstations:} S_SDRV : Array[1..2] of Byte; {Drives avail: Bits 0-15/A-P} S_UFlag : Byte; {User Service Flag: 0-Mail for you 1-News for you 2-Calendar for you 3-Mail for Node 4-Submit ON 6-Print Permit ON 6-Gate } S_SPRTRT : Byte; {Bit 0-7 set for Printers 1-3 } Reserved1 : Array[1..3] of Byte; S_PRIU : Byte; {Primary Unit (0=A,1=B,etc) } Reserved2 : Byte; LoggedNodes : Array[1..444] of Char; {Logged on NodeIDS} S_Time : Array[1..3] of Byte; {Time: SEC/MIN/HR} S_Date : Array[1..3] of Byte; {Date: DAY/MON/YR-1980} Reserved3 : Array[1..6] of Byte; end; SpoolBlock = Record UCode : Integer; UFile : Array[1..11] of Char; UNote : Byte; UDays : Byte; UDVC : Byte; ULen : Integer; UArea : Byte; end; {These variable declarations allocate approximately 1660 bytes of memory to the Tentools Unit} VAR I10 : Integer; TenTest : Word; TenRegs : Registers; SendSet : SendFormat; SendBuffer : Array[1..470] of Char; ReceiveBuffer : Array[1..484] of Byte; LogData : LogRec; PreConfig : ^PreConfigurationTable; ConfigTable : ^ConfigurationTable; UserName : String[8]; DataBuffer : Array[1..470] of Byte; PacketRec : PRec; ChatRec : ChRec; TBR : ^HeapRecBlock; TBD : ^HeapDataBlock; MaxRecvSets : Integer; NodeArray : ^NBuffer; NAArray : ^NABuffer; NWArray : ^NWBuffer; SpoolSettings : SpoolBlock; Spooling : Boolean; { The Procedures/Functions } Function TimeStamp : Real; Function StampAge(StartTime : Real): LongInt; Function Loaded : Boolean; Function Chat(NodeID : S12; VAR DBuffer {:String[n]} ) : Word; Function Status(NodeName : S15; VAR SBlock : StatusBlock): Word; Function NODEName : S12; Function Login(ServerID : S12;PW10Net : S8): Word; Function Logoff(ServerID : S12): Word; Function Mount(ServerID : S12; LocalDevice,RemoteDevice : Char) : Word; Function UnMount(LocalDrive : Char) : Word; Function Send(NodeID : S12; VAR DBuffer; DLength :Integer): Word; Function Receive(VAR DBuffer; Secs : Word; VAR Available : Integer; VAR CBMessage : Boolean): Word; Function GetRemoteMemory(NodeID : S12; VAR DBuffer; VAR DLength : Integer; RemSeg,RemOfs : Word) : Word; Procedure SetCBChannel(CBChannel : Byte); Function TBSend(NodeID : S12;VAR DBuffer;DLength : Integer;TransactionID : TID; TransType : Integer;ResponseType : Byte) : Word; Function TBReceive(VAR SenderID: S12;VAR DBuffer;VAR DLength : Integer; VAR TransactionID : TID;VAR TransType : Integer; VAR Available : Integer;VAR CB : Boolean): Word; Function Nodes(VAR NodeBuffer;VAR MaxNodes : Integer;SuperstationsOnly : Boolean) : Word; Function MountList(VAR MountTable : DriveArray;VAR PrintTable : PrintArray;VAR TableEntries : Integer): Word; Function LogList(VAR Logins : LogArray;VAR TableEntries : Integer): Word; Function GetTableData(VAR TableBuffer : GetTableDataRec): Word; Function MountsAvail : Integer; Function TenConfig(MaxSendRec,MaxRecvRec : Integer;MaxRecs : Integer) : Word; Function SetWait(WaitLimit : Integer): Word; Procedure SetUserName(UName : S8); Function Get10Time(NodeName : S15 ;VAR TenTime : DateTimeRec) : Word; Function GetDevices(ServerID : S12;VAR Device : DeviceArray;VAR DeviceCount : Integer): Word; Function NetUse(ServerID : S12; LocalDrive : Char; RemoteDevice : String;NetUsePassWord : S8) : Word; Function UnUse(LocalDrive : Char) : Word; Function Submit(ServerID : S12; CommandLine : String): Word; Function SetSpool(Printer : Byte; SpoolName : S12; Notification : NotifySet; RDays : Byte): Word; Function OpenSpool(NewSpoolName : S12) : Word; Function CloseSpool : Word; Function UpCase8(Str_8 : S8): S8; Function UpCase12(Str_12 : S12): S12; {******************************************************************************} Implementation Function UpCase12(Str_12 : S12): S12; {Expands and "Upcases" a 12 character string} VAR I : Integer; Begin For I:=1 to Length(Str_12) do Str_12[I]:=Upcase(Str_12[I]); While Length(Str_12)<12 do Str_12:=Str_12+' '; UpCase12:=Str_12; End; Function UpCase8(Str_8 : S8): S8; {Expands and "Upcases" an 8 character string} VAR I : Integer; Begin For I:=1 to Length(Str_8) do Str_8[I]:=Upcase(Str_8[I]); While Length(Str_8)<8 do Str_8:=Str_8+' '; UpCase8:=Str_8; End; Function TimeStamp : Real; {Returns a timestamp of 6 bytes ordered, Year,Month,Day,Hour(24),Minute, Second } VAR TS : Array[1..6] of Byte; TStmp : Real absolute TS; Year,Month,Day,DOW,Hour,Minute,Sec,Hund : Word; Begin GetTime(Hour,Minute,Sec,Hund); GetDate(Year,Month,Day,DOW); Year:=Year mod 100; TS[1]:=Byte(Year); TS[2]:=Byte(Month); TS[3]:=Byte(Day); TS[4]:=Byte(Hour); TS[5]:=Byte(Minute); TS[6]:=Byte(Sec); TimeStamp:=TStmp; End; Function StampAge(StartTime : Real): LongInt; { Returns the difference in seconds between the currenttime and the "Starttime" timestamp.