{ BRIAN PAPE Ok, I was writing a little program that I was trying to make as small as possible, so I wrote this little WriteString function. Since I'm not an assembly language mogul by any stretch of the imagination, could one of you assembly wizards out there tell me if this is Ok. I mean, it works fine (and saves almost 1k over linking in the writeln code), but I want to make sure that I'm not trashing a register or something that needs to be preserved. Thanks... BTW, anybody, go ahead and use it if it doesn't crash! } procedure WriteString(s : string); assembler; asm push ds mov ah, 40h { DOS fcn call 40h write string to file handle } mov dx, seg s mov ds, dx mov bx, offset s mov dx, bx { now put the offset into dx for the fcn call } inc dx { plus 1, to avoid the length byte } mov cl, [bx] { cl is length to write } xor ch, ch mov bx, 1 { file handle to write to } int 21h pop ds end;