program hexlong; const hexstr = '7fffffff'; const hexstr1 = '80000000'; function Hex2Long(S: string): Longint; var Temp: Longint; Err: Integer; begin Insert('$',S,1); Val(S, Temp, Err); Hex2Long := Temp; end; begin writeln (hexstr, ' = ', hex2long(hexstr)); writeln ('MAXLONGINT = ', maxlongint); writeln (hexstr1, ' = ', hex2long(hexstr1)); readln; end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7fffffff = 2147483647 MAXLONGINT = 2147483647 80000000 = -2147483648 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The values output are 100% correct. Mike Phillips INTERNET: procedure UnsignedStr(L:longint; var S:string); assembler; var TS:array[0..9] of char; { Temp string, it's stored backwards } asm mov di,ds { Save DS } mov si,ss { Set DS:SI to TS } mov ds,si lea si,TS[10] mov bx,10 { Divide by 10 } mov cx,word ptr [L] { Get L to ax:cx } mov ax,word ptr [L+2] @NotFin: xor dx,dx { Divide ax:cx by 10 to cx:ax, remainder in dx } div bx xchg ax,cx div bx add dl,48 { Convert remainder to ASCII } dec si mov [si],dl { Save in TS } xchg ax,cx { Swap ax and cx to prepare for next divide } or ax,ax { Already zero? } jnz @NotFin { No -> continue } or cx,cx { Also for high word... } jnz @NotFin lea cx,TS[10] { Get length of string } sub cx,si mov dx,di { Move saved DS to dx } les di,S { Get pointer of result string } cld mov al,cl { Store length } stosb rep movsb { Copy ASCII string } mov ds,dx { Restore DS } end; var I:longint; J:integer; S:string; begin Val('$FFFFFFFF',I,J); UnsignedStr(I,S); WriteLn(S,',',J); end. Function Hex2Long(S:String):LongInt; Assembler; Asm les di,[S] xor bx,bx mov dx,bx mov cl,[es:di] inc di @@CnvLoop: mov al,[es:di] inc di mov ah,'0' cmp al,'9' jbe @@Cnv2Num mov ah,'a'+10 cmp al,'a' jae @@Cnv2Num mov ah,'A'+10 @@Cnv2Num: sub al,ah shl dx,4 mov ch,bh shr ch,4 add dl,ch shl bx,4 add bl,al dec cl jnz @@CnvLoop mov ax,bx End; This is untested, off-the-top-of-my-head code, but it should work. If it doesn't just let me know and I will write a tested version for you. John Baldwin {----------------------------------------------------------------} PROGRAM Hexadecimal_To_Long_Converter; USES Crt; FUNCTION IsXDigit(CONST c: char): boolean; { -- TRUE iff C is a hexadecimal digit, i.e. -- C IN ['A' .. 'F', 'a' .. 'f', '0' .. '9']. } INLINE($5B/$80/$FB/$30/$72/$21/$80/$FB/$39/$77/$02/$EB/$16/$80/$FB/$41/$72/ $07/$80/$FB/$46/$77/$02/$EB/$0A/$80/$FB/$61/$72/$09/$80/$FB/$66/$77/ $04/$B0/$01/$EB/$02/$B0/$00); { -- Oh alright, I copied the above routine from one of my units ... } FUNCTION HexChar2Byte(CONST c: char): byte; { -- Convert a hex digit to its decimal value. -- Note: no argument checking. } BEGIN IF c IN ['0' .. '9'] THEN HexChar2Byte:=byte(c) - 48 ELSE HexChar2Byte:=byte(upcase(c)) - 55 END; TYPE str8 = STRING[8]; { -- Hex strings in TP cannot exceed 8 characters. } FUNCTION Hex2Long(CONST St: str8; VAR longvalue: longint): boolean; { -- Will attempt to convert a hexadecimal string to its decimal value. -- If this is succesful, the function result is TRUE, and the computed -- value is in LONGVALUE. -- If the routine fails (i.e, ST contains bad characters), FALSE is -- returned and LONGVALUE is undefined. } VAR power_of_16: longint; j : byte; BEGIN Hex2Long:=FALSE; { -- Assume failure. } FOR j:=1 TO length(St) DO IF NOT IsXDigit(St[j]) THEN exit; {$Q- -- Necessary but harmless. } longvalue:=0; power_of_16:=1; FOR j:=length(St) DOWNTO 1 DO BEGIN inc(longvalue, HexChar2Byte(St[j]) * power_of_16); power_of_16:=power_of_16 * 16 END; {$Q+ -- "Pop all your pushes". } Hex2Long:=TRUE END; { -- Main: } VAR St: str8; L : longint; BEGIN clrscr; REPEAT gotoxy(1, 2); ClrEol; write('Hex-string: '); readln(St); gotoxy(20, 2); IF Hex2Long(St, L) THEN write(' --> ', L:1) ELSE write(#7'Not a hex number ...'); readkey UNTIL St = '' END. The principle is this: decimal: 357 = 7*10^0 + 5*10^1 + 3*10^2 hex : a9f = f*16^0 + 9*16^1 + a*16^2 in which "^" is the exponentiation operator. For the mathematically challenged among you: X^0 = 1 (any X), and X^1 = X (ditto). {------------------------------------- LEE BARKER -------------------- } function hex2bin (s:string):longint; const h : array[0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; i,j : integer; x : longint; begin x := 0; for i := 1 to length(s) do begin j := pos(upcase(s[i]),h) -1; if j<0 then exit; { error in str } if x and $F0000000 <> 0 then exit; { overflo } x := (x shl 4) + j; end; hex2bin := x; end;