{ Daniel J. Wojcik Brute Force Programming/The Mindless Entertainment Group wojcik@satcom.kaiserslautern.army.mil & The other Windows file-copying routines all use blockread/write. Why? Windows comes with a file copying routine in VER.DLL with access through Borland's VER.TPW and it does more than just copy. This is written as a Unit, but no reason in the world not to use VerInstallFile by itself if you set up the parameters correctly in your program.} Unit WinCopy; interface uses Ver, Strings, WinDos; FUNCTION WindowsFileCopy(Src, Dest : PChar) : LongInt; implementation {****************************************************************************** Function to copy files within Windows. It can also rename the file while copying. As written, it will copy the file, overwriting an existing file unless the existing file is readonly. It will also expand the file if it was compressed using COMPRESS.EXE (like a normal Windows-type installation, i.e. TWEEDLE.EX_ -> TWEEDLE.EXE) The return value can be a number of different things depending on the results of the copy. Check out VerInstallFile in TPW Help for details. The VIFF_FORCEINSTALL & VIFF_DONTDELETEOLD can be changed for different situations. Again, check out TPW Help. The Functions LZCopy and CopyLZFile do the same things, but use file handles instead of file names. I think this is easier. ******************************************************************************} FUNCTION WindowsFileCopy(Src, Dest : PChar) : LongInt; VAR SDir, DDir : array[0..fsDirectory] of Char; {source & dest dir with drive letter} SName, DName : array[0..fsFileName] of Char; {file name without extension} SExt, DExt : array[0..fsExtension] of Char; {extension} SFile, DFile : array[0..12] of Char; {name + extension} TmpFile : array[0..fsPathName] of char; TmpFileLen : Word; Begin FileSplit(Src, SDir, SName, SExt); {get the parts of the original file} FileSplit(Dest, DDir, DName, DExt); {get the parts of the file to copy} StrCopy(SFile,SName); {put the name & extension back together} StrCat(SFile,SExt); StrCopy(DFile,DName); {put the name & extension back together} StrCat(DFile,DExt); WindowsFileCopy := VerInstallFile(VIFF_FORCEINSTALL+VIFF_DONTDELETEOLD, SFile,DFile,SDir,DDir,SDir,TmpFile,TmpFileLen); End; End. { -------------------- demo --------------------------- } {Stupid demo program. Copies its source code to another filename. Everything must be in the same directory to work. Don't blink.} {$A+,B-,D+,F-,G+,I+,K+,L+,N-,P-,Q+,R+,S+,T-,V-,W-,X+,Y+} {$M 1024,0} program CopyTest; uses WinCopy,WinTypes,WinProcs,OWindows,Strings,WinDOS; CONST cm_Start = 101; TYPE CopyTestApp = object(TApplication) PROCEDURE InitMainWindow; virtual; End; PCopyWindow = ^CopyWindow; CopyWindow = object(TWindow) CONSTRUCTOR Init(AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); PROCEDURE SetupWindow; virtual; PROCEDURE CMStart(VAR Msg : TMessage); virtual cm_First + cm_Start; End; PROCEDURE CopyWIndow.SetupWindow; VAR Mess : TMessage; Begin inherited SetupWindow; CMStart(Mess); End; PROCEDURE CopyWindow.CMStart(VAR Msg : TMessage); VAR SrcDir, DstDir : array[0..fsDirectory] of Char; FileName : array[0..79] of char; Begin GetCurDir(SrcDir, 0); StrCopy(DstDir,SrcDir); WindowsFileCopy(StrCat(SrcDir,'\COPYWIN.PAS'),StrCat(DstDir,'\THECOPY.PAS')); MessageBox(0, 'Done', 'Done!', mb_ApplModal or mb_IconExclamation or mb_Ok); PostQuitMessage(0); End; PROCEDURE CopyTestApp.InitMainWindow; Begin MainWindow := New(PCopyWindow,Init(nil,'Windows File Copy')); End; CONSTRUCTOR CopyWindow.Init(AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); Begin TWindow.Init(AParent,ATitle); End; VAR CopyApp : CopyTestApp; Begin CopyApp.Init('Windows Copy'); CopyApp.Run; CopyApp.Done End.