} VAR TS1 : Array[1..6] of Byte absolute StartTime; TStamp2 : Real; TS2 : Array[1..6] of Byte absolute TStamp2; IArray : Array[1..6] of Integer; SA : Longint; I : Integer; Leaps : Integer; {==========} procedure TDec(Pos : Integer); begin if Pos>0 then begin If (TS2[Pos]=SCMin[Pos]) then begin TDec(Pos-1); If (Pos=3) then TS2[Pos]:=SCMon[TS2[2]] else begin If Pos>3 then TS2[Pos]:=SCLim[Pos]-1 else TS2[Pos]:=SCLim[Pos]; end; end else TS2[Pos]:=TS2[Pos]-1; end; end; {==========} Begin FillChar(IArray,12,0); TStamp2:=TimeStamp; {Count leaps if necessary} Leaps:=0; If TS2[1]>(TS1[1]+1) then for I:=TS1[1]+1 to TS2[1]-1 do if (I mod 4 = 0) then Leaps:=Leaps+1; If TS2[1]=TS1[1]+1 then if (((TS1[1] mod 4 = 0) and (TS1[2]<=2)) or ((TS2[1] mod 4 =0) and (TS2[2]>2))) then Leaps:=Leaps+1; If (((TS1[1]=TS2[1]) and (TS1[1] mod 4 = 0)) and ((TS1[2]<=2)and (TS2[2]>2))) then Leaps:=Leaps+1; For I:=6 downto 1 do begin If (TS2[I]TS1[2] do begin Leaps:=Leaps+SCMon[I]; I:=I+1; If I>12 then I:=1; end; If IArray[1]>0 then Leaps:=Leaps+IArray[1]*365; Leaps:=Leaps+IArray[3]; SA:=Leaps; SA:=SA*24+IArray[4]; SA:=SA*60+IArray[5]; StampAge:=SA*60+IArray[6]; End; Function Loaded : Boolean; { Is 10Net Loaded? } TYPE LoadCheck = Array[1..4] of Char; VAR LPtr : ^LoadCheck; Begin With TenRegs do begin AX:=$356F; MSDos(TenRegs); LPtr:=Ptr(ES,BX-4); If (LPtr^[4]+Lptr^[3]+LPtr^[2]+LPtr^[1]='1XOF') then Loaded:=True else Loaded:=False; end; end; Function NODEName : S12; {Returns the current nodename } VAR I : Integer; NN : S12; Begin NN:=''; If TNTI then for I:=1 to 12 do NN:=NN+ConfigTable^.CT_NID; NodeName:=NN; End; Function Chat(NodeID : S12; VAR DBuffer {:String[n]} ) : Word; { The DBuffer should be a Turbo Pascal String (length indicator in byte 0) The string should be no more than 100 bytes long. This function sends a 10Net Chat message to the NodeID specified. } VAR I : Integer; LI : ^Byte; PBuffer : ^ChatBytes; Begin With TenRegs do if TNTI then begin For I:=1 to Length(NodeID) do LogData.NodeName[I]:=NodeID[I]; If (Length(NodeID)<12) then for I:=Length(NodeID)+1 to 12 do LogData.NodeName[I]:=#32; For I:=1 to 8 do LogData.Password[I]:=#32; For I:=1 to 8 do LogData.UserName[I]:=ConfigTable^.CT_LName[I]; PBuffer:=@DBuffer; LI:=@DBuffer; ChatRec.MsgLength:=Integer(LI^)+2; If ChatRec.MsgLength>102 then begin ChatRec.MsgLength:=102; LI^:=100; end; {@#@} Move(PBuffer^[2],ChatRec.ChatText,ChatRec.MsgLength-1); AX:=$0A00; DS:=Seg(LogData); BX:=Ofs(LogData); DX:=Ofs(ChatRec); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If Not ((Flags and $01)=0) then Chat:=AX else Chat:=0; end else begin Writeln('TENTOOLS Not Initialized'); Halt; end; end; Function Status(NodeName : S15; VAR SBlock : StatusBlock): Word; { Returns a Block of Status information from the Nodename requested if that node is on the network.} TYPE A20 = Array[1..23] of Char; VAR SBP : ^A20; I : Integer; Begin If TNTI then with TenRegs do begin NodeName:=Upcase12(NodeName); FillChar(SBlock,Sizeof(StatusBlock),0); While Length(NodeName)<15 do NodeName:=NodeName+' '; Move(NodeName[1],SBlock,15); SBP:=@SBlock; Move(ConfigTable^.CT_LName,SBP^[16],8); AX:=$0200; DS:=Seg(SBlock); DX:=Ofs(SBlock); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If Not ((Flags and $01)=0) then Status:=AX else Status:=0; end else begin Writeln('TENTOOLS Not Initialized'); Halt; end; end; Function Get10Time(NodeName : S15 ;VAR TenTime : DateTimeRec) : Word; {Returns the Date and Time in a DateTimeRec Record from the Node Requested.