{ WK>Hello everyone! I am sorta new at Pascal, and have been dabbling around, >trying to make a few useful programs. Right now i am working a program that >will generate a calender for a given year and print it out to the screen and >printer. I have successfully been able to print it on the screen, but i have >no idea how to get it out to the printer! Specifically, in my procedure that >prints the calender to the screen, I use GOTOXY to position the dates. This >doesn't work with the printer tho. Does anyone have any suggestions? Oh, >also, i am using asterics to create boxes around the dates. thanx for any >help! Well, you could press the PrntScr key after you have your calendar on the screen. You can do the same in software: } procedure PrintScreen; begin asm int 5h end; end; If you don't want to print the whole screen, here's a little routine that will print lines y1 through y2. {-----------------------} procedure prnt_scr(y1,y2 : byte); var c : char; regs : registers; x,y : byte; begin for y:= y1 to y2 do begin for x:= 1 to 80 do with regs do begin gotoxy(x,y); ah:= 8; bh:= 0; intr($10,regs); (* { uncomment to filter high ASCII chars } if (al>=127) then al:= 32; *) ah:= 0; dx:= 0; intr($17,regs); end; writeln(lst); end; write(lst,ff); end;