Program LinePlayScreensaver; { LinePlay.pas - by Mario van den Ancker E-Mail: WWW: Windows 3.x screen saver in TPW. Fully configurable via control panel and with password support. Requires saver.pas and lineplay.res, included below. lineplay.res is encoded with xx3402. Compile this program, copy the .exe file to your windows directory with the extension .scr, and the screen saver will show up in the desktop section of control panel. Donated to the public domain 11/95. } uses Wintypes, WinProcs, WObjects, Strings, Saver; {$D SCRNSAVE Line Play} { This is the name that will show up in control panel. } {$R LinePlay.Res} const cm_About = 103; cm_SetPassword = 105; id_Color = 107; id_PWProtected = 104; id_RadioColFixed = 121; id_RadioColRnd = 122; id_NumLines = 101; id_TimerInterval = 120; White = $00FFFFFF; Black = $00000000; LightGray = $00C0C0C0; DarkGray = $00808080; Cyan = $00FFFF00; Magenta = $00FF00FF; Yellow = $0000FFFF; Red = $000000FF; Green = $0000FF00; Blue = $00FF0000; LightBlue = $00800000; LightCyan = $00808000; LightMagenta = $00800080; Brown = $00008080; LightRed = $00000080; LightGreen = $00008000; NColors = 16; StdColors : array[1..NColors] of TColorRef = (White, Black, LightGray, DarkGray, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, LightBlue, LightCyan, LightMagenta, Brown, LightRed, LightGreen); MaxLines = 25; { Maximum number of bouncing lines } id_Timer = 1; type TSaveApplication = Object(TApplication) procedure InitMainWindow; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; end; { Create TConfigDialog, a TDlgWindow descendant. } PSetPasswordDialog = ^TSetPasswordDialog; TSetPasswordDialog = Object(TDlgWindow) procedure Ok(var Msg: TMessage); virtual id_First + id_Ok; end; { Create TConfigDialog, a TDialog descendant. } PConfigDialog = ^TConfigDialog; TConfigDialog = Object(TDlgWindow) NumLines, TimerInterval: Integer; Color: TColorRef; PWProtected, RndColor: Boolean; Password: TPasswordString; procedure SetupWindow; virtual; procedure cmAbout(var Msg: Tmessage); virtual id_First + cm_About; procedure cmSetPassword(var Msg: Tmessage); virtual id_First + cm_SetPassword; procedure wmDrawItem(var Msg : TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_DrawItem; procedure wmMeasureItem(var Msg : TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_MeasureItem; procedure Ok(var Msg: TMessage); virtual id_First + id_Ok; end; { Create TSaveWindow, a TScrSavWindow descendant. } PSaveWindow = ^TSaveWindow; TSaveWindow = Object(TScrnSavWindow) PosX, PosY: array [1..MaxLines, 1..2] of Integer; VelX, VelY: array [1..2] of Integer; NumLines, TimerInterval: Integer; Color: TColorRef; RndColor: Boolean; MaxX, MaxY, MidX, MidY: Integer; constructor Init(aParent: PWindowsObject; aTitle: PChar); procedure SetupWindow; virtual; destructor Done; virtual; procedure wmTimer(var Msg: TMessage); virtual wm_First + wm_Timer; end; function GetPrivateProfileLongInt(AppName, KeyName: PChar; Default: LongInt; FileName: PChar): LongInt; var Str1: Array[0..31] of Char; ScrLongInt: LongInt; ErrCode: Integer; begin GetPrivateProfileString(AppName, KeyName, '', Str1, SizeOf(Str1), FileName); Val(Str1, ScrLongInt, ErrCode); if (ErrCode <> 0) then ScrlongInt := Default; GetPrivateProfileLongInt := ScrLongInt; end; { --------TSaveApplication methods------------------ } procedure TSaveApplication.InitMainWindow; begin if (ParamStr(1) <> '/c') and (ParamStr(1) <> '-c') then MainWindow:= New(PSaveWindow, Init(nil, 'ScreenSaver')) else MainWindow := New(PConfigDialog, Init(Nil, 'SETUP')); end; destructor TSaveApplication.Done; begin TApplication.Done; end; { --------TConfigDialog methods------------------ } procedure TConfigDialog.wmDrawItem(var Msg: TMessage); var Brush: HBrush; begin with PDrawItemStruct(Msg.lParam)^ do begin if (CtlType = odt_ComboBox) then begin if ((ItemAction and oda_DrawEntire) <> 0) or ((ItemAction and oda_Select) <> 0) then begin Brush := CreateSolidBrush(ItemData); FillRect(hDC, rcItem, Brush); DeleteObject(Brush); end; if ((ItemState and ods_Focus) <> 0) or ((ItemState and ods_Selected) <> 0) then begin InflateRect(rcItem, -2, -2); DrawFocusRect(hDC, rcItem); end; end; end; end; procedure TConfigDialog.wmMeasureItem(var Msg: TMessage); begin PMeasureItemStruct(Msg.lParam)^.ItemHeight := 16; end; procedure TConfigDialog.SetupWindow; procedure SetupColors(ID: Integer; Color: TColorRef); var i, Sel: Integer; begin Sel := -1; for i := 1 to NColors do begin SendDlgItemMsg(ID, cb_AddString, 0, StdColors[i]); if (StdColors[i] = Color) then Sel := pred(i); end; if (Sel = -1) then begin SendDlgItemMsg(ID, cb_AddString, 0, Color); Sel := NColors; end; SendDlgItemMsg(ID, cb_SetCurSel, Sel, 0); end; begin TDlgWindow.SetUpWindow; NumLines := GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Number of Lines', 10, 'CONTROL.INI'); Color := GetPrivateProfileLongInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Drawing Color', Cyan, 'CONTROL.INI'); RndColor := (GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Random Color', 1, 'CONTROL.INI') = 1); TimerInterval := GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Timer Interval', 30, 'CONTROL.INI'); PWProtected := (GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'PWProtected', 0, 'CONTROL.INI') = 1); GetPrivateProfileString('ScreenSaver', 'Password', '', Password, SizeOf(Password), 'CONTROL.INI'); SetDlgItemInt(HWindow, id_NumLines, NumLines, True); SetupColors(id_Color, Color); if RndColor then CheckRadioButton(HWindow, id_RadioColFixed, id_RadioColRnd, id_RadioColRnd) else CheckRadioButton(HWindow, id_RadioColFixed, id_RadioColRnd, id_RadioColFixed); SetDlgItemInt(HWindow, id_TimerInterval, TimerInterval, True); if PWProtected then CheckDlgButton(HWindow, id_PWProtected, 1) else CheckDlgButton(HWindow, id_PWProtected, 0); end; { Respond to pressing About button. } procedure TConfigDialog.cmAbout(var Msg: TMessage); begin Application^.ExecDialog(new(PDialog, Init(@Self, 'ABOUT'))); end; { Respond to pressing Set Password button. } procedure TConfigDialog.cmSetPassword(var Msg: TMessage); begin if (StrComp(Password, '') = 0) then Application^.ExecDialog(new(PSetPasswordDialog, Init(@Self, 'CHPWD2'))) else Application^.ExecDialog(new(PSetPasswordDialog, Init(@Self, 'CHPWD'))); end; { Gets an integer value from a input dialog. If the input text is not a number or the input number is outside a specified range it puts up an errorbox and return false for NoErrors. InputNr is not changed when