} VAR TempStatus : ^StatusBlock; Begin GetMem(TempStatus,512); TenTest:=Status(NodeName,TempStatus^); If (TenTest=0) then with TempStatus^ do begin with TenTime do begin Year:=S_Date[3]+1980; Month:=S_Date[2]; Day:=S_Date[1]; Hour:=S_Time[3]; Minute:=S_Time[2]; Second:=S_Time[1]; Get10Time:=0; end; end else Get10Time:=TenTest; FreeMem(TempStatus,512); End; Function Login(ServerID : S12;PW10Net : S8): Word; { Logs into the requested server. } VAR I : Integer; Begin With TenRegs do if TNTI then begin Move(ConfigTable^.CT_LName,LogData.UserName,8); PW10Net:=Upcase8(PW10Net); For I:=1 to 8 do LogData.Password[I]:=PW10Net[I]; ServerID:=Upcase12(ServerID); Move(ServerID[1],LogData.NodeName,12); { Writeln(LogData.UserName,'<'); Writeln(LogData.PassWord,'<'); Writeln(LogData.NodeName,'<'); } AX:=$0000; DS:=Seg(LogData); DX:=Ofs(LogData); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If Not ((Flags and $01)=0) then Login:=AX else Login:=0; (* Case AX of $0000 : Write('Good Login'); $01FF : Write('No response from Superstation'); $02FF : Write('Network Error'); $03FF : Write('Invalid password'); $04FF : Write('No Local Buffer available'); $05FF : Write('Superstation device is not available'); $06FF : Write('Node Already logged in under different name.'); $07FF : Write('Login not valid from this node ID.'); $09FF : Write('Node is not a superstation'); $0AFF : Write('Node-ID already in use by another station!'); else Write('ErrorCode ',AX); end; {Case} *) end else begin Writeln('TENTOOLS Not Initialized'); Halt; end; end; Function Logoff(ServerID : S12): Word; { Logs off the requested server. } Begin While Length(ServerID)<12 do ServerID:=ServerID+' '; With TenRegs do if Loaded then begin AX:=$0100; DS:=Seg(ServerID); DX:=Ofs(ServerID)+1; Intr($6F,TenRegs); If Not ((Flags and $01)=0) then Logoff:=AX else Logoff:=0; end else Logoff:=$FFFF; End; Function Mount(ServerID : S12; LocalDevice,RemoteDevice : Char) : Word; { For Drive mounting, mounts drive REMOTEDRIVE at SERVERID as LOCALDRIVE locally; for printer mounting, use "1" for LPT1, etc. } VAR LDrive : Integer; Begin With TenRegs do if Loaded then begin If LocalDevice in ['A'..'Z'] then LDrive:=Ord(LocalDevice)-65 else if LocalDevice in ['1'..'3'] then LDrive:=Ord(LocalDevice)-49; While Length(ServerID)<12 do ServerID:=ServerID+' '; AX:=$1700+LDrive; DX:=Ofs(ServerID)+1; DS:=Seg(ServerID); BL:=Ord(RemoteDevice); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If ((Flags AND 1)<>0) then begin Mount:=AX; { TextColor(White+Blink); Writeln('Error: ',AX);} end else Mount:=0; end else Mount:=$FFFF; end; Function UnMount(LocalDrive : Char) : Word; { Unmounts previously mounted drive or printer } VAR LDrive : Integer; LPrint : Integer absolute LDrive; Begin If Loaded then With TenRegs do begin If (LocalDrive in ['A'..'Z']) then begin LDrive:=Ord(LocalDrive)-65; AX:=$1800+LDrive; BL:=0; end else if (LocalDrive in ['1'..'3']) then begin LPrint:=Ord(LocalDrive)-49; AX:=$1800+LPrint; BL:=1; end; Intr($6F,TenRegs); If ((Flags AND 1)<>0) then UnMount:=AX else UnMount:=0; end else UnMount:=$FFFF; end; Function NetUse(ServerID : S12; LocalDrive : Char; RemoteDevice : String;NetUsePassWord : S8) : Word; { Attaches to a Device at a Remote Server. The RemoteDevice can be an ALIAS } VAR I : Integer; DriveString : S8; SERVERZ : S12; RemoteString : String; Begin If Loaded then with TenRegs do begin SERVERZ:=ServerID; For I:=1 to Length(SERVERZ) do SERVERZ[I]:=Upcase(SERVERZ[I]); While ServerZ[Length(ServerZ)]=' ' do Dec(ServerZ[0]); For I:=1 to Length(NetUsePassword) do NetUsePassword[I]:=Upcase(NetUsePassword[I]); BL:=4; CX:=0; DriveString:=Upcase(LocalDrive)+':'+#0; DS:=Seg(DriveString); SI:=Ofs(DriveString)+1; For I:=1 to Length(RemoteDevice) do RemoteDevice[I]:=Upcase(RemoteDevice[I]); RemoteString:='\\'+SERVERZ+'\'+RemoteDevice+#0+NetUsePassWord; While RemoteString[Length(RemoteString)]=' ' do Dec(RemoteString[0]); RemoteString:=RemoteString+#0; ES:=Seg(RemoteString); DI:=Ofs(RemoteString)+1; AX:=$5F03; {uses the Dos function call "Redirect Device"} MSDOS(TenRegs); If ((Flags AND 1)<>0) then NetUse:=AX else NetUse:=0; end else NetUse:=$FFFF; End; Function UnUse(LocalDrive : Char) : Word; { Detaches from a shared device at a remote server. The attachment was made through a Net Use (or NetUse), and the local drive letter is all that is needed to detach} VAR DriveString : S8; Begin If Loaded then with TenRegs do begin DriveString:=Upcase(LocalDrive)+':'+#0; DS:=Seg(DriveString); SI:=Ofs(DriveString)+1; AX:=$5F04; MSDos(TenRegs); If ((Flags AND 1)<>0) then UnUse:=AX else UnUse:=0; end else UnUse:=$FFFF; End; Function Send(NodeID : S12; VAR DBuffer; DLength :Integer): Word; {Send a data packet on the network to NODEID ( or on a CB Channel if NODEID is CB##, limited to 470 byte packets. Used within the Toolbox to accomplish TBSend, which allows large records to be sent.