Turbo Pascal for DOS Tutorial by Glenn Grotzinger Part 13: Recursion; system unit commands not covered yet. copyright(c) 1995-96 by Glenn Grotzinger There were 2 simple problems presented...The first one... program part12_1; const maxstacksize = 500; type stack = record elements: array[1..maxstacksize] of char; capacity: byte; end; var thestack: stack; i: byte; ch: char; procedure startstack(var thestack: stack); begin with thestack do capacity := 0; end; procedure place(var thestack: stack; element: char); begin with thestack do begin if capacity = maxstacksize then writeln('**ERROR** Trying to place element on full stack!') else begin inc(capacity); elements[capacity] := element; end; end; end; procedure remove(var thestack: stack; var element: char); begin with thestack do begin if capacity = 0 then writeln('**ERROR** Trying to remove element from empty stack!') else begin element := elements[capacity]; dec(capacity); end; end; end; begin randomize; startstack(thestack); write('Enter a string: '); while ch <> #10 do begin read(ch); place(thestack, ch); end; writeln; writeln; write('The string reversed is: '); while thestack.capacity <> 0 do begin remove(thestack, ch); write(ch); end; end. And now the second one... program part12_2; uses crt; const maxqueuesize = 50; type queue = record elements: array[1..maxqueuesize] of integer; front, back: integer; count: integer; end; procedure startqueue(var thequeue: queue); begin with thequeue do begin front := 1; back := maxqueuesize; count := 0; end; end; procedure incqueue(var thenum: integer); begin if thenum = maxqueuesize then thenum := 1 else inc(thenum); end; procedure place(var thequeue: queue; element: integer); begin with thequeue do if count = maxqueuesize then writeln('**ERROR** Trying to place element in full queue.') else begin elements[back] := element; incqueue(back); inc(count); end; end; procedure remove(var thequeue: queue; var element: integer); begin with thequeue do if count = 0 then writeln('**ERROR** Trying to remove element from empty queue.') else begin element := elements[front]; incqueue(front); dec(count); end; end; var thequeue: queue; int, count: integer; begin randomize; startqueue(thequeue); clrscr; while thequeue.count <> maxqueuesize do begin int := random(1000) + 1; if int <= 50 then place(thequeue, int); inc(count); end; while thequeue.count <> 0 do begin remove(thequeue, int); write(int, ' '); if thequeue.count mod 10 = 0 then writeln; end; writeln(count, ' numbers generated from 1-1000 to get these 50 ', 'numbers from 1-50'); end. Forward ======= Very useful to defeat the fact with the compiler that a function has to be defined above another function in order to use the first function in that second function. Above the function that it needs to be in, say something like: function a(var input: integer): string; forward; Then on down below in the code, you need to go ahead and define the procedure or function entirely, with code. For the header, you would use something like this: function a; Doing this would accomplish being able to use a function defined after a code call of the function for some purpose. Successive recursion using two seperate functions (a calls b; b calls a; and so on and so forth), would be one example of having to use a forward. The $M compiler directive ========================= I described the $M compiler directive back in part 8. Please review it there. Basically, the first number of the compiler directive is the program stack size. It is very important. The default, if the $M is not defined is 16K. The maximum it can be defined to is 64K. You may have to use this compiler directive to increase the stack size so a recursion may complete. If the stack is filled, a runtime 202 error occurs. Recursion ========= Recursion, to put it simply, is the execution of a function or procedure directly within that same function or procedure. It is hard, sometimes, logically to see use of recursion, but when you see a thoroughly repetitive action, recursion could be used. Recursion should be used with a procedure which basically has a small number or NO parameters, since the recursion places a new occurrence of the procedure on the stack, along with those variables. It is quite possible for a procedure to recurse itself upwards of thousands of times. Therefore, you could easily run out of memory in the stack in running your program. Basically, in logic, recursion is the repetition of a procedure as a regular or irregular loop by calling the procedure inside of the procedure, with some regulated terminating code. NOTE: Recursion must be done with relative caution in Pascal. It is really, REALLY easy to shoot oneself in the foot, literally, by use of recursion. It has it's advantages, but since Pascal is unlimited by how, and why you use recursion, versus other languages, which may limit it or not allow it all together. As an example, we will look at taking a factorial of a number. Basically, to use an example, 4! (factorial) is 4 X 3 X 2 X 1. Algebraically, we could see a factorial (n!) as n X (n-1) X (n-2) X (n-3)...