Unit USPat; {String pattern a-la Messy-DOS} { (C) 1994 William Arthur Barath. Permission granted for free use in Commercial and Non-Commercial software. } { written oct 17/94 for TOMMY by WSEM at the request of Weird Al} { For use in UFO's text/file scanner. Fast enough? } Interface Type pString = ^String; Var SpatStr:pString; Procedure UpCaseStr(Var s:String); {call to convert a VAR ARG string to upper case. Don't use w/ PCHAR!} Procedure SetSPat(Var s:String); {call to set the pattern to test against with each following call to Spat. This sets a global pointer to the given string and converts that string to a format that can be read optimally fast, which saves passing the pattern arguement to the SPat PROC via the stack, which saves many many clock cycles and memory R\W accesses. 'S' *must* be a string of at least 12 characters, or a typecast region of memory of at least 13 bytes formatted as a Pascal-style STRING or ugly things may happen.} Function SPat(Var s:String):Boolean; {tests the given VAR ARG string against the string pattern pointed to by the Public SpatStr global pointer. Passing a VAR ARG takes much less time since only a 4-byte pointer is pushed onto the stack prior to calling this PROC, as opposed to a full STRING, which may be 256 bytes and would be pushed a single char at a time... yawn...} Function UCSPat(Var s:String):Boolean; {tests the given VAR ARG string against the string pattern pointed to by the Public SpatStr global pointer. Passing a VAR ARG takes much less time since only a 4-byte pointer is pushed onto the stack prior to calling this PROC, as opposed to a full STRING, which may be 256 bytes and would be pushed a single char at a time... yawn... Works with UPCASE'd data} Implementation Procedure UpCaseStr(Var s:String);assembler; {up to 15 times faster than Borland's ASM demo code} asm Push ds;Lds si,s;Xor ch,ch;Lodsb;Mov cl,al;Jcxz @Done;Mov dx,'az'; Mov ah,'a'-'A';Mov bx,-1;@Loop: Lodsb;Cmp al,dh;Jb @Upper;Cmp al,dl; ja @Upper;Sub al,ah;Mov [si+bx],al;@Upper: Loop @Loop;@Done: Pop ds;end; Procedure SetSPat(Var s:String); {I'd write this in ASM as well, but it isn't likely to enter a loop so speed isn't really critical, and it may be useful to edit this to alter the personality of the pattern matching algorhythm.} Type str12 = String[12]; Var l,p:Word;pat:Str12; Begin If s[0]=#0 then s:='*.*'; UpCaseStr(s);p:=1; For l:=1 to 12 do Case s[p] of '*':If l=9 then Begin Dec(l);Inc(p);end else pat[l]:='?'; '.':If l=9 then Begin pat[l]:='.';Inc (p);end else pat[l]:=' '; Else Begin pat[l]:=s[p];If Char(p) '?' then match is bad} Jnz @Bad cmp dl,[di+bx] {If last test byte <> '.' then check next chars} Jnz @Search Dec di {otherwise, make sure remaining pattern chars} Inc cx {are '?'. Otherwise, pattern should fail} Jmp @Search @Good: Inc ch {change the exit condition in ch from 0 to 1} @Bad: Mov al,ch Pop ds {do this or die... :-) } end; end.