} VAR I,SR : Integer; CBL : String[2]; Begin If DLength<=470 then begin NodeID:=Upcase12(NodeId); Move(NodeID[1],SendSet.RNode,12); SendSet.DataBytes:=DLength; Move(DBuffer,SendBuffer,DLength); If ((NodeID[1]='C') and (NodeID[2]='B')) then begin CBL:=Copy(NodeID,3,2); If CBL[2]=' ' then CBL[0]:=#1; VAL(CBL,I,SR); If SR=0 then begin SendSet.RNode[2]:=#0; SendSet.RNode[1]:=Char(I); end; end; With TenRegs do begin DS:=Seg(SendSet); BX:=Ofs(SendSet); DX:=Ofs(SendBuffer); AX:=$0400; Intr($6F,TenRegs); If Flags and 1 <> 0 then Send:=AX else Send:=0; end; end else Send:=$FFFF; End; Function Receive(VAR DBuffer; Secs : Word; VAR Available : Integer; VAR CBMessage : Boolean): Word; {Receive a data packet on the network in the structure below: data bytes ===================== SenderNodeID : 12 Len : 2 Data : (Len) Available is set to the number of packets available INCLUDING the current message. Receives data sent through the SEND function, which is limited to data structures of length 470 or less. TBSend and TBReceive (which use Send and Receive) can be used for larger structures. } VAR TestString : ^String80; Begin TestString:=@DBuffer; CBMessage:=False; With TenRegs do begin DX:=Ofs(DBuffer); DS:=Seg(DBuffer); CX:=Secs; AX:=$0500; Intr($6F,TenRegs); If (Flags and 1 <> 0) then Receive:=AX else begin Receive:=0; If AL=$FE then CBMessage:=True; Available:=ConfigTable^.CT_CBCNT+1; end; end; End; Function GetRemoteMemory(NodeID : S12; VAR DBuffer; VAR DLength : Integer; RemSeg,RemOfs : Word) : Word; {Copy a section of memory from a remote node to DBuffer (maximum of 470 bytes) } VAR I : Integer; Begin With TenRegs do begin AX:=$1400; BX:=RemSeg; CX:=DLength; SI:=RemOfs; DS:=Seg(DBuffer); DX:=Ofs(NodeID)+1; NodeID:=Upcase12(NodeID); DI:=Ofs(DBuffer); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If (Flags and 1)>0 then GetRemoteMemory:=AX else begin DLength:=CX; GetRemoteMemory:=0; end; end; End; Procedure SetCBChannel(CBChannel : Byte); { This procedure will set your "Listening" Channel to the CBCHANNEL (1 through 40 are available) specified. TBSends to this CBChannel from other nodes will be available here through TBReceive. TBSends to other CBChannels will not be seen here. TBSends directed specifically to this node will also be seen here, of course. The advantages of CB messaging are that many nodes can be setup to receive messages on a particular channel, and the sender will not be held up waiting for a network handshake to tell him that his Send was Received. } Begin If TNTI then begin ConfigTable^.CT_CB:=CBChannel; end; End; Function TBSend(NodeID : S12; {Node to send to } VAR DBuffer; {The data record } DLength : Integer; {Length (bytes) of data } TransactionID : TID; {Tag to identify record (4 bytes)} TransType : Integer; {Transaction Type - (external to this toolbox) an integer type used to maintain that one is receiving only the correct type of records.} ResponseType : Byte {Not implemented} ) : Word; { TBSend will send a large interapplication message (DBuffer) of length DLENGTH across the network. The TransactionID is user defineable and can be used to acknowledge the receipt or processing of a record to the originator. TransType, optional, can be used to identify the type of processing required of a record. The data in DBuffer can be of any structure. The message is effectively broken into packets, and sent with a "packet marker" to assist in its reconstruction when received. Unique Transaction IDs is essential for records larger than 457 bytes to maintain unique record identity. Packet Data consists of a PRec (see data Type definitions) and 457 bytes of the DataRec. The network provides handshaking with Sends and Receives if they are directed to a particular node. If CB# is used instead, there is no handshaking provided. If a node is specified, and it is not currently available or its 10Net SBuffers buffering is full, the sending node will be stuck waiting for a timeout or until the receiver or buffer space appears. For this reason, in some applications which can't be held up waiting, it is wise to use CB channel