an error has occured. } procedure GetDlgInt(HWindow: HWnd; ThisID: Integer; MinVal, MaxVal: Integer; var InputNr: Integer; var NoErrors: Boolean); var Str1, Str2: Array[0..12] of Char; CS: array[0..80] of Char; ErrCode, ScrInt: Integer; begin GetDlgItemText(HWindow, ThisID, CS, SizeOf(CS)); Val(CS, ScrInt, ErrCode); if (ErrCode <> 0) then begin NoErrors := False; MessageBox(HWindow, 'Please input numbers only!', 'Error', mb_Ok or mb_IconExclamation); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(HWindow, ThisID)); SendDlgItemMessage(HWindow, ThisID, em_SetSel, 0, MakeLong(32767, 0)); end else begin if (ScrInt < MinVal) or (ScrInt > MaxVal) then begin NoErrors := False; Str(MinVal, Str1); Str(MaxVal, Str2); StrCopy(CS, 'Number must be in the range '); StrCat(CS, Str1); StrCat(CS, '-'); StrCat(CS, Str2); StrCat(CS, '!'); MessageBox(HWindow, CS, 'Error', mb_Ok or mb_IconExclamation); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(HWindow, ThisID)); SendDlgItemMessage(HWindow, ThisID, em_SetSel, 0, MakeLong(32767, 0)); end else InputNr := ScrInt; end; end; { Respond to pressing Ok button. } procedure TConfigDialog.Ok(var Msg: TMessage); var NoErrors: Boolean; procedure GetCol(ID: Integer; var Color: TColorRef); var Sel: Integer; begin Sel := SendDlgItemMsg(ID, cb_GetCurSel, 0, 0); if (Sel > -1) then SendDlgItemMsg(ID, cb_GetLBText, Sel, TColorRef(@Color)); end; procedure WritePrivateProfileInt(Str1: PChar; ThisInt: LongInt); var Str2: Array[0..12] of Char; begin Str(ThisInt, Str2); WritePrivateProfileString('Screen Saver.Line Play', Str1, Str2, 'CONTROL.INI'); end; begin NoErrors := True; GetDlgInt(HWindow, id_NumLines, 1, MaxLines, NumLines, NoErrors); GetCol(id_Color, Color); RndColor := (IsDlgButtonChecked(HWindow, id_RadioColRnd) <> 0); if NoErrors then GetDlgInt(HWindow, id_TimerInterval, 1, 500, TimerInterval, NoErrors); PWProtected := (IsDlgButtonChecked(HWindow, id_PWProtected) = 1); if NoErrors then begin WritePrivateProfileInt('Number of Lines', NumLines); WritePrivateProfileInt('Drawing Color', Color); if RndColor then WritePrivateProfileInt('Random Color', 1) else WritePrivateProfileInt('Random Color', 0); WritePrivateProfileInt('Timer Interval', TimerInterval); if PWProtected then WritePrivateProfileInt('PWProtected', 1) else WritePrivateProfileInt('PWProtected', 0); WritePrivateProfileString('ScreenSaver', 'Password', Password, 'CONTROL.INI'); TDlgWindow.Ok(Msg); end; end; { --------TSetPasswordDialog methods------------------ } { Respond to pressing Ok button. } procedure TSetPasswordDialog.Ok(var Msg: TMessage); const id_PWoldPW = 104; id_PWnewPW = 105; id_PWnewPW2 = 106; var NoErrors: Boolean; OldPW, PWStr1, PWStr2: TPasswordString; begin NoErrors := True; GetDlgItemText(HWindow, id_PWoldPW, OldPW, SizeOf(OldPW)); PWEncode(OldPW); GetDlgItemText(HWindow, id_PWnewPW, PWStr1, SizeOf(PWStr1)); GetDlgItemText(HWindow, id_PWnewPW2, PWStr2, SizeOf(PWStr2)); if (StrIComp(PWStr1, PWStr2) <> 0) then begin MessageBox(HWindow, 'The values for New Password and Retype New Password do not match.' + #13 + 'Please try again.', 'Change Password', mb_Ok or mb_IconStop); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(HWindow, id_PWOldPW)); NoErrors := False; end; if NoErrors