{ >Can anyone please tell me if and how it would be possible to have a "WE >dialog box appear as soon as the desktop is displayed. I presume you are taking about the desktop in BP7.0, ie OOP. In that case it is very easy. All you have to do is create a virtual procedure in your application instance, and call it in the main program loop like this: From: darren.otgaar@leclub.co.za (Darren Otgaar) } PROGRAM Dialog; USES MsgBox, App; TYPE TDialog = OBJECT(TApplication) PROCEDURE DisplayBox; VIRTUAL; END; PROCEDURE TDialog.DisplayBox; BEGIN MessageBox(#3'Welcome to this Program'#13 + #3'Hope you love it!'#13, NIL, mfInformation OR mfOkButton); END; VAR TDialogApp : TDialog; BEGIN TDialogApp.Init; TDialogApp.DisplayBox; TDialogApp.Run; TDialogApp.Done; END. { That will ensure that the user has to deal with the message box before the program continues. If you want a fancier message box, all you do is create a dialog box and do exactly the same. }