{ > Really need an inline macro to add a character to the end of a string. How 'bout this one (from my book, of course): } Procedure AddStr14(Var Str : String; C : Char); InLine( $58/ { POP AX ; get chr C in AX } $5F/ { POP DI ; pop offset Str } $07/ { POP ES ; pop segment Str } $26/ { ES: } $FE/$05/ { INC BYTE PTR [DI] ; inc length byte } $31/$DB/ { XOR BX,BX } $26/ { ES: } $8A/$1D/ { MOV BL,[DI] ; get length byte } $01/$DF/ { ADD DI,BX ; goto end of str } $AA); { STOSB ; add character C } Var Str : String; begin Str := 'Bob'; AddStr14(Str, ' '); AddStr14(Str, 'S'); AddStr14(Str, 'w'); AddStr14(Str, 'a'); AddStr14(Str, 'r'); AddStr14(Str, 't'); WriteLn(Str) end.