{ So does anyone have any good read-write routines that will read/write words of bit legnths 9-13? } function add_code : integer; const Input_bit_count : integer = 0; Inbuf : longint =0; var i : longint; begin while input_bit_count <= 24 do begin i := getnextbyte; { shftL/R is an asm longint shift } InBuf := InBuf or shftL(i,24-input_bit_count); inc(input_bit_count,8); end; i := shftR(InBuf,32-num_bits); InBuf := shftL(InBuf,num_bits); input_bit_count := input_bit_count -num_bits; add_code := i; end; procedure add_code (code:word); const bits : integer = 0; begin lz_buffer[lz_cnt] := lo(bit_buf or (code shl bits)); inc(lz_cnt); if (code_len + bits) < 16 then begin bit_buf := lo(code shr (8-bits)); bits := bits +code_len -8; end else begin lz_buffer[lz_cnt] := lo(code shr (8-bits)); inc(lz_cnt); bit_buf := lo(code shr (16-bits)); bits := (bits + code_len -16); end; end;