{ NB> DOes anyone have Source code to play WAV files in Turbo Pascal 7.0? Try this. It won't work on a SB16, but on nearly all cheap 16-bit-cards. I took it from the german PASCAL echo (PASCAL.GER). {from: BOMMER@MULTICOM.mc.org (Andree Borrmann)} Program ABo_WAV; {$M 4096,0,65500} Uses DOS,Crt; Const dma = 4096; Type id_t = Array[1..4] of Char; riff_t = Record R_Ident : id_t; length : Longint; C_Ident : id_t; S_Ident : id_t; s_length: Longint; Format , Modus : Word; freq , byte_p_s: LongInt; byte_sam, bit_sam : Word; D_Ident : id_t; d_length: LongInt; End; blaster_T = Record port : Word; dmac , hdmac, irq : Byte; End; buffer_T = Array[1..dma] of Byte; Var id : riff_T; fn : String; wav : File; sbb : Word; Ende : Boolean; blaster : Blaster_T; alt_irq : Pointer; dma_buf_1, dma_buf_2, zwi : ^Buffer_T; Channel : Byte; Const RIFF : id_t = ('R','I','F','F'); WAVE : id_t = ('W','A','V','E'); FMT_ : id_t = ('f','m','t',' '); DATA : id_t = ('d','a','t','a'); DMA_Dat : Array [0..7,1..6] of Byte= (($A,$C,$B,$0,$87,$1), ($A,$C,$B,$2,$83,$3), ($A,$C,$B,$4,$81,$5), ($A,$C,$B,$6,$82,$7), ($D4,$D8,$D6,$C0,$8F,$C2), ($D4,$D8,$D6,$C4,$8B,$C6), ($D4,$D8,$D6,$C8,$89,$CA), ($D4,$D8,$D6,$CC,$8A,$CE)); Procedure Blaster_Command(c :Byte); Assembler; Asm Mov dx,Word Ptr sbb Add dx,$c @t:In al,dx And al,128 Jnz @t Mov al,c Out dx,al End; Procedure Init_SB(base : Word); Var w,w2:Word; Begin sbb:=base; Port[base+6]:=1; Delay(4); Port[base+6]:=0; w:=0; w2:=0; Repeat Repeat Inc(w); Until ((Port[base+$e] and 128)=128) or (w>29); Inc(w2); Until (Port[base+$a]=$AA) or (W2>30); If w2>30 then Begin WriteLn('Failed to ReSet Blaster'); Halt(128); End; Blaster_Command($d1); End; Procedure Set_Stereo; Assembler; Asm Mov dx,Word Ptr sbb Add dx,$4 Mov al,$e Out dx,al Inc dx In al,dx And al,253 Or al,2 Out dx,al End; Procedure Clear_Stereo; Assembler; Asm Mov dx,Word Ptr sbb Add dx,$4 Mov al,$e Out dx,al Inc dx In al,dx And al,253 Out dx,al End; Function No_Wave(Var id:riff_T):Boolean; Begin With id do No_Wave:=(R_Ident<>RIFF) or (C_Ident<>WAVE) or (S_Ident<>FMT_) or (D_Ident<>DATA); End; Procedure Init; Var b : Byte; Begin WriteLn; WriteLn('ABo WAV-Player (16bit Test) (p) 27.11.94 ABo'); Blaster.Port:=0; Blaster.dmac:=0; Blaster.hdmac:=0; Blaster.irq:=0; fn:=GetEnv('BLASTER'); If fn='' then Begin WriteLn('BLASTER must be set...'); Halt(100); End; b:=1; Repeat Case fn[b] of 'A' : Repeat Inc(b); Blaster.Port:=Blaster.Port*16+Ord(fn[b])-48; Until Fn[b+1]=' '; 'D' : Begin Blaster.DMAc:=Ord(fn[b+1])-48; Inc(b,2); End; 'I' : Repeat Inc(b); Blaster.IRQ:=Blaster.IRQ*16+Ord(fn[b])-48; Until Fn[b+1]=' '; 'H' : Begin Blaster.hDMAc:=Ord(fn[b+1])-48; Inc(b,2); End; End; Inc(b); Until b>Length(fn); With Blaster do WriteLn('Blaster : P',Port,' I',irq,' D',dmac,' H',hdmac); Init_SB(Blaster.Port); If ParamCount>0 then fn:=ParamStr(1) Else Begin Write('WAV-File: '); ReadLn(fn); End; Assign(wav,fN); {$I-} ReSet(wav,1); {$I+} If IOResult<>0 then Begin WriteLn('File "',fn,'" not found!'); Halt(2); End; BlockRead(wav,id,Sizeof(id)); If