{ From: ELM MORROW Subj: LOADBMPS.PAS } {$R-} unit LoadBMPs; interface uses WinProcs, WinTypes, Strings, WinDos; function LoadBMP(Name: PChar; Window: hWnd; var DibPal: Word; var Width, Height: LongInt): hBitMap; implementation function CreateBIPalette(BI: PBitMapInfoHeader): HPalette; type ARGBQuad = Array[1..5000] of TRGBQuad; var RGB: ^ARGBQuad; NumColors: Word; Pal: PLogPalette; hPal: hPalette; I: Integer; begin CreateBiPalette := 0; RGB := Ptr(Seg(BI^), Ofs(BI^)+BI^.biSize); if BI^.biBitCount<24 then begin NumColors:= 1 shl BI^.biBitCount; if NumColors<>0 then begin GetMem(Pal, SizeOf(PLogPalette)+NumColors*SizeOf(TPaletteEntry)); Pal^.palNumEntries := NumColors; Pal^.palVersion := $300; for I := 0 to NumColors-1 do begin Pal^.palPalEntry[I].peRed := RGB^[I].rgbRed; Pal^.palPalEntry[I].peGreen := RGB^[I].rgbGreen; Pal^.palPalEntry[I].peBlue := RGB^[I].rgbBlue; Pal^.palPalEntry[I].peFlags := 0; end; hPal := CreatePalette(Pal^); FreeMem(Pal, SizeOf(PLogPalette) + NumColors * SizeOf(TPaletteEntry)); CreateBiPalette := hPal; end; end; end; function LoadBMP(Name: PChar; Window: hWnd; var DibPal: Word; var Width, Height: LongInt): hBitMap; var BitMapFileHeader: TBitMapFileHeader; DibSize, ReadSize, ColorTableSize, TempReadSize: LongInt; DIB: PBitMapInfoHeader; TempDib: Pointer; Bits: Pointer; F: File; BitMap: hBitMap; Handle: Word; DC: hDC; OldCursor: HCursor; begin Assign(F, Name); {$I-}Reset(F, 1);{$I+} if IOResult<>0 then begin LoadBMP := 0; Exit; end; OldCursor := SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_Wait)); BlockRead(F, BitMapFileHeader, SizeOf(BitMapFileHeader)); DibSize := BitMapFileHeader.bfSize - BitMapFileHeader.bfOffBits; ReadSize := LongInt(BitMapFileHeader.bfSize) - SizeOf(BitMapFileHeader); Handle := GlobalAlloc(GMem_Moveable, ReadSize); DIB := GlobalLock(Handle); TempReadSize := ReadSize; TempDib := Dib; while TempReadSize > 0 do begin if TempReadSize > $8000 then begin BlockRead(F, TempDIB^, $8000); if Ofs(TempDib^) = $8000 then TempDib := Ptr(Seg(TempDib^) + 8, 0) else TempDib := Ptr(Seg(TempDib^), $8000); end else BlockRead(F, TempDIB^, TempReadSize); Dec(TempReadSize, $8000); end; if DIB^.biBitCount = 24 then ColorTableSize := 0 else ColorTableSize := LongInt(1) shl DIB^.biBitCount * SizeOf(TRGBQuad); Bits := Ptr(Seg(DIB^), Ofs(DIB^) + DIB^.biSize + ColorTableSize); Close(F); DC := GetDC(Window); DibPal := CreateBIPalette(DIB); if DibPal = 0 then begin SelectPalette(DC, DibPal, false); RealizePalette(DC); end; BitMap := CreateDIBitMap(DC, DIB^, cbm_Init, Bits, PBitMapInfo(Dib)^, dib_RGB_Colors); Height := DIB^.biHeight; Width := DIB^.biWidth; ReleaseDC(Window, DC); GlobalUnLock(Handle); GlobalFree(Handle); LoadBMP := BitMap; SetCursor(OldCursor); end; end.