Unit Num2Word; {* Program by: Richard Weber - 08/02/94 - 4 hours work *} {* 70614,2411 *} Interface {* BY: Richard Weber *} {* CrazyWare - 08/02/94 *} {* CompuServe ID: 70614,2411 *} {* This program was written in 4 hours. *} {* Program is self Explainatory. There is only one available function. *} {* Function Number2Name(L : LongInt) : String; *} {* If you call Number2Name(20) it will return the word equalivent *} {* as a string. It function will process up to 2 billion and will *} {* not process numbers less than zero or fractions of one. *} {* I hope the unit comes in handy and will prevent you from working *} {* one out form scratch. *} {* Feel free to modify and expand it as will. Please leave me a message *} {* for any questions or comments. *} Function Number2Name(L : LongInt) : String; { Function converts Long Integer supplied to a Word String } Implementation CONST N_Ones : Array[0..9] of String[5] = ('', 'One', 'Two' , 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine'); N_OnesX : Array[0..9] of String[9] = ('Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eightteen', 'Nineteen'); N_Tens : Array[2..10] of String[7] = ('Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety', 'Hundred'); N_Extra : Array[1..3] of String[8] = ('Thousand', 'Million', 'Billion'); Hundred = 10; {* N_Tens[10] *} Function LongVal(S : String) : LongInt; Var TmpVal : LongInt; Count : Integer; Begin Val(S, TmpVal, Count); LongVal := TmpVal; End; Function Long2Str(L : LongInt) : String; Var S : String; Begin Str(L,S); Long2Str := S; End; Function Number2Name(L : LongInt) : String; Var NameString : String; NumberString : String; Finished : Boolean; Place : Integer; StopPlace : Integer; BeginPlace : Integer; CountPlace : Integer; Function Denom(I : Integer) : String; Var TestPlace : Integer; Begin TestPlace := I Div 3; If I Mod 3 <> 0 then Inc(TestPlace); If TestPlace > 1 then Denom := N_Extra[TestPlace-1] Else Denom := ''; End; Function TensConvert(S : String) : String; Var TmpStr : String; Begin If Length(S) > 2 then S := Copy(S,2,2); TensConvert := ''; If LongVal(S) <= 19 then Begin If LongVal(S) >=10 then TensConvert := N_OnesX[LongVal(S)-10] Else TensConvert := N_Ones[LongVal(S)]; End Else Begin TmpStr := N_Tens[LongVal(S) Div 10]; If LongVal(S) Mod 10 <> 0 then TmpStr := TmpStr + '-' + N_Ones[LongVal(S) Mod 10]; TensConvert := TmpStr; End; End; Function HundredConvert(S : String; Place : BYTE) : String; Var TmpString : String; Begin TmpString := ''; If LongVal(S) > 0 then Begin If (Length(S) = 3) and (LongVal(S[1]) > 0) then TmpString := TmpString + ' ' + N_Ones[LongVal(S[1])]+ ' ' + N_Tens[Hundred]; TmpString := TmpString + ' ' + TensConvert(S); TmpString := TmpString + ' ' + Denom(Place); End; HundredConvert := TmpString; End; Begin If L > 0 then Begin StopPlace := 0; Place := 3; NameString := ''; NumberString := Long2Str(L); Finished := False; Repeat If Place > Length(NumberString) then Begin Place := Length(NumberString); Finished := True; End; IF Place <> StopPlace then Begin BeginPlace := Length(NumberString)-Place+1; CountPlace := Place-StopPlace; NameString := HundredConvert(Copy(NumberString,BeginPlace,CountPlace),Place ) + NameString; End; StopPlace := Place; Inc(Place,3); Until Finished; Number2Name := NameString; End Else Number2Name := ' Zero'; End; Begin End. { --------------- demo ------------------------- } Program TestNum; Uses Num2Word; Var Lop : Integer; Tmp : LongInt; Begin Writeln; Randomize; For Lop := 1 to 10 do Begin Tmp := Random(65534); Writeln(Tmp, Number2Name(Tmp)); End; Readln; For Lop := 0 to 20 do Begin Writeln(Lop, Number2Name(Lop)); End; Readln; For Lop := 10 to 100 do Begin Writeln(Lop*10, Number2Name(Lop*10)); End; End.