GB>Could you Write a MCSEL ;-) wich gives us some hints For making Text i/o GB>_much_ faster ? I read that about the SetTextBuf although I never tried GB>it. What are other examples? Some little example-sources ? Type BBTYP = ^BIGBUF; BIGBUF = Array[0..32767] of Char; Var BUFFin : BBTYP; { general-use large Text I/O buffer } Var BUFFOUT : BBTYP; F : Text; S : String; Procedure BBOPEN (Var F : Text; FN : String; OMODE : Char; Var BP : BBTYP); Var S : String; begin {$I-} Assign (F,FN); New (BP); SetTextBuf (F,BP^); Case UpCase(OMODE) of 'R' : begin Reset (F); S := 'Input' end; 'W' : begin ReWrite (F); S := 'Output' end; 'A' : begin Append (F); S := 'Extend' end else end; {$I+} if Ioresult <> 0 then begin Dispose (BP); FATAL ('Cannot open '+FN+' For '+S+' - Terminating') end end; { BBOPEN } to use: BBOPEN (F,'myFile.txt',r,BUFFin); While not Eof (F) do begin readln (F,S); etc. end; Close (F); Dispose (BUFFin)