{ >Does anybody know how to load and play a wav in pascal? And I still need to >know how to load mods. And I would like to know how to load any other sound >files that you know of other than pc speaker beeps. Thanks I made a WAV player in Pascal, but the source is a few lines long. Okay. It will play 4-bit ADPCM wavs, but not well. Need to get the SB developer's kit to figure out why. Oh well. } {$M 16384,0,655360} uses Dos, CRT, objects; const SBase = $220; {Default port base for Sound Blaster. Change if necessary} SIrq = 7; {Default Irq line for Sound Blaster. Change if necessary} SDMA = 1; {Default DMA channel for Sound Blaster.} type TWAVRec = record ID: LongInt; Len: LongInt; end; PWAVFmt = ^TWAVFmt; TWAVFmt = record case word of 1:( FTag: word; NChan: word; SampR: word; AvgSR: word; BLKAl: word; FMTLen: word; FMTDat: array[0..256] of byte); 2:( Chunk:Pointer); end; var WAVFile: TDosStream; {WAV file object} BlkID: TWAVRec; {ID for each block in WAV} BlkFmt: PWAVFmt; {Block format} TotalSz: LongInt; {Total size of WAV data} DSPCmd: byte; NumBits: byte; SampByte: byte; BlockSize: word; EOB: boolean; DF: String; procedure NewBlock; interrupt; {Procedure to set up next block or} var X:Byte; {end playback} begin X := port[SBase+$e]; port[$20] := $20; EOB := true; end; procedure PrepareSB; begin SetIntVec(SIrq + 8, @NewBlock); {Set up service routine} asm in al,$61 {Enable timer 2, but} and al,$fc {do not turn on sound.} or al,1 out $61,al sti mov dx,SBase+6 {DSP (Digital Sound Processor) reset port} mov al,1 {Reset command} out dx,al mov bx,4 call @9 {Wait 4 clocks} mov al,0 {Normal mode} out dx,al @3: mov dx,SBase+$e {DSP status port} @2: in al,dx {Read status} test al,$80 {If high bit not set, no data} jz @2 {ready} mov dx,Sbase+$a {DSP read port} in al,dx {Read status} cmp al,$aa {AA indicates ready} jnz @3 jmp @4 @5: in al,dx {Wait for response to last byte} test al,$80 {sent} jnz @5 mov al,ah out dx,al {Send next byte} ret @9: push bx mov al,$b6 {Write count to timer #3} out $43,al mov al,0 {Low byte of count} out $42,al mov al,$10 {High byte count} out $42,al sub bx,$1000 neg bx {1000h-clocks=desired count} @10: mov al,$80 {Read count from timer} out $43,al in al,$42 {Low byte} mov ah,al in al,$42 {High byte} xchg ah,al cmp bx,ax {Pause until count reached} jl @10 pop bx ret @4: mov dx,SBase+$c mov ah,$40 {Set time constant} call @5 mov ah,SampByte {Time divisor} call @5 end; port[$21] := port[$21] and not (1 shl SIRQ); {Enable SB interrupt} end; procedure ErrorEnd; begin WAVFile.Done; Writeln('Error in .WAV'); Halt(1); end; procedure PlaySound(SndLen: longint); var AbsAddr: LongInt; FirstBlk, SecBlk, CurBlk: Pointer; begin EOB := False; GetMem(BlkFmt, BlockSize*2); FirstBlk := BlkFmt; SecBlk := pointer(longint(FirstBlk) + BlockSize); CurBlk := FirstBlk; WAVFile.Read(BlkFmt^, BlockSize); SndLen := SndLen - BlockSize; repeat AbsAddr := Seg(CurBlk^); AbsAddr := AbsAddr * 16 +Ofs(CurBlk^); SndLen := SndLen - BlockSize; asm jmp @4 @5: in al,dx {Wait for response to last byte} test al,$80 {sent} jnz @5 mov al,ah out dx,al {Send next byte} ret @4: mov bx,1 mov cx,integer(AbsAddr) mov dx,SBase+$c mov al,0 {Clear byte high/low flip-flop} out $c,al mov al,$49 {Set memory read, single transfer,} out $b,al {channel 1} mov al,cl {Enter base address} out SDMA*2,al mov al,ch out SDMA*2,al mov ax,integer(AbsAddr+2) {High 4 bits goes to DMA page reg} mov dx,$83 mov cl,SDMA sub cl,2 mov ch,2 {Calculate DMA page address} shr ch,cl {87, 83, 81, 82 channel order} xor dl,ch out dx,al {Send page byte} mov ax,BlockSize {Set byte count} out SDMA*2+1,al xchg al,ah out SDMA*2+1,al push ax mov al,SDMA {Re-enable DMA channel 1} out $a,al mov dx,SBase+$c {DSP port} mov ah,DSPCmd {DMA 8-bit transfer} call @5 pop ax {Get transfer again} mov bl,al call @5 mov ah,bl call @5 end; DSPCmd := DSPCmd and $fe; if (CurBlk = FirstBlk) then CurBlk := SecBlk else CurBlk := FirstBlk; if SndLen > 0 then WAVFile.Read(CurBlk^, BlockSize); while not EOB do if Keypressed then ErrorEnd; EOB := False; until (SndLen<=0); end; begin DF := ParamStr(1); WAVFile.Init(DF, stOpenRead); {Open WAV file} WAVFile.Read(BlkID, SizeOf(TWAVRec)); {Read in first block} if BlkID.ID = $46464952 then {ID of WAV file} begin TotalSz := BlkID.Len; {Get total size} repeat WAVFile.Read(BlkID, 4); {Read in type chunk} TotalSz := TotalSz - 4; {and update TS} if BlkID.ID <> $45564157 then ErrorEnd; {Must be "WAVE"} repeat WAVFile.Read(BlkID, SizeOf(TWAVRec)); {Read in format chunk} TotalSz := TotalSz - SizeOf(TWavRec); if BlkID.ID = $20746d66 then {"fmt ", set WAV format} begin getmem(BlkFmt, BlkID.Len); WAVFile.Read(BlkFmt^, BlkID.Len); TotalSz := TotalSz - BlkID.Len; with BlkFmt^ do begin if FTag = $200 then DSPCmd := $75 else {ADPCM 4-bit compression} if FTag = 1 then DSPCmd := $14 else {Normal} ErrorEnd; if DSPCmd = $75 then NumBits := 4 else NumBits := 8; if NChan = 2 then DSPCmd := DSPCmd + 8; {Stereo} SampByte := 256-(1000000 div SampR); {Sampling rate} BlockSize := BlkAl; {Size of buffer} end; freemem(BlkFmt, BlkID.Len); end else if BlkID.ID = $61746164 then begin PrepareSB; {Perform init stuff} TotalSz := TotalSz - BlkID.Len; PlaySound(BlkID.Len); end else ErrorEnd; until TotalSz <= 0; until TotalSz <= 0; end else ErrorEnd; WAVFile.Done; port[$21] := port[$21] or (1 shl SIrq); end.