PROGRAM Example; USES Crt,Dos; { +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ) | PROCEDURE ScrollStr(message:string;x,y,bckcol,txtcol,highlight, | | dlay,waitkey:word); | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | message = message to be displayed (length = 2..75) | | x,y = screen location (1..80, 1..25) | | bckcol = background color (0..7) | | txtcol = text color (0..15) | | highlight = highlight color (0..15) | | dlay = time delay (milliseconds) (0..) | | waitkey = 0 - cycle once only | | 1 - continue cycle until a key is hit | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | By Timothy M. Lasek - Electronic Exchange BBS @(315)786-0215 | ( +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ } procedure ScrollStr(message:string;x,y,bckcol,txtcol,highlight, dlay,waitkey:word); var l,direction: byte; regs: registers; c: char; begin $0100; $2607; intr($10,regs); { hide cursor } direction:= 1; l:= 1; gotoxy(x,y); textattr:= txtcol+bckcol*16; write(message); while (keypressed=FALSE) AND (direction>0) do begin if direction=1 then begin inc(l); if l=length(message) then direction:= 2; end else begin dec(l); if l=1 then direction:= 1; if (WaitKey=0) AND (direction=1) then begin direction:=0; gotoxy(x,y); textattr:= highlight+bckcol*16; write(message[1]); delay(dlay); end; end; if direction>0 then begin gotoxy(x+(l-1),y); textattr:= highlight+bckcol*16; c:= message[l]; if (c>#96) AND (c<#123) then c:= chr(ord(c)-32); write(c); textattr:= txtcol+bckcol*16; delay(dlay); gotoxy(x+(l-1),y); write(message[l]); end; end; gotoxy(x,y); textattr:= txtcol+bckcol*16; writeln(message); $0100; $0506; intr($10,regs); { restore cursor } end; BEGIN { Main Module } clrscr; ScrollStr('SOURCEWARE ARCHIVE GROUP HAS BEEN HERE',1,1,black,lightred,white,110,1); END. { Main Module }