no_Wave(id) then Begin WriteLn('"',fn,'" seems to be no WAVE-File...'); Halt(128); End; Write('Wave : ',id.bit_sam,'bit '); If id.Modus=2 then Begin Set_Stereo; Write('stereo '); End Else Begin Clear_Stereo; Write('mono '); End; If (id.bit_sam>8) and (Blaster.hdmac>3) then Channel:=Blaster.hdmac Else Channel:=Blaster.dmac; WriteLn(id.freq,' Hz ',id.byte_p_s,' Bytes/Sec'); WriteLn('Length : ',id.d_length,' Bytes ',id.d_length div id.byte_p_s, ' Sec'); WriteLn('Playing : ',fn); End; {$F+} Procedure Stelle_DMA(Freq: Word;Var size : Word); Var PageNr,PageAdress,DMALength: Word; Begin Inline($FA); Asm Mov ax,Word Ptr DMA_Buf_1[2] Shr ax,12 Mov Word Ptr PageNr,ax Mov ax,Word Ptr DMA_Buf_1[2] Shl ax,4 Mov Word Ptr PageAdress,ax Mov ax,Word Ptr DMA_Buf_1 Add Word Ptr PageAdress,ax Adc Word Ptr PageNr,0 End; DMALength:=Size; Freq:=256-Trunc(1000000/Freq); If Channel>3 then Begin DMALength:=DMALength div 2; PageAdress:=PageAdress div 2; If Odd(PageNr) then Begin Dec(PageNr); PageAdress:=PageAdress+$8000 End; End; If id.Modus=2 then Begin If id.bit_sam=16 then Blaster_Command($A4) Else Blaster_Command($A8); End Else If id.bit_sam=16 then Blaster_Command($A4); Dec(DMALength); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,1]]:=$4 or (Channel and $3); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,2]]:=$0; Port[DMA_dat[Channel,3]]:=$49; Port[DMA_dat[Channel,4]]:=lo(PageAdress); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,4]]:=hi(PageAdress); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,5]]:=lo(PageNr); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,6]]:=lo(DMALength); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,6]]:=hi(DMALength); Port[DMA_dat[Channel,1]]:=(Channel and $3); Blaster_Command($40); Blaster_Command(Lo(Freq)); Blaster_Command($48); Blaster_Command(lo(DMALength)); Blaster_Command(hi(DMALength)); Blaster_Command($91); Inline($FB); End; Procedure Ausgabe_IRQ; Interrupt; Var test : Byte; Begin Inline($FA); Port[$20]:=$20; test:=Port[sbb+$e]; Ende:=True; Inline($fB); End; {$F-} Procedure Play; Var p,s,s2 : Word; w : LongInt; Begin GetMem(zwi,16); GetMem(dma_buf_1,dma); p:=16; While (Seg(dma_buf_1^[1]) mod 4096)>(4096-(dma*2 div 16)) do Begin FreeMem(dma_buf_1,dma); FreeMem(zwi,p); p:=p+16; If p>65525 then halt(111); GetMem(zwi,p); GetMem(dma_buf_1,dma); End; GetMem(dma_buf_2,dma); FreeMem(zwi,p); port[$21]:=Port[$21] and (255 xor (1 shl Blaster.IRQ)); GetIntVec(Blaster.IRQ+8,Alt_irq); SetIntVec(Blaster.IRQ+8,@Ausgabe_IRQ); w:=id.freq*id.modus; BlockRead(wav,dma_buf_1^[1],dma,s); Repeat Ende:=False; Stelle_DMA(w,s); BlockRead(wav,dma_buf_2^[1],dma,s2); Repeat Until Ende; s:=s2; zwi:=dma_buf_1; dma_buf_1:=dma_buf_2; dma_buf_2:=zwi; Until EoF(wav) or Keypressed; While KeyPressed do w:=Ord(ReadKey); If EoF(wav) then Begin Ende:=False; Stelle_DMA(w,s); Repeat Until Ende; End; SetintVec(Blaster.IRQ+8,Alt_IRQ); FreeMem(dma_buf_1,dma); FreeMem(dma_buf_2,dma); Port[$21]:=Port[$21] or (1 shl Blaster.IRQ); Blaster_Command($d3); End; Begin Init; Play; End.