{ AE> numbersystem... When you want to create something in RIP you AE> first need to write some calculator to translate normal numbers AE> to RIP codes... It's not that difficult, you know how to convert hex -> normal and normal -> hex? Well, then you also can convert mega -> normal and normal -> mega little idea: } function word2mega(w:word):string; const table:array[0..35] of char='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; var s:string; begin s:=''; while w>0 do begin s:=table[w mod 36]+s; w:=w div 36; end; while length(s)<4 do s:='0'+s; word2mega:=s; end; function mega2word(s:string):word; var w:word; begin w:=0; if length(s)<5 then while s<>'' do begin if s[1]>'9' then w:=w*36+ord(s[1])-ord('A')+10 else w:=w*36+ord(s[1])-ord('0'); delete(s,1,1); end; mega2word:=w; end; var n:word; s:string; begin s:=paramstr(1); for n:=1 to length(s) do s[n]:=upcase(s[n]); writeln('mega2word: ',mega2word(s)); val(s,n,n); writeln('word2mega: ',word2mega(n)); end. converts a meganum to a word and a word to a meganum in one program! (Just one program so I don't have to think in which way it has to be converted) mega 12 gives mega2word: 38 word2mega: 0C mega 1C gives mega2word: 48 word2mega: 00