communication. (See the "SetCBChannel" function for a discussion of its usage.) } VAR RetCode : Word; PBuffer : ^MaxBytes; ILength : Integer; Begin If TNTI then begin If DLength0) then TPackets:=TPackets+1; TType:=TransType; TLength:=DLength; RespType:=ResponseType; For Packet:=1 to TPackets do begin If Packet=TPackets then ILength:=DLength mod 457 else ILength:=457; Move(PacketRec,SendBuffer,13); Move(PBuffer^[(Packet-1)*457+1],SendBuffer[14],ILength); RetCode:=Send(NodeID,SendBuffer,ILength+13); If RetCode<>0 then Packet:=TPackets; end; If RetCode<>0 then TBSend:=RetCode else TBSend:=0; end; end else begin Writeln(''); Writeln('Record Size too large for TenTools Configuration.'); Writeln('MaxSendBufferSize=',MaxSendBufferSize); Writeln('Record not Sent!'); Delay(1000); end; end else begin Writeln('TENTOOLS Not Initialized'); Halt; end; End; Function TBReceive( VAR SenderID: S12; {Sending NodeID : String12 } VAR DBuffer; {Variable (record) to receive } VAR DLength : Integer; {Maximum length record to receive} VAR TransactionID : TID; {See description of TBSend } VAR TransType : Integer; {See description of TBSend } VAR Available : Integer; {Number of records available including the one passed back } VAR CB : Boolean) {Was this a CB transmission? } : Word; {Return code indicates a 10Net error($XXFF) or an error in a passed parameter ($FFXX)} VAR LLRs,LLRet,I : Integer; SenderNode : SID absolute ReceiveBuffer; RLength : ^Integer; RPack : ^PRec; RcvData : ^Byte; CBM : Boolean; Begin If TNTI then begin RLength:=@ReceiveBuffer[13]; RPack:=@ReceiveBuffer[15]; RcvData:=@ReceiveBuffer[15+Sizeof(RPack^)]; Repeat {process 10net receives} LLRet:=Receive(ReceiveBuffer,0,LLRs,CBM); If LLRet=0 then begin CPointer:=TPointer; If RPack^.Packet=1 then CPointer:=HPointer else while ((TBR^[CPointer].TransID <> RPack^.TransID) and (CPointer<>HPointer)) do begin CPointer:=CPointer+1; If CPointer>MaxReceives then CPointer:=1; end; If CPointer=HPointer then begin {beginning a new record} HPointer:=HPointer+1; If HPointer>MaxReceives then HPointer:=1; If TPointer=HPointer then begin TPointer:=TPointer+1; If TPointer>MaxReceives then TPointer:=1; end; TBR^[CPointer].Sender:=''; For I:=1 to 12 do TBR^[CPointer].Sender:=TBR^[CPointer].Sender+SenderNode[I]; TBR^[CPointer].TransID:=RPack^.TransID; TBR^[CPointer].TType:=RPack^.TType; TBR^[CPointer].RTime:=TimeStamp; TBR^[CPointer].TrackRecv:=[]; For I:=1 to RPack^.TPackets do TBR^[CPointer].TrackRecv:=TBR^[CPointer].TrackRecv+[I]; TBR^[CPointer].Resptype:=RPack^.RespType; TBR^[CPointer].TLength:=RPack^.TLength; TBR^[CPointer].CB:=CBM; end; Move(RcvData^,TBD^[CPointer]^[RPack^.Packet],RLength^-Sizeof(RPack^)); TBR^[CPointer].TrackRecv:=TBR^[CPointer].TrackRecv-[RPack^.Packet]; end; Until LLRet<>0; {Count number of records ready, keeping track of the first.} Available:=0; CPointer:=TPointer; While CPointer<>HPointer do begin If TBR^[CPointer].TrackRecv=[] then begin Available:=Available+1; If Available=1 then begin SenderID:=TBR^[CPointer].Sender; DLength:=TBR^[CPointer].TLength; If TBR^[CPointer].TLength>MaxRecBufferSize then DLength:=MaxRecBufferSize; TransactionID:=TBR^[CPointer].TransID; TransType:=TBR^[CPointer].TType; CB:=TBR^[CPointer].CB; Move(TBD^[CPointer]^,DBuffer,DLength); If CPointer<>TPointer then Move(TBR^[TPointer],TBR^[CPointer],Sizeof(TBR^[1])); TPointer:=TPointer+1; If TPointer>MaxReceives then TPointer:=1; end; end else if ((CPointer=TPointer) and (StampAge(TBR^[CPointer].RTime)>MAXRCVWAIT)) then begin TPointer:=TPointer+1; If TPointer>MaxReceives then TPointer:=1; end; CPointer:=CPointer+1; If CPointer>MaxReceives then CPointer:=1; End; If Available>0 then TBReceive:=0 else if LLRet<>$01FF then TBReceive:=LLRet else TBReceive:=0; end else begin Writeln('TENTOOLS Not Initialized'); Halt; end; End; Function Nodes(VAR NodeBuffer;VAR MaxNodes : Integer; SuperstationsOnly : Boolean) : Word; { A call to this function should be made with NODEBUFFER being an Array[1..MaxNodes] of S12. MaxNodes being the largest number of nodes you expect to see on the network. If the Returncode of NODES is 0, MaxNodes will have the actual number of nodenames returned and the array will be filled with their names. SuperstationsOnly is a boolean which allows nodes to be called to list only superstations. } VAR