{Greetings yet again. Heres a prog that plays .WAV files through PC SPEAKER. Someone want to modify it so they play through SOUND BLASTER? Anyway, this is also coolos.Pete } program player; uses dos; VAR Param:string[63]; BytesRead,BlockSize,BlockRest:Word; dataptr,pp:pointer; f:file; I:Integer; SampRateDiv,times:byte; reverse,wavinfo:boolean; fmt: record wFormatTag:word; nChannels:word; nSamplesPerSec:longint; nAvgBytesPerSec:longint; nBlockAlign:word; wBitsPerSample:word; end; PROCEDURE PlaySound(bufptr:pointer;bufctr:longint;ratediv,times:word) ;{assember;} var old_int8 : pointer; timesleft :word; savemask:byte; begin; ASM jmp @PlayMain @int8_out_spk: xor al,al out 42h,al mov al,cl out 42h,al mov ax,dx or ax,si jz @ready dec bl jnz @skip mov bl,bh mov al,es:[di] shr al,1 shr al,1 inc al mov cl,al inc di jnz @noseg mov ax,es add ax,1000h mov es,ax @noseg: sub si,+01 sbb dx,+00 @skip: mov al,20h out 20h,al iret @ready: mov ch,0ffh jmp @skip @PlayMain: cli mov ax,3508h int 21h { get int vector 08 in es:bx } mov word ptr old_int8,bx mov word ptr old_int8+2,es in al,21h { interruptmask } mov savemask,al mov al,0ffh { disable all interrupts } out 21h,al sti push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov dx,offset @int8_out_spk mov ax,2508h int 21h { set int vector 08 to ds:dx } pop ds mov al,34h out 43h,al { timer 0 mode } mov al,36h { 22khz } out 40h,al xor al,al out 40h,al mov al,90h out 43h,al { timer 2 mode } in al,61h { enable speaker } or al,3 out 61h,al mov cx,times mov timesleft,cx mov cl,20h mov bx,ratediv mov bh,bl les si,bufctr mov dx,es les di,bufptr @nexttime: push di { bufptrlo } push es { bufptrhi } push si { bufctrlo } push dx { bufctrhi } push bx { ratediv } xor ch,ch { readyflag = false } mov al,0feh { enable timerinterrupt } out 21h,al @notready: or ch,ch jz @notready cli mov al,0ffh { disable all interrupts } out 21h,al sti pop bx { ratediv } pop dx { bufctrhi } pop si { bufctrlo } pop es { bufptrhi } pop di { bufptrlo } dec word ptr timesleft { more times ? } jnz @nexttime in al,61h { disable speaker } and al,0fch out 61h,al mov al,34h out 43h,al { timer 0 mode } mov al,0 out 40h,al { timer 0 clock } out 40h,al { timer 0 clock } mov al,0b6h out 43h,al { timer mode } mov ax,533h out 42h,al { timer 2 spkr } mov al,ah out 42h,al { timer 2 spkr } push ds lds dx,dword ptr old_int8 mov ax,2508h int 21h { set intrpt vector al to ds:dx } pop ds mov al,savemask { enable timer and keyboard } out 21h,al END; end; { The following procedure is also used to half the samplerate } PROCEDURE Stereo2Mono(bufptr:pointer;bufctr:longint); assembler; ASM les si,bufctr mov dx,es les di,bufptr push ds mov ax,es mov ds,ax mov bx,di @s2mNext: mov ax,dx or ax,si jz @s2mRdy xor ah,ah mov al,es:[di] mov cx,ax mov al,es:[di+1] add ax,cx shr ax,1 mov ds:[bx],al inc di jnz @noseg1 mov ax,es add ax,1000h mov es,ax @noseg1: inc di jnz @noseg2 mov ax,es add ax,1000h mov es,ax @noseg2: inc bx jnz @noseg3 mov ax,ds add ax,1000h mov ds,ax @noseg3: sub si,+01 sbb dx,+00 jmp @s2mNext @s2mRdy: pop ds END; PROCEDURE ReverseData(bufptr:pointer;bufctr:longint); assembler; ASM push ds les bx,bufctr mov dx,es les di,bufptr mov si,di add si,bx { offset=offset+bufctrlo } mov ax,dx adc ax,0 { bufctrhi=bufctrhi+carry } mov cl,12 shl ax,cl mov cx,ax mov ax,es add ax,cx mov ds,ax {ds = segment of end of buffer} shr dx,1 rcr bx,1 { Bufctr = Bufctr / 2 } @RevNext: mov ax,bx or ax,dx jz @RevRdy sub si,+01 jnc @Rnoseg1 mov ax,ds sub ax,1000h mov ds,ax @Rnoseg1: mov al,es:[di] { swap bytes } xchg al,ds:[si] mov es:[di],al inc di jnz @Rnoseg2 mov ax,es add ax,1000h