{ > Does anyone know of a proFiler For TP 6, or is there a special > command using TPC to activate a proFiler to tell how much time the > Program takes doing a task. Thanks, Luke Try this Unit. Put a ClockOn and it will start timing then when the ClockOff is reached it will tell you how long it took. It's very nice For optimizing pieces of code. } Unit Timer; Interface Procedure ClockOn; Procedure ClockOff; Implementation Uses Dos; Var H, M, S, S100 : Word; Startclock, Stopclock : Real; Procedure ClockOn; begin GetTime(H, M, S, S100); StartClock := (H * 3600) + (M * 60) + S + (S100 / 100); end; Procedure ClockOff; begin GetTime(H, M, S, S100); StopClock := (H * 3600) + (M * 60) + S + (S100 / 100); WriteLn('Elapsed time = ', (StopClock - StartClock):0:2); end; end.