LIAV : LongInt; Av : Word; I,J,K,MaxRecs : Integer; Adjust : S12; Begin If MaxNodes>1024 then MaxNodes:=0; If (TNTI and (MaxNodes>0)) then with TenRegs do begin LIAV:=MaxAvail; If (LIAV>=$FFFF) then AV:=$FFFF else AV:=LIAV; MaxRecs:=Av div 24; If MaxNodes0 then Nodes:=AX else Nodes:=0; If SuperStationsOnly then MaxNodes:=K-1; FreeMem(NodeArray,AV); end else if (MaxNodes<=0) then Nodes:=$FFFF; End; Function GetDevices(ServerID : S12; VAR Device : DeviceArray; VAR DeviceCount : Integer): Word; { Returns a list of devices through the Variable parameter Devices (which is defined as Array[1..25] of S8). Uses the Get/Set/Delete/Get User Shared Device (Int-$6F,Service-$15) function call. } VAR DCount : Integer; DeviceTable : SDev; SERVERZ : S12; I : Integer; Begin FillChar(Device,Sizeof(Device),0); {initialize to all nullstrings} If Loaded then with TenRegs do begin SERVERZ:=Upcase12(ServerID); DCount:=0; Repeat AX:=$1501; BX:=DCount; DS:=Seg(ServerZ); SI:=Ofs(ServerZ)+1; ES:=Seg(DeviceTable); DI:=Ofs(DeviceTable); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If not ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin Device[DCount]:=DeviceTable.Alias; Inc(DCount); end else GetDevices:=AX; Until ((Flags and 1)>0); DeviceCount:=DCount; If DeviceCount=0 then GetDevices:=AX else GetDevices:=0; end else GetDevices:=$FFFF; End; Function GetTableData(VAR TableBuffer : GetTableDataRec): Word; VAR I : Integer; Begin If Loaded then With TenRegs do begin For I:=1 to 12 do TableBuffer.NodeID[I]:=ConfigTable^.CT_NID[I]; TableBuffer.Res1:=0; AX:=$1D00; DS:=Seg(TableBuffer); DX:=Ofs(TableBuffer); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If not ((Flags and 1)>0) then GetTableData:=0 else GetTableData:=AX; end else GetTableData:=$FFFF; End; Function MountsAvail : Integer; VAR TempTable : ^GetTableDataRec; Begin GetMem(TempTable,Sizeof(GetTableDataRec)); If (GetTableData(TempTable^)=0) then MountsAvail:=TempTable^.TenNetTables[1].Free+TempTable^.TenNetTables[1].Alloc else MountsAvail:=0; FreeMem(TempTable,Sizeof(GetTableDataRec)); End; Function MountList(VAR MountTable : DriveArray;VAR PrintTable : PrintArray;VAR TableEntries : Integer): Word; {Returns a mountlist of type DriveTable (with TableEntries as a count of actual table entries returned), and PrintTable of Printer reassignments. The caller must specify a maximum tablesize by setting table entries before calling. Returns with a value of 0 if it worked without any hitches, and the value of a 10net error if there is any problem. Will return with a value of $FFFF if not loaded. Will return names of Devices if any are currently "NetUsed".} VAR I,IB,IM : Integer; SA : Word; SR : SearchRec; MChar : Char; Highest : Integer; LD : ^Byte; HighestLocal : Integer; LDevBuffer : Array[1..128] of Char; RDevBuffer : Array[1..128] of Char; Begin If TableEntries<0 then TableEntries:=26; Highest:=0; If not Loaded then MountList:=$FFFF else with TenRegs do begin HighestLocal:=ConfigTable^.CT_PHYSDRVS; MountList:=0; Highest:=MountsAvail; If TableEntries>Highest then TableEntries:=Highest; For MChar:='A' to Char(TableEntries+64) do with MountTable[MChar] do begin If Ord(MChar)-64<=HighestLocal then ServerID:='Local ' else ServerID:=' '; RPath:=MChar; end; For MChar:='1' to '3' do with PrintTable[MChar] do begin ServerID:=' '; RPath:=''; end; IB:=0; Flags:=0; while not ((Flags and 1)>0) do begin AX:=$1C00; BX:=IB; DS:=Seg(SendSet); DI:=Ofs(SendSet); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If not ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin IM:=0; While not ((Flags and 1)>0) do begin AX:=$1B00; BX:=IM; DS:=Seg(SendSet); DX:=Ofs(SendSet); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If not ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin If (AH in [65..90]) then begin MChar:=Char(AH); If AH<=(TableEntries+64) then begin MountTable[MChar].ServerID[0]:=#12; Move(SendSet.RNode,MountTable[MChar].ServerID[1],12); MountTable[MChar].RPath:=Char(AL); end; end else if (AH in [49..51]) then begin MChar:=Char(AH); PrintTable[MChar].ServerID[0]:=#12; Move(SendSet.RNode,PrintTable[MChar].ServerID[1],12); PrintTable[MChar].RPath:=Char(AL); end; end else if not (AX=$25FF) then begin MountList:=AX; TableEntries:=Highest; Exit; end; Inc(IM); end; Flags:=0; end