mov es,ax @Rnoseg2: sub bx,+01 sbb dx,+00 jmp @RevNext @RevRdy: pop ds END; PROCEDURE ReadFormat(var f:file); var str:string[4]; chunksize:longint; BEGIN blockread(f,str[1],4); str[0]:=#4; if str='fmt ' then begin blockread(f,chunksize,4); if wavinfo then writeln(' ''fmt '' size=',chunksize); if chunksize=16 then begin blockread(f,fmt,sizeof(fmt)); if wavinfo then with fmt do begin writeln(' wFormatTag=',wFormatTag); writeln(' nChannels=',nChannels); writeln(' nSamplesPerSec=',nSamplesPerSec); writeln(' nAvgBytesPerSec=',nAvgBytesPerSec); writeln(' nBlockAlign=',nBlockAlign); writeln(' wBitsPerSample=',wBitsPerSample); end; if fmt.wFormatTag<>1 then begin writeln('Unknown Format (',fmt.wFormatTag,')!'); halt; end; case word(fmt.nSamplesPerSec) of 33075..65535:sampratediv:=0; 16538..33074:sampratediv:=1; 9188..16537:sampratediv:=2; 6432..9187:sampratediv:=3; 4962..6431:sampratediv:=4; 4043..4961:sampratediv:=5; 3413..4042:sampratediv:=6; else halt; end; end else writeln('''fmt '' chunksize error (',chunksize,')!'); end else writeln('''fmt'' chunk not found!'); END; PROCEDURE PlayWAVE(var f:file;sampratediv,times:byte); var str:string[4]; DataSize,l1:longint; p1,p2:pointer; s,o:word; BEGIN blockread(f,str[1],4); str[0]:=#4; if str='data' then begin blockread(f,DataSize,4); if wavinfo then writeln(' ''data'' size=',Datasize); If MaxAvail>DataSize THEN BEGIN if DataSize<$FFF0 then Blocksize:=DataSize else Blocksize:=$8000; GetMem(pp,BlockSize); DataPtr:=pp; blockread(f,pp^,BlockSize,bytesread); if BlockSize0 then begin GetMem(pp,BlockRest); blockread(f,pp^,BlockRest,bytesread); end; end; if fmt.nChannels=2 then begin if wavinfo then Write('Converting to mono..'); Stereo2Mono(DataPtr,DataSize); DataSize:=DataSize shr 1; if wavinfo then writeln; end; if sampratediv=0 then begin sampratediv:=1; if wavinfo then Write('Dividing to half samplerate..'); Stereo2Mono(DataPtr,DataSize); DataSize:=DataSize shr 1; if wavinfo then writeln; end; if reverse then ReverseData(DataPtr,DataSize); PlaySound(DataPtr,DataSize,SampRateDiv,Times); end else Writeln('Not enough memory!'); end else writeln('''data'' chunk not found!'); END; PROCEDURE ReadRIFF(var f:file); var str:string[4]; RIFFsize,Chunksize:longint; BEGIN blockread(f,str[1],4); str[0]:=#4; if str='RIFF' then begin blockread(f,RIFFsize,4); if wavinfo then writeln('''RIFF'' size=',RIFFsize); REPEAT blockread(f,str[1],4); if str='WAVE' then begin ReadFormat(f); PlayWAVE(f,sampratediv,times); end else begin blockread(f,Chunksize,4); seek(f,filepos(f)+Chunksize); end; until filepos(f)>=RIFFsize+8; end else Writeln('No RIFF header found!'); END; PROCEDURE ShowHelp; BEGIN Writeln('PLAYWAV Bengt Holgersson 1991'); Writeln('Use: PLAYWAV filename [/N:times] [/R] [/I]'); Writeln(' /N:4 Play WAV 4 times'); Writeln(' /R Play WAV backwards'); Writeln(' /I Show info about WAV'); END; procedure Getoption(s:string); var ch:char; W:word; begin if length(s)<2 then exit; ch:=s[2]; case upcase(ch) of 'R':reverse:=true; 'N':begin if s[3]<>':' then exit; val(copy(s,4,255),times,w); if (w>0) or (times<1) then begin writeln('times should be in the range 1-65535'); end; end; 'I':wavinfo:=true; '?':showhelp; end; end; BEGIN IF paramcount <1 then begin showhelp; halt; end; wavinfo:=false; reverse:=false; Times:=1; if paramcount >1 then begin for i:=2 to paramcount do getoption(paramstr(i)); end; filemode:=0; Param:=paramstr(1); if Param[1]='/' then begin getoption(Param); halt; end; if pos('.',Param)=0 then Param:=Param+'.WAV'; assign(f,Param); reset(f,1); IF Ioresult=0 then ReadRIFF(f) else writeln('File not found!'); END.