and (StrComp(PConfigDialog(Parent)^.PassWord, OldPW) <> 0) then begin MessageBox(HWindow, 'The value for Old Password is not correct.' + #13 + 'Please check your screen saver password and try again.', 'Change Password', mb_Ok or mb_IconStop); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(HWindow, id_PWNewPW)); NoErrors := False; end; if NoErrors then begin PWEncode(PWStr1); StrCopy(PConfigDialog(Parent)^.PassWord, PWStr1); TDlgWindow.Ok(Msg); end; end; { --------TSaveWindow methods------------------ } constructor TSaveWindow.Init(aParent: PWindowsObject; aTitle: PChar); var DC: HDC; i, j: Integer; begin TScrnSavWindow.Init(aParent, aTitle); NumLines := GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Number of Lines', 10, 'CONTROL.INI'); Color := GetPrivateProfileLongInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Drawing Color', Cyan, 'CONTROL.INI'); RndColor := (GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Random Color', 1, 'CONTROL.INI') = 1); TimerInterval := GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'Timer Interval', 30, 'CONTROL.INI'); PWProtected := (GetPrivateProfileInt('Screen Saver.Line Play', 'PWProtected', 0, 'CONTROL.INI') = 1); GetPrivateProfileString('ScreenSaver', 'Password', '', Password, SizeOf(Password), 'CONTROL.INI'); Randomize; if RndColor then Repeat Color := StdColors[1+Random(NColors)]; Until (Color <> Black); DC := GetWindowDC(HWindow); MaxX := GetDeviceCaps(DC, HorzRes); MaxY := GetDeviceCaps(DC, VertRes); ReleaseDC(HWindow, DC); MidX := MaxX shr 1; MidY := MaxY shr 1; for i := 1 to NumLines do for j := 1 to 2 do begin PosX[i,j] := 0; PosY[i,j] := 0; end; VelX[1] := -20 + Random(50); VelY[1] := -20 + Random(50); VelX[2] := -20 + Random(50); VelY[2] := -20 + Random(50); end; procedure TSaveWindow.SetupWindow; begin TScrnSavWindow.SetupWindow; SetTimer(HWindow, id_Timer, TimerInterval, nil); end; { Perform our little animation } procedure TSaveWindow.wmTimer(var Msg: TMessage); var DC: HDC; i, j: Integer; ox1, ox2, oy1, oy2: Integer; Pen: HPen; begin ox1 := PosX[NumLines,1]; oy1 := PosY[NumLines,1]; ox2 := PosX[NumLines,2]; oy2 := PosY[NumLines,2]; for i := NumLines downto 2 do for j := 1 to 2 do begin PosX[i,j] := PosX[i-1,j]; PosY[i,j] := PosY[i-1,j]; end; for i := 1 to 2 do begin PosX[1,i] := PosX[1,i] + VelX[i]; PosY[1,i] := PosY[1,i] + VelY[i]; if (PosX[1,i] <= 0) or (PosX[1,i] >= MaxX) then begin VelX[i] := -VelX[i]; PosX[1,i] := PosX[1,i] + VelX[i]; end; if (PosY[1,i] <= 0) or (PosY[1,i] >= MaxY) then begin VelY[i] := -VelY[i]; PosY[1,i] := PosY[1,i] + VelY[i]; end; end; DC := GetDC(HWindow); Pen := SelectObject(DC, CreatePen(ps_Solid, 1, Black_Brush)); MoveTo(DC, ox1, oy1); LineTo(DC, ox2, oy2); { Erase line. } DeleteObject(SelectObject(DC, Pen)); Pen := SelectObject(DC, CreatePen(ps_Solid, 1, color)); MoveTo(DC, PosX[1,1], PosY[1,1]); LineTo(DC, PosX[1,2], PosY[1,2]); { Draw new line. } DeleteObject(SelectObject(DC, Pen)); ReleaseDC(HWindow, DC); end; destructor TSaveWindow.Done; begin KillTimer(HWindow, id_Timer); TScrnSavWindow.Done; end; var TSApp: TSaveApplication; begin TSApp.Init('Saver'); TSApp.Run; TSApp.Done; end. -----8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<----- Unit Saver; interface uses