{ > Does anyone know of a routine or code that would allow for > a alphbetical sort in pascal? If so could you mail or > Write it in this base? Thanks! I know of a couple but this is the best and fastest one that I know of Bubble Sort } Type StArray = Array [1..10] of String; Procedure bubble_sort(Var names : StArray); Var i, last, latest : Integer; temp : String; exchanged : Boolean; begin last := max_names - 1; Repeat i := 1; exchanged := False; latest := last; Repeat if names[i] > names[i+1] then begin temp := names[i]; names[i] := names[i+1]; names[i+1] := temp; exchanged := True; latest := i; end; inc(i); Until not (i <= last); last := latest; Until not ((last >= 2) and exchanged); end;