{ > says how big the file is it says it like 34443 and I was > wondering > is there a command or something I can add in TP6 to make it read > 34,443 where it detects where to add a commas. I know there is } Program Comma; Uses Crt; Var x : longint; Y : string; Function CommaNum ( I : LongInt ) : String; Var TmpString : String; Counter, Tester : Byte; Begin TmpString := ''; Counter := 0; Tester := 0; Str (i, TmpString); For Counter := Length (TmpString) Downto 1 Do Begin Inc (Tester); If Tester = 3 Then Begin Tester := 0; Dec (Counter); TmpString := Copy (TmpString, 1, Counter) + ',' + Copy (TmpString, Counter + 1, Length (TmpString) ); Inc (Counter); End; End; If TmpString[1] = ',' THEN DELETE(TmpString,1,1); CommaNum := TmpString; End; Begin ClrScr; Write('Enter a number ---> '); Readln(x); Y := COMMANUM(X); Write('Here it is with COMMAS! ---> '); Write(y); Readln; End.