WinProcs, WinTypes, wObjects, Strings; const sc_ScreenSave = $F140; type TPasswordString = Array[0..63] of Char; PConfigDialog = PWindowsObject; PPasswordDialog = ^TPasswordDialog; TPasswordDialog = Object(TDlgWindow) procedure SetupWindow; virtual; procedure Cancel(var Msg: TMessage); virtual id_First + id_Cancel; procedure Ok(var Msg: TMessage); virtual id_First + id_Ok; end; PScrnSavWindow = ^TScrnSavWindow; TScrnSavWindow = Object(TWindow) CancelPressed: Boolean; PWProtected: Boolean; Password: TPasswordString; EmptyCursor: HCursor; First: Boolean; prevPt: TPoint; PCfgDialog: PConfigDialog; constructor Init(aParent: PWindowsObject; aTitle: PChar); destructor Done; virtual; procedure HasMoved(var Msg: TMessage); function GetClassName: PChar; virtual; procedure GetWindowClass(var aWndClass: TWndClass); virtual; procedure SetupWindow; virtual; procedure DefWndProc(var Msg: TMessage); virtual; procedure wmSyscommand(var Msg: TMessage); virtual wm_SysCommand; end; procedure PWEncode(PWStr: PChar); implementation { Encode a windows 3.x screen saver password string. } procedure PWEncode(PWStr: PChar); var iStrLen, iStrPos: Integer; theByte: Byte; procedure XORProc(byte1: Byte; var byte2: Byte); begin byte1 := byte1 xor byte2; if not((byte1 <= $20) or ((byte1 >= $7F) and (byte1 <= $90)) or ((byte1 >= $93) and (byte1 <= $9F)) or (byte1 = $3D) or (byte1 = $5B) or (byte1 = $5D)) then byte2 := byte1; end; begin iStrLen := Strlen(PWStr); if (iStrLen = 0) then exit; AnsiUpper(PWStr); { Encode forwards } for iStrPos := 0 to iStrLen-1 do begin TheByte := Byte(PWStr[iStrPos]); XORProc(Byte(iStrLen), theByte); { XOR byte with str len } if (iStrPos = 0) then XORProc($2A, theByte) { if pos is first, XOR w/ constant } else begin XORProc(Byte(iStrPos), theByte); { else, XOR w/ position } XORProc(Byte(PWStr[iStrPos - 1]), theByte); { XOR w/ prev char } end; PWStr[iStrPos] := Char(theByte); { store byte back into str } end; { Encode backwards } if (iStrLen <> 1) then for iStrPos := iStrLen-1 downto 0 do begin theByte := Byte(PWStr[iStrPos]); { XOR byte with str len } XORProc(Byte(iStrLen), theByte); if (iStrPos = iStrLen-1) then XORProc($2A, theByte) { if pos is last, XOR w/ constant } else begin XORProc(Byte(iStrPos), theByte); { else, XOR w/ position } XORProc(Byte(PWStr[iStrPos+1]), theByte); { XOR w/ next char } end; PWStr[iStrPos] := Char(theByte); { store byte back into str } end; end; { --------TPasswordDialog methods------------------ } procedure TPasswordDialog.SetupWindow; var MyRect: TRect; x, y: Integer; begin TDlgWindow.SetupWindow; { Make sure Password Dialog Window is centered on the screen. } x := GetSystemMetrics(sm_CXScreen) shr 1; y := GetSystemMetrics(sm_CYScreen) shr 1; GetWindowRect(HWindow, MyRect); with MyRect do SetWindowPos(HWindow, 0, x - ((Right-Left) shr 1), y - ((Bottom-Top) shr 1), Right, Bottom, swp_NoSize or swp_NoZOrder); end; procedure TPasswordDialog.Cancel(var Msg: TMessage); begin TDialog.Cancel(Msg); PScrnSavWindow(Parent)^.CancelPressed := True; end; procedure TPasswordDialog.Ok(var Msg: TMessage); const id_InputBox = 107; var NoErrors: Boolean; PWStr: TPasswordString; begin NoErrors := True; GetDlgItemText(HWindow, id_InputBox, PWStr, SizeOf(PWStr)); PWEncode(PWStr); if (StrComp(PScrnSavWindow(Parent)^.PassWord, PWStr) <> 0) then begin MessageBox(HWindow, 'The password is not correct.' + #13 + 'Please check your screen saver password and try again.', 'Screen Saver', mb_Ok or mb_IconStop); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(HWindow, id_InputBox)); NoErrors := False; end; if NoErrors then TDlgWindow.Ok(Msg); end; { --------TScrnSavWindow methods------------------ } constructor TScrnSavWindow.Init(aParent: PWindowsObject; aTitle: PChar); begin TWindow.Init(aParent, aTitle); PWProtected := False; { For programs which use this unit, but don't } StrCopy(Password, ''); { support passwords. } First := True; ShowCursor(False); { It is also necessary to set the cursor to an empty rectangle, because some windows drivers don't support ShowCursor. } EmptyCursor := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'EMPTY'); Attr.ExStyle := $08; { Screensave 'window' always on top. } Attr.Style := ws_Popup; SetCapture(HWindow); { Get all mouse messages. } end; destructor TScrnSavWindow.Done; begin ReleaseCapture; TWindow.Done; end; function TScrnSavWindow.GetClassName: PChar; begin GetClassName := 'ScreenSaverClass'; end; procedure TScrnSavWindow.GetWindowClass(var aWndClass: TWndClass); begin TWindow.GetWindowClass(aWndClass); aWndClass.hIcon := 0; aWndClass.Style := cs_SaveBits; AWndClass.HCursor := EmptyCursor; aWndClass.hbrBackground := GetStockObject(Black_Brush); end; procedure TScrnSavWindow.SetupWindow; var rc: TRect; begin TWindow.SetupWindow; GetCursorPos(PrevPt); GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow, rc); MoveWindow(hWindow, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Right, rc.Bottom, True); end; procedure TScrnSavWindow.HasMoved(var Msg: TMessage); begin CancelPressed := False; ShowCursor(True); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, idc_Arrow)); if PWProtected then Application^.ExecDialog(new(PPasswordDialog, Init(@Self, 'TYPEPWD'))); if not(CancelPressed) then PostMessage(HWindow, wm_Close, 0, 0) else First := True; end; procedure TScrnSavWindow.DefWndProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin case msg.Message of wm_MouseMove: if (MakePoint(msg.LParam).x <> prevPt.x) or (MakePoint(msg.LParam).y <> prevPt.y) then if Not(First) then { Do not exit on first mouse move. } HasMoved(Msg) else First := False; wm_Activate, wm_ActivateApp: if (msg.WParam = 0) then begin TWindow.DefWndProc(Msg); exit; end; wm_KeyDown, wm_SyskeyDown, wm_LButtonDown, wm_MButtonDown, wm_RButtonDown: HasMoved(Msg); end; TWindow.DefWndProc(Msg); end; procedure TScrnSavWindow.wmSyscommand(var Msg: TMessage); begin if ((Msg.WParam and $FFF0) = sc_ScreenSave) then Msg.Result := 1 else DefWndProc(Msg); end; end. -----8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<---------8<----- *XX3402-002779-071294--72--85-18316----LINEPLAY.RES--1-OF--1 zk2+zk2+A- +o+E++1k+C+0U++++U++++E+++++2++E++++++++2+++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++zzzz+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1+-3 HJ-IKE+k2-E+++++++6++E+U+2+++E+-+1+-+++-+Dw1+Dw-+1+Eu+6++0U++++U++++E+++ ++2+- +++++++U+6+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0+++0+++++U6++U++++6++U+0+ U+++U60++A1+k++++Dw++Dw+++1zzk1z++++zk1z+Dzz++1zzzw+++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++6W6W6W6W6W6W5+++++++++++5Rk++-rQ+++++++++++++++- rRr++++++++++++++++ 06W6W6Q+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1rRrRrRrRrRrRrRrRrRrQ+y6W6W6W6W6W 6W6 W6+5W5+DW6WeW6W6W6W6W6W+- sVk1sW6W6W6W6W6W6W6W6W6Q+y6XzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsW5+D W5++++++++++++++1sVk1sVk++++++++++++++y6Q+y6Q++7+++++++++++DW5+DW5+ ++7++ ++++++++1sVk1sVk+7+7++++++++++y6Q+y6Q++7+7+++++++++DW5+DW5+7+7+7+++++ +++ 1sVk1sVk+7+7+7++++++++y6Q+y6Q7+7+7+++++++++DW5+DW5+7+7+7++++++++1sVk1 sVt +7+7++++++++++y6Q+y6Q7+7+7+++++++++DW5+DW5+7+7++++++++++1sVk1sVk+7+7+ +++ ++++++y6Q+y6Q++7+++++++++++DW5+DW5+++7++++++++++1sVk1sW5RrRrRrRrRrRrRr W6 Q+y6W6W6W6W6W6W6W6W6W5+DW6W6W6W6W6W6W6W6W6Vk1zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzw+++++++ ++++++++++++++1s+++zy+++DzU++1zzk+Tzzw+5zs++++2+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++U++++TwC+2Z1Hosl+1+E3++++++++E+- +0+U 2++-++2+u+6+++2+zkI+EI7DJJE+A-1Q++++U+16U+JY+3++Y+-a++++EK7jRLEUH4ZiNG-E P43t63BXQaJZPW-HMLNZQU+i+2w+B++D++2++++-I6-0OKQUF4JVP02+++c+0+-s++c++U+- ++-EUYldPaIUI4lVSG-HMr7ZNKtnMLNZQU++Dk+q+-++1k+2++A++300GIBDHX2+++c+3U-s ++c+-E+-++-EUYtj68YUAHYtB0-BML7dPm-qMKsUN4Ji623iMqhZQU++0++Y+5U+0U+4++2+ +300FGphMKZgCW-hML7dPo- VQrFmPmtpRa2iPak++Dw3+2B6I3R2+1+Ew++++A++m6+60++E +8s+Hk+++2BcMKtbNG-EMLBnRqxmN++6+2pH63BVPbAUIqJmOKM+-++1+3++1U- Y+++++Z00 7YxgN0-EMLBnRqxmN1c++3E++k-E++s+O++U+63EUE++-++J+3++1U-Z+++++Z007YtZRm- E MLBnRqxmN1c++3E+3E-E++s+OE+U+63EUE++-++b+3++1U-a+++++Z007Z7ZR5ZkNG- CNLQU I43nQrRjQaEu++-I+0Q+I++C+4c+6+0-I62++0M+Ck+c++s++E+-++3EU2x9++-U+1g+8++C ++6++++-I6-1MKtXNKk++Dw3+2B6I3R2AU+k2D++++1++AW+0+U+2+0i+2w+++-1O43iNqIU I43nQrRjQaE+0+-BIm-HMKtn63BZQaZa++E++k-E++s+N+++++7MUWNDP4EUI43nQrRjQaEu +++2+-I+I++C+4I++++0I66aHaJr63-VQrBrPr7YCU++J++J+3++1U-d+0++UJ0-+++2+0Q+ I++C+4M++++0I66aIaJoSL-Z62tZRm-EMLBnRqxmN1c++3E+7k-E++s+OU+U+63EUE++7U+v +0U+1U+-++2++J0+Hog++4++Ck+c++s++U++++3EU2BVPaBZP+++J++1+3++1U- c++U++ZW0 ++1z-E-HFJFJI++k2AM-++1++AW+2-E+8+1A+5++++-AOKtZ63-gMLYUIqJoRL++0+-6NKlq +4s+2++P++k+NE+++63EUE++DU+Y++c+0U-t++Y++30+60+aMk++PU+Y+0U+0U- u++Y++J0+ 7Z7VPaFjPE++GE+V+-s+I+-f+-A+6J03++-i+1A+4k+A+5U+++0-I62+++U+K+-E++s+O++1 ++BEU0NEMLBnRqxmN0- EQaxoNKBoNKE++3c+K++u++s+OE++++BEU0NHNLEUI43nQrRjQaEi 9Ws++7w+0++c++s++E+-++3EU2x9++0T+-c+8++C++6++++-I6-1MKtXNKk++7w+9++c++s+ Nk++++3EU0N-MaxpR+++0++Y+1E+1+-g+++++300F57VRqZiNm+aEqxgPrJm+++2++I+ZU-- +Dzz-k++I6-AOKtZQk++0++H+2U+1+1zzk+++Z007YtpPK7ZQW-jNW-gOKtZQk++-+-A+7M+ 5U1zzkQ++30+I43nQrRjQaEUHr-oOKxiQk++0++q+3k+1+-r+++++Z007ZFdPKJm62ZiR4Jm Ra3g60VhOKlgOLBZMmsd++0c+2c+2U+I+5g++k++I677EoxCAE++zkI+J3ZEFJ-LF++k20I- ++1++AW+-V++A+0g+3s+++-AOKtZ63- gMLYUIqBmNKJi63BVRaJm++U+G4JgRU+T++A+X++c +Dzz+++0I67IO4IUQqBmNKJi65BVRaJm65ZjRG-VQaIURLBdPaQUOLAUQ43nQrRjQaEUQ57j R4JXR4JY9W+UKKxp64ppQrEUR5ZkNG-dPW-oO4IUQqBmNKJi65BVRaJm65-VQrBrPr7Y65Fj 65FpQasUPqNa65FcNG- nMr7ZNKsUQq3qNL6i+++T+0o+8++C+4Q++++0I67EMLBnRqxmN1c+ +2Q+9E-E++s+Ok+U+63EUE++5k-0+0U+1U+- ++2++J0+Hog++4w+EU+c++s++U++++3EU2BV PaBZP+++-E+3+-++2+-g++A++300zkBz+DwD+Dw-+1+EM+++++o+1++0U+-3HJ-IKE+B++s+ +M++GIBDHX2+1E+3++O++230HpJI++o+-E+5U+-1G3-LF++C++I+06++EoVEJoEm++o+-E+7 U+-HFJFJI++D++I+0c++J3ZEFJ-LF+++++++ ***** END OF BLOCK 1 *****