else if not (AX=$08FF) then MountList:=AX; Inc(IB); end; IB:=0; Repeat AX:=$5F02; BX:=IB; DS:=Seg(LDevBuffer); SI:=Ofs(LDevBuffer); ES:=Seg(RDevBuffer); DI:=Ofs(RDevBuffer); MSDOS(TenRegs); If not ((Flags and 1)>0) then with MountTable[LDevBuffer[1]] do begin I:=3; RPath:=''; ServerID:=''; While not (RDevBuffer[I]='\') do begin ServerID:=ServerID+RDevBuffer[I]; Inc(I); end; Inc(I); While not(RDevBuffer[I]=#0) do begin RPath:=RPath+RDevBuffer[I]; Inc(I); end; end; Inc(IB); Until ((Flags and 1)>0); end; End; Function LogList(VAR Logins : LogArray;VAR TableEntries : Integer): Word; {Returns a list of nodes that the local station is logged into. LogArray is a TYPE defined as Array[0..19] of String[12] and can be used in the calling program. } VAR IB : Integer; Begin If not Loaded then LogList:=$FFFF else with TenRegs do begin IB:=0; Flags:=0; while not ((Flags and 1)>0) do begin AX:=$1C00; BX:=IB; DS:=Seg(Sendset); DI:=Ofs(SendSet); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If not ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin Logins[IB][0]:=#12; Move(SendSet.RNode,Logins[IB][1],12); Inc(IB); end; LogList:=0; end; TableEntries:=IB; end; End; Function Submit(ServerID : S12; CommandLine : String): Word; { If the local User is LOGGED INTO the node SERVERID, and the submit permit is ON at ServerID, and ServerID is currently at a DOS prompt, then the Commandline will be SUBMITTED to ServerID. If it is not currently at a DOS prompt, it will be SUBMITTED when it reaches a DOS prompt. } TYPE SubmitRec = Record Nodeid : Array[1..12] of Char; CLen : Integer; CLine : Array[1..100] of Char; end; VAR ServerZ : S12; I : Integer; SRec : SubmitRec; Begin If Loaded then with TenRegs do begin SERVERZ:=Upcase12(ServerID); Move(ServerZ[1],SRec.Nodeid,12); If Pos(#13,Commandline)>0 then SRec.CLen:=Pos(#13,Commandline)-1 else SRec.CLen:=Length(Commandline); CommandLine:=CommandLine+#13+#10; Inc(SRec.CLen,2); Move(Commandline[1],SRec.CLine,SRec.CLen); AX:=$0900; DS:=Seg(SRec); BX:=Ofs(SRec); Intr($6F,TenRegs); If ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin Submit:=AX; end else Submit:=0; end else Submit:=$FFFF; End; Function SetSpool(Printer : Byte; SpoolName : S12; Notification : NotifySet; RDays : Byte): Word; { When SetSpool is first called, it merely sets up a "Template" for subsequent calls to OpenSpool and CloseSpool. You must be logged into the Superstation where you want to spool and be mounted to a printer and a drive on that Superstation. SetSpool will determine where the Printer (1,2, or 3 for your local LPT1:,LPT2:, or LPT3:) is mounted and a drive letter that you are mounted to. } VAR NT : NotifyTypes; DriveTable : DriveArray; PrintTable : PrintArray; MaxDrive : Integer; SSC : Char; Pr : String[5]; SplServer : S12; Begin If Loaded then with SpoolSettings do begin { Look at which server printer is mounted on and find out which drives it is also mounted to. } MaxDrive:=26; TenTest:=MountList(DriveTable,PrintTable,MaxDrive); If (TenTest=0) then begin SplServer:=PrintTable[Char(Printer+48)].ServerID; If ((SplServer=' ')or(SplServer='Local ')) then SplServer:='' else begin Pr:='LPT'+Char(Printer+48)+':'; SSC:='A'; While not ((SSC>Char(MaxDrive+64))or(DriveTable[SSC].ServerID=SplServer)) do Inc(SSC); If not (DriveTable[SSC].ServerID=SplServer) then SSC:=#0; end; If ((SSC<>#0)and(SplServer<>'')) then begin UDVC:=Printer; UDVC:=UDVC+(Ord(SSC)-64)shl 4; UCode:=00; If Spoolname<>'' then begin While (Pos(' ',Spoolname)>0) do Delete(Spoolname,Pos(' ',Spoolname),1); If (Pos('.',Spoolname)>0) then Delete(Spoolname,Pos('.',Spoolname),1); end; While Length(Spoolname)<11 do Spoolname:=Spoolname+' '; Move(Spoolname[1],SpoolSettings.UFile,11); UNote:=0; If (Start in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 1; If (Reply in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 2; If (Completion in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 4; If (ExplQueue in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 8; If (NoFF in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 32; If (IDPage in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 64; If (QueueTop in Notification) then UNote:=UNote or 2; UDays:=RDays; ULen:=0; UArea:=0; SetSpool:=0; Spooling:=True; end else SetSpool:=$23FF; end