{ ³ I'm trying to understand the rudiments of linked lists ³ 4) What are common uses for linked lists? Is any one particular form ³ (oneway, circular etc ) preferred or used over any other form? One use is to maintain queues. New people, requests, or jobs come in at the end of the line (or break in with priority), but once the head of the line has been serviced, there is no need to maintain its location in the queue. I wrote the following last semester: --------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Maintains a queue of jobs and priorities of those jobs in a linked list. The user will be prompted for job number and priority and can list the queue, remove a job from the front of the queue (as if it ran), and stop the program. A count of jobs outstanding at the end will be displayed. } type PriRange = 0 .. 9; JobPnt = ^JobNode; Jobnode = RECORD Numb : integer; Priority : PriRange; Link : JobPnt END; procedure addrec(var Start : JobPnt; comprec : Jobnode); var curr, next, this : JobPnt; found : boolean; begin new(this); this^.Numb := comprec.Numb; this^.Priority := comprec.Priority; if Start = NIL then begin Start := this; {Points to node just built} Start^.Link := NIL; {Is end of list} end else {Chain exists, find a place to insert it} if comprec.Priority > Start^.Priority then begin this^.Link := Start; {Prep for a new beg of chain} Start := this end {Condition for insert at beg of chain} else begin {Begin loop to insert after beg of chain} found := false; {To initialize} curr := start; while not found do begin next := curr^.link; if (next = NIL) or (comprec.Priority > next^.Priority) then found := true; if not found then curr:= next {another iteration needed} end; {Have found this^ goes after curr^ and before next^} this^.Link := next; {Chain to end (even if NIL)} curr^.Link := this; {Insertion complete} end; end; procedure remove(Var Start : JobPnt); var hold : JobPnt; begin if Start = NIL then Writeln('Cannot remove from empty queue', chr(7)) else begin hold := Start^.Link; {Save 1st node of new chain} dispose(Start); {Delete org from chain} Start := hold; {Reset to new next job} end; end; procedure list(Start : JobPnt); {List all jobs in queue. "var" omitted} begin if Start = NIL then Writeln('No jobs in queue') else begin Writeln('Job No Priority'); Writeln; while Start <> NIL do begin Writeln(' ',Start^.Numb : 3, ' ', Start^.Priority); Start:=Start^.Link end; Writeln; Writeln('End of List'); end; end; {Main Procedure starts here} var cntr : integer; build : JobNode; work, Start : JobPnt; Achar : char; begin Start := NIL; {Empty at first} cntr := 0; REPEAT Write('Enter (S)top, (R)emove, (L)ist, or A jobnumb priority to'); Writeln(' add to queue'); Read(Achar); CASE Achar of 'A', 'a' : begin Read(build.Numb); REPEAT Readln(build.Priority); if (build.Priority < 0) or (build.priority > 9) then Write(chr(7), 'Priority between 0 and 9, try again '); UNTIL (build.Priority >= 0) and (build.Priority <= 9); addrec(Start, build); end; 'R', 'r' : begin Readln; remove(Start); end; 'L', 'l' : begin Readln; list(Start); end; 'S', 's' : Readln; {Will wait until out of CASE loop} else begin Readln; Writeln('Invalid option',chr(7)) end; end; UNTIL (Achar = 's') or (Achar = 'S'); work := start; while work <> NIL do begin cntr := cntr + 1; work := work^.link end; Writeln('Number of jobs remaining in queue: ', cntr); end.