{ CHRIS QUARTETTI >Is there an easy way to create a 1-bit or 2-bit data structure. For >example, a 2-bit Type that can hold 4 possible values. For that matter, >is there a hard way? Thanks very much -Greg I suppose this would qualify For the hard way-- not too flexible, but it works. It would be a bit easier to do this if you wanted a bunch of the same size Variables (ie 4 4 bit Variables, or an Array of 4*x 4 bit Variables). FWIW I used BP7 here, but TP6 and up will work. Also, it need not be Object oriented. } Type bitf = Object { split 'bits' into bitfields } bits : Word; { 16 bits total } Function get : Word; Procedure set1(value : Word); { this will be 2 bits } Function get1 : Word; Procedure set2(value : Word); { this will be 13 bits } Function get2 : Word; Procedure set3(value : Word); { this will be 1 bit } Function get3 : Word; end; Function bitf.get : Word; begin get := bits; end; Procedure bitf.set1(value : Word); { Set the value of the first bitfield } Const valmask : Word = $C000; { 11000000 00000000 } bitsmask : Word = $3FFF; { 00111111 11111111 } begin value := value shl 14 and valmask; bits := value + (bits and bitsmask); end; Function bitf.get1 : Word; { Get the value of the first bitfield } begin get1 := bits shr 14; end; Procedure bitf.set2(value : Word); { Set the value of the second bitfield } Const valmask : Word = $3FFE; { 00111111 11111110 } bitsmask : Word = $C001; { 11000000 00000001 } begin value := (value shl 1) and valmask; bits := value + (bits and bitsmask); end; Function bitf.get2 : Word; { Get the value of the second bitfield } Const valmask : Word = $3FFE; { 00111111 11111110 } begin get2 := (bits and valmask) shr 1; end; Procedure bitf.set3(value : Word); { Set the value of the third bitfield } Const valmask : Word = $0001; { 00000000 00000001 } bitsmask : Word = $FFFE; { 11111111 11111110 } begin value := value and valmask; bits := value + (bits and bitsmask); end; Function bitf.get3 : Word; { Get the value of the third bitfield } Const valmask : Word = $0001; { 00000000 00000001 } begin get3 := bits and valmask; end; Var x : bitf; begin x.set1(3); { set all to maximum values } x.set2(8191); x.set3(1); Writeln(x.get1, ', ', x.get2, ', ', x.get3, ', ', x.get); end.