else SetSpool:=$25FF; end else SetSpool:=$FFFF; End; Function OpenSpool(NewSpoolname : S12) : Word; {Once SetSpool has "configured" your spool, calls to OpenSpool will create a new spoolfile with the optional Newspoolname, or with a name automatically set by 10Net if NewSpoolName=''. } VAR OpenSpoolSet : SpoolBlock; Begin If Spooling then with TenRegs do begin If NewSpoolname<>'' then begin While (Pos(' ',NewSpoolname)>0) do Delete(NewSpoolname,Pos(' ',NewSpoolname),1); If (Pos('.',NewSpoolname)>0) then Delete(NewSpoolname,Pos('.',NewSpoolname),1); end; While Length(NewSpoolname)<11 do NewSpoolname:=NewSpoolname+' '; Move(NewSpoolname[1],SpoolSettings.UFile,11); Move(SpoolSettings,OpenSpoolSet,Sizeof(SpoolSettings)); DS:=Seg(OpenSpoolSet); DX:=Ofs(OpenSpoolSet); AX:=$0E00; OpenSpoolSet.UCode:=0; Intr($6F,TenRegs); If ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin OpenSpool:=AX; end else OpenSpool:=0; end else OpenSpool:=$FFFF; End; Function CloseSpool : Word; { Calls to CloseSpool, after a spool has been started through OpenSpool and some print has been "sent to the printer", will cause the Spoolfile to close and printing to begin if the Print Permit is ON at the location where the printer is mounted. "Sending print to the printer" is done in the usual manner, from within programs, by "Typing and Piping" (TYPE>LPT1 ), by Copying from a file to the printer, etc.} VAR CloseSpoolSet : SpoolBlock; Begin If Spooling then with TenRegs do begin Move(SpoolSettings,CloseSpoolSet,Sizeof(SpoolSettings)); DS:=Seg(CloseSpoolSet); DX:=Ofs(CloseSpoolSet); AX:=$0E00; CloseSpoolSet.UCode:=2; Intr($6F,TenRegs); If ((Flags and 1)>0) then begin CloseSpool:=AX; end else CloseSpool:=0; end else CloseSpool:=$FFFF; End; Function TenConfig(MaxSendRec,MaxRecvRec : Integer; {Size of largest records to send/receive} MaxRecs : Integer) {Maximum number of Records to recv} : Word; VAR I : Integer; RetCode : Word; { This function allows the user to dynamically change the size of the buffers being used by TBSend and TBReceive to optimize usage. MaxSendRec is the size of the largest TBSEND record MaxRecvRec is the size of the largest TBRECEIVE record MaxRecs is the number of TBReceive records to buffer } Begin If TNTI then begin For I:=1 to MaxReceives do begin FreeMem(TBD^[I],Sizeof(RcvBlock)*MaxRecvSets); end; FreeMem(TBD,MaxReceives*4); FreeMem(TBR,MaxReceives*Sizeof(RecvRec)); end; RetCode:=0; If MaxRecs<1310 then MaxReceives:=MaxRecs else RetCode:=RetCode+1; If MaxSendRec<=65521 then MaxSendBufferSize:=MaxSendRec else RetCode:=RetCode+2; If MaxRecvRec<=65521 then MaxRecBuffersize:=MaxRecvRec else RetCode:=RetCode+4; If MaxRecs>0 then begin MaxRecvSets:= MaxRecBufferSize div 457 + 1; GetMem(TBR,MaxReceives*Sizeof(RecvRec)); GetMem(TBD,MaxReceives*4); For I:=1 to MaxReceives do GetMem(TBD^[I],Sizeof(RcvBlock)*MaxRecvSets); end; TenConfig:=RetCode; End; Function SetWait(WaitLimit : Integer): Word; { Changes the maximum seconds to wait for receive packets in the same record, Defaults to 30 } Begin If ((WaitLimit>0) and (WaitLimit<3000)) then begin MaxRcvWait:=WaitLimit; SetWait:=0; end else SetWait:=$FFFF; End; Procedure SetUserName(UName : S8); {Changes the Username in the Network Table and in the Global variable USERNAME} VAR I : Integer; Begin If Loaded then begin UserName:=Upcase8(UName); Move(UserName[1],ConfigTable^.CT_LName,8); end else UserName:=Upcase8(UName); end; { The Unit Initialization Code below locates the Configuration Table Address and establishes the buffers necessary to make 10Net function calls. It will be called at the beginning of a program to make the tools available throughout the program. } Begin If Loaded then with TenRegs do begin (* Initially, no space is allocated for Sends and Receives; These buffers can be established dynamically with a call to TenConfig. TenTest:=TenConfig(MaxSendBufferSize,MaxRecBufferSize,MaxReceives); If TenTest<>0 then Writeln('TenConfig Error: ',TenTest); *) AX:=$0300; Intr($6F,TenRegs); ConfigTable:=Ptr(ES,BX); PreConfig:=Ptr(ES,BX-51); UserName:=''; For I10:=1 to 8 do UserName:=UserName+ConfigTable^.CT_LName[I10]; TNTI:=True; Spooling:=False; end else begin Writeln('TenTools inititalization Error!'); Writeln('Netword not Loaded!'); Spooling:=False; end; End. { Of TenTools Unit }