{ Here's a little TEXTMODE Scroller I wrote some time ago. Feel free to release it in the SWAG Files ;) ---------------------------------= CUT HERE =--------------------------------- { This is a VERY simple Textmode Scroller. Feel free to use it in your programs . } Uses Crt; Const Bits : Array [0..7] of Byte = (128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1); Text : String = ' THiS LiTTLE SCROLLER WAS DONE BY ROGUE/'+ 'DiGiTAL PROJECTS '; YPos = 7; Var FSeg,FOfs,i : Word; BitMap : Array [0..80,0..7] of Byte; Procedure Scroll; Var i,j : Word; CharPos,CharNo,Color,Character,nc : Byte; c : Byte; Begin CharNo:=1; Repeat Character:=Ord(Text[CharNo]); For CharPos:=0 to 7 do Begin For i:=0 to 7 do If Mem[FSeg:FOfs+(Character shl 3)+i] and Bits[CharPos]<>0 then BitMap[80,i]:=15 { Char-Color } Else BitMap[80,i]:=0; { Background Color } Asm mov dx, $3da @L1: in al, dx test al, $08 jnz @L1 @L2: in al, dx test al, $08 jz @L2 End; For j:=0 to 7 do For i:=0 to 79 do Begin { Draw } Mem[$B800:(i shl 1)+((j+YPos)*160)]:=219; Mem[$B800:(i shl 1)+((j+YPos)*160)+1]:=BitMap[i,j]; { Scroll left } BitMap[i,j]:=BitMap[i+1,j]; End; End; Inc(CharNo); If CharNo>Length(Text) then CharNo:=1; Until Keypressed; readkey; End; Procedure GetFont; Assembler; Asm mov ax, $1130 mov bh, $01 int $10 mov fseg, es mov fofs, bp End; Begin ClrScr; GetFont; Scroll; End.