(n - (n+1)). Let's try looking at a code example that does it...after that, I will explain the process in detail that goes behind how it works. It's a simple, elegant one line set of code in a function that does all the multiplications for any number we put in there. I will try my best to explain what exactly is going on here in this example of recursion. That, I find, is the hardest thing to see in the concept of how recursion works, is because it is hard to conceptualize how the variables and functions work, in a manner that is understandable. In all of the books I have read, I have not seen an adequate description of the actual logic and action of recursion -- enough to allow people to understand the idea of what is going on. Most teachers I've heard of and talked to, just say what I have already said to this point, and shy away from actually requiring written code using recursion, or explaining code using recursion to enable people to truly understand what is going on. I seek to change those observed facts, by trying to fully explain this example below, so people may be able to understand them sufficiently. I hope this explanation could be the best people have ever seen, and I *definitely* want e-mail and feedback on how well I do in explaining the concepts of what is going on (via showing all variable changes at all points, and order of execution of the code), because it is one of the hardest concepts in programming that I have come across in understanding. (I will also ask for input like this in the part I write later on readdressing pointers) program example_of_recursion; function factorial(a: longint): longint; var c: longint; begin {1} c := 1; {2} if a > 1 then { {3} c := a * factorial(a-1); {4} factorial := c; end; begin writeln(factorial(4)); end. to explain the path of logic in this program in calling the function factorial with regard to the variables, the biggest problem, I think, with understanding recursion -- if you don't understand the main body of the program, something is definitely wrong with you! :> Line #'s are placed in {}'s above this paragraph, and below this paragraph. { call to factorial } {1} a = 4 c = 1 {2} 4 > 1 = true {3} c = 4 * factorial(3); { call to factorial } {1} a = 3 c = 1 {2} 3 > 1 = true {3} c = 3 * factorial(2); { call to factorial } {1} a = 2 c = 1 {2} 2 > 1 = true {3} c = 2 * factorial(1); { call to factorial } {1} a = 1 c = 1 {2} 1 > 1 = false (so the chain of calls ends...) {3} skipped because 2 is false. {4} c = 1; factorial function is 1. { end call to factorial } {4} c = (2 * 1) = 2; factorial function is 2. { end call to factorial } {4} c = (3 * 2) = 6; factorial function is 6. { end call to factorial } {4} c = (4 * 6) = 24; factorial function is 24. { **FINAL** termination of factorial -- return of value 24 } If you check the code, the final value is correct. 4! = 24. Basically, with the layout I used, you can see especially also, why memory (stack space allocated for procedure and functions specifically) runs out quick, and why I say to keep the parameters and local variables for that matter to a minimum.... Recursion can be used in procedures, as well as functions, for any repetitive action. They are just like the function call above, which recursed when or until an action became true. To be able to extend for example, the part 8 dir clone to list and search for files (list all files in all dirs), we would need to add another boolean variable to get permission to run through all dirs encountered. We can re-call the directory list procedure with a regulating if variable of it being a directory. For more practice (I won't post the solution for these ones), you may wish to do this. As another practice, you may wish to try and recode an integer power function (the "simplistic" power function) that I included in my solution to part 7's programming problem to use recursion. Practice Programming Problem #13 ================================ Code a program in Pascal and entirely Pascal that will make a catalog of the additive size of all files in all dirs on a drive specified on the command-line to a text file named FILESLST.TXT. Sample output ------------- c:\>sizelist c: Drive: C C: 131,123 C:\DOS 5,231,131 ... ... C:\UTIL 3,212,985 C:\UTIL\ACAD 131,123 ============= 527,212,122 Notes: 1) The additive end of the listing (under the ='s) is the total size of the files on the drive. You may use the function offered by the DOS unit to check yourself in your addition. 2) The spacing is not exact above. Make it look SIMILIAR to what I have above, but make it reasonably attractive... 3) Use a forward. 4) Be sure to check to be sure the drive is specified EXACTLY like above. 5) Please use recursion for going through the drive (actually, recursion is probably the best way to do this). But, be sure you put the directories in the order listed above. 6) Sizes of subdirectories are not counted in the size of a main directory. 7) Be sure to error-check the command-line. Next Time ========= We will discuss the functions of the CRT unit. Be sure to write comments, encouragements, problems, errors, to ggrotz@2sprint.net.