{ Here is a copy of a little program I wrote called WAIT.PAS. It will wait for however number of seconds you wish. Good for BBS batch files & what not. } program wait; uses dos, crt; var out1,out,time1,time2,time3,date1,date2,date3:string[50]; procedure timedate; var ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4:word; year,month,mil,day,dayofweek,hour,minute,second:string[20]; begin time1:=''; { 22:00:00 } date1:=''; { 03/03/88 } time2:=''; { 02:03am } date2:=''; { wednesday, january 25th, 1988 } gettime(ax1,{ hour } ax2,{ minute } ax3, { second }ax4); str(ax1,hour); str(ax2,minute); str(ax3,second); if length(minute)=1 then insert('0',minute,1); if length(second)=1 then insert('0',second,1); if length(hour)=1 then insert('0',hour,1); time1:=hour+':'+minute+':'+second; getdate(ax1, { year }ax2, { month }ax3, { day }ax4);{ day of week } str(ax3,day); if length(day)=1 then insert('0',day,1); str(ax1,year); str(ax2,month); if length(month)=1 then insert('0',month,1); date1:=month+'-'+day+'-'+copy(year,3,2); end; procedure pause(secs:integer); var zit:boolean; zeek:string[15]; x9,y1:integer; begin textcolor(12); x9:=0; zit:=false; timedate; zeek:=time1; while not zit do begin timedate; if zeek<>time1 then begin zeek:=time1; x9:=x9+1; str(x9,out1); write(x9); for y1:=1 to length(out1) do write(''); end; if keypressed then begin writeln; writeln; textcolor(3); writeln('Aborted!'); halt; end; if x9>=secs then zit:=true; end; end; var code,xint:integer; begin writeln; textcolor(15); writeln('WAIT v1.2 - a batch file wait program.'); textcolor(11); writeln; if paramstr(1)='' then begin write('Usage: wait (example: "wait 2" for '); writeln('a 2 second delay.'); halt; end; xint:=0; out:=paramstr(1); val(out,xint,code); write('Waiting ',xint,' seconds... (',xint div 60,' min.) --> '); pause(xint); writeln; textcolor(3); writeln('Done!'); end.