{ I've seen a LOT of programs which Say they are doing something like Reading/Writing to files, and you wonder if they have crashed or what, I think it would be nice to have a nice Status Bar to show the progress of what is going on! so here's my contribution to everyone: Statbar: Highly Accurate Status Bar.. All Code except for HideCursor and ShowCursor is mine. } Uses crt; Procedure HideCursor; Assembler; Asm {I forget where I got} MOV ax,$0100; MOV cx,$2607; INT $10 end; { these two } Procedure ShowCursor; Assembler; Asm MOV ax,$0100; MOV cx,$0506; INT $10 end; Procedure Dupeit(Str: String; Num: Integer); {Just a little Helper, dupes} var Cnt: integer; { lines } begin For Cnt := 1 to Num do begin write(Str); end; end; Procedure Statbar(cnum,enum,xspot,yspot,fullcolor,emptycolor: Integer); var percentage: Integer; {Uh-Oh, here comes the Mathematical} begin { Crap!! } Hidecursor; {Kill That Damned Cursor!} percentage := round(cnum / enum * 100 / 2); {/2 can be changed for} Gotoxy(xspot,yspot); { Shorter Stat Bars } Textcolor(fullcolor); dupeit(#219,Percentage); {Can change the Char to whatever} Textcolor(emptycolor); dupeit(#177,50 - Percentage); {same as above} write(' ',percentage * 2,'%'); {this is not needed, just an extra} Showcursor; end; Procedure WriteXy(x,y: Integer; dstr: String; tcolor: integer); Begin Hidecursor; Gotoxy(x,y); { Yeah, I now it's Cheap and cheezy} Textcolor(tcolor); { but it gets the job done well! } write(dstr); Showcursor; end; var B1,B2,B3: integer; Begin Clrscr; WriteXy(30,3,'Statbar By CJ Cliffe..',yellow); Repeat Inc(B1,4); Inc(B2,1); Inc(B3,1); { The Statbar procedure works like so: Statbar(Current Number, Final Number, x location, y location, Color of completed bars, color of empty bars); Will process (as far as I know) Any pairs of numbers, as long as the Current Number does not exceed the Final Number, everything should look fine.. } Statbar(B1,800,15,5,Lightcyan,Cyan); {800 Just makes em go nice 'n} Statbar(B2,400,15,7,LightRed,Red); {slow because they are FAST } Statbar(B3,300,15,9,LightGreen,Green); Until B1 = 800; WriteXy(30,15,'Press any key to quit...',Lightblue); Readkey; end.