{ This is the test Program that I drew up to test the Procedures in Pete Davis' LinkList.Pas posted in the previous message. It could be a little more dressed up but it does work and offers some insight, I think, into the use of Pointers and linked lists: note that I ran a little manual test to locate a designated Pointer in a given list. Here it is: } Uses Crt, LinkList; Var AList1, AList2, AList3, AList4 : Data_Ptr; ANum : DataType; Count : Integer; begin ClrScr; Init_List(AList1); Writeln('Results of inserting links at the beginning of a list: '); For Count := 1 to 20 do begin ANum := Count; Write(' ',ANum); Insert_begin(AList1, ANum); {pay out first link (1) to last (20) like} {a fishing line With #-cards. You end up} end; {with 20 in your hand going up to 1} Writeln; Writeln('Watch - Last link inserted is the highest number.'); Writeln('You are paying out the list like reeling out a fishing line,'); Writeln('Foot 1, Foot 2, Foot 3, etc. - last one is Foot 20.'); Writeln('Now, mentally reel in the line to the fourth number.'); Writeln(' ',alist1^.Next_Rec^.Next_Rec^.Next_Rec^.OurData); Writeln; Writeln('Now insert one additional number at beginning of list'); begin ANum := 21; Insert_begin(AList1,ANum); end; Writeln(' ',AList1^.OurData); Writeln; Init_List(Alist2); Writeln('Results of Inserting links in turn at the end of a list: '); For Count := 1 to 20 do begin ANum := Count; Write(' ',ANum); Insert_end(Alist2,ANum); end; Writeln; Writeln('note, just the reverse situation of the process above.'); Writeln('Reel in the line to the fourth number.'); Writeln(' ',Alist2^.Next_Rec^.Next_Rec^.Next_Rec^.OurData); {We inserted at the end so we are now going out toward the 20} Init_List(Alist3); Writeln('Results of Inserting links in turn in orDER'); For Count := 1 to 20 do begin Anum := Count; Write(' ',ANum); Insert_In_order(Alist3,ANum); end; Writeln; Writeln(' ',Alist3^.Next_Rec^.Next_Rec^.Next_Rec^.OurData); end. { In Case anybody missed Pete Davis' Linklist Unit in the previous message but may have it in her/his library (PNL002.ZIP) what I was asking is some help With writing code to test the Procedure DELETE_HERE which is